
I believe pol has supplied me with information that allows me to see the world more accurately than most people. However I am addicted to dopamine shots through porn, junk food, vidya, etc. How do I move forward to become an enlightened being and rise above my fellow man using the special knowledge this place has given me?

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If you don't escape, you will die here with us, shitposting forever.

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Your first mistake was thinking that anyone on pol knows what they're talking about.

Christina model if anyones wondering. Shame what happened to her

Give up the internet. But we all know it’s not possible to leave pol, so take a break and see you in a couple years

I mostly lurk. I read here every day. It’s pretty hilarious and offers brilliant social commentary, amidst all the retarded posts of course.


Also if you don't let your mind run free every once in a while you will become a slave of yourself, and ultimately the opposite of what you want to become.

start here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLez3PPtnpncT3FVrZqrLGllGpOf4HXJFh
don't share this link, pls.

what happened to her besides hitting the wall?

Horrible family abuse

i'm wondering too

nvm then

>I believe pol has supplied me with information that allows me to see the world more accurately than most people.
Yas Forums has given you goggles covered in feces. Yet still you can't see shit.

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Thanks fren. Some interesting ones in there.

She had to settle down with a beta

post girls only oldfags will recognize

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Fuck me, the late 90's wants its gif back mate.

provide context in regards to accuracy

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Abandon porn and abandon sugar.

nigger if you took anything other than "shitposting is fun" away from here you are fucked

Learn to say no. The hability to self restraint is what defines if you're a NPC or not.
There is no secret, or magical way to do it overnight. It takes hard and daily work to reach that point. Until you die or lie to yourself enough that you believe your new reality instinctively.

Back in the good old days when "skin touchup" meant bluring everyones pores, so they look like a plastic alien.

but is being in shape and having a wife better than porn and sugar?

you better post boxxy, the lady from frasier or fucking anniston then

whatever frog. i say be a pagan hedonist if that fulfills your ego and you dont become a total shitbag.

Why is she orange? She'd look a lot better if she wasn't tan.

I love how dumb/whitetrash that fucking slut is

because italian riviera fagort

>all this normie shit
be ashamed pekka

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i'd fuck me so hard

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Sun burnt / spray tanned is not attractive.

Enlightenment doesn't come from information or knowledge. It comes from within and from understanding the deepest and most minute functions of your mind and body.

Meditate and reflect on yourself

>then kill mudslimes en masse in christchurch
sound advice tribe nigger

>oldfag thread

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complexion is fine to me but, she is too short


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>inAFTER we fry the cdn with our microcosm of bullshit developed over 2 decades