What's a more politically correct job than the trades

>Walk up to the gang boxes at 445am
>Sullen air of begrugment among my crew of 8
>Malboros are lit, dip is splattering on the floor every 30 seconds or so
>Daquarium breaks the silence with his booming voice
>I look at him, "Seriously?"
>He's serious
>Since the silence has been broken, Martine decides this is a good time to rip a fart, and exaggerates its announcement by lifting one leg high into the air
>"Aye Mamiiiii hehehe Maria cook best food tonight
>He means "last night" and he exhausted all his English is one go
>Okay guys be safe have a good day
>get paid $27/hr to babysit manchildren

Yeah, real fuckin red pilled getting into the trades, retards. Work with literal stereotypes who never made it past 8th grade.

>Imagine being a grown man and getting sent home from work if you take 35 minutes for lunch instead of 30
>Imagine risking limb and injury for $20/hr
>Imagine sitting on the same toilet seat as Martine in a portapotty that has a temperature of 103F
>Basically ass to ass with a spicy spic bumhole
>Imagine being a grown man living paycheck to paycheck
>Imagine "having" to own a truck that constitutes 35% of your monthly income
>Imagine being excited about $1200 stimulus
>Imagine thinking "honest work" has any shred of nobility left
Welcome to the trades.

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>Imagine "having" to own a truck that constitutes 35% of your monthly income

lmao nigga imagine not having a company truck and a company that pays for gas

i don't make 20/hr i make 47/hr

>picked a shit trade

Work for a mech contractor with 2k employees. Average mechanic's wage is $21/hr.

Not "in" the trades, I manage them but maybe I wasn't clear in my OP. Than again, maybe your reading comprehension sucks dick because reading isn't a skill people in the trades usually have.

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>be op
>go into trade
>pick concrete labor or general laborer
>be surprised when working with retarded prison dropouts
I bet you bitch about densglass cause it’s heavy and itchy faggot.

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Actually I picked const. mgmt in college, sit in the AC'd house tho GC rents next to the connex and watch all you tradies suffer while I shitpost.

Zoomers, don't join the trades.

Where do you live?

>I got an office waggie job ordering around general labor mexicans in constructions

real impressed bud

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Oh so you’re the parts guy. Trailer boys make less when they have no experience, that’s why greybeards get the company trucks. Order another biff faggot, John puked all over the seat.

Been on every site. Trailer jockeys have less pull than framing leads.

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oh no bud he knows the trades in n out cause he made eye contact with some concrete framers once

yo whatup

>he works with people
independent contracting is where its at.

>>Imagine "having" to own a truck that constitutes 35% of your monthly income
>lmao nigga imagine not having a company truck and a company that pays for gas
Former field tech here, got paid to drive 4 hours out of 10 hour day, company car, company fuel card, company per diem card, all hotel and travel expenses paid by the company. Too bad a multinational conglomerate bought out the company fired all the in house techs.

Nah, I’m a career framer turned safety guy. Don’t forget your vest nigger.

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>safety guy
LMAO imagine being proud of having a womans job you sure your dainty wrists can handle handing out those ear plugs

>even the burger office buildings are made out of fucking cardboard

holy lmao

Lol I make 21 an hour to walk around and load unload wafers in a semiconductor fab. The boomers there make almost 30 an hour

nigger thats concrete framing

Can yours?

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looks like someone lives in a shithole state

That’s prefab wood framing on a 400 unit building in Minneapolis. Non builder detected.

Imagine ur safety guy is a trap

I work in a warehouse. Have good talks with a black coworker occasionally. Nice guy.

I work with CNC automation not construction desu

I think you went into the wrong trade user. I went with welding and I work with a bunch of dead on lads.

Tradies perform important work but let’s not pretend that these GED retards are capable of intelligent discussion. How did you not foresee that your coworkers would be morons?

So a limp waisted white collar desk jockey?

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No, I work for a milwright firm that services CNC machines

>>get paid $27/hr to babysit manchildren

Tell me how I can do this.

Same. Pretty chill actually. Dude went out of his way to remember my name and talk to me despite the fact we dont work together and are not obligated to talk. He has a gold tooth and is a complete gentleman.

Also this is a high test thread only. If you dont come home with dirty hands and aching feet you need to go else where

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Ah, so the monkey wrench. Well at least you follow direction well. Good job reading the manual.

Your not wrong OP but than again your not right
>Daquarium breaks the silence with his booming voice
>I look at him, "Seriously?"
>He's serious
fuckin kek

I'm a mason I can confirm. I ran a couple of union jobs, the foreman was a brain dead retard most of the time. All the guys there are running the clock. I shaped up two crews in a week, fuck this job. I always have to be a hardass to make these fuckers do their job.

You forgot to mention the health hazards.

being a broom boy or a laborer isn't a trade, its bitch work. my boss are structural engineers and i build there shit for them and call them out on their shit that doesn't make sense.

t. welds metal together all day and works on his own

Those guys aren't tradesmen. They're day laborers who got lucky with a steady paycheck. Meet an electrician or a boiler maker and your opinion will change.
>Hurrr they told me to get into trade work so l started drywalling

if reading the manual was all you needed they wouldn't subcontract bud

25 year old rodbuster here it fucking sucks being the young built guy that's in good shape but at the same time I relish it. Worked with illegals brought over from the coyotes to blue gums from Mississippi. Fucking pieces of shit all rodbusters are. I'm the only one I've seen that doesn't drink or so drugs and ice worked in NYC, Vegas, st Louis, Columbus, WV, Indiana, all over.

Me at my trade job
>literally all but one guy is mildly redpilled
>shittalking Somalis, Walz, corona lockdown
>coworker asks if im buying more guns with my trumpbux
>say "if this lockdown doesnt end itll be fertilizer and a van"
>most of guys in break trailer chuckle
Trades arent redpilled or cucked, you just live in a cucked area

What kind of name is that?

Back when I was starting out I was building steel buildings in North Dakota for a family friend. Got in good with the welders and the “engineers”. Love you lot but for fucks sake stop huffing o2.

Hi CNC bro what parts do you make, I make medical implants

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Trust me, you're still doing better than IT niggers that can be replaced in the blink of an eye by one of the billion poos.

you might be fit now but don't break your back trying to prove how strong you are. And wear your god damned backbrace greenhorn

Stop bitching. Still better than working RETAIL.

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That’s all an education is, a manual. If problem x =y then z.

He means Martin, hispanics pronounce it "MahrTeen"

Whats up faggotssssss

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Can always work as a cook instead if you want, I make $18/hr. Much less of a risk of injury, though it does exist. Mexicans aren't much better than the Negroes, however, and sometimes you gotta work with both.

Can you like fuk off and let me do my job instead of bitching about me using a 4 foot ladder and wanting a working at height permit and a safety harness attached that takes 2m to deploy when im only 1m off the ground

I don't make parts, I fix the machine that makes the parts

Sometimes it's swapping out a burnt relay and doing fuck all and sometimes your fucking around with a megger and a meter all day, I should really get my electrical ticket since I do that more then milwright work but whatever

>Imagine sitting on the same toilet seat as Martine in a portapotty that has a temperature of 103F
>>Basically ass to ass with a spicy spic bumhole
Quit using the porta potty at the same time

Hey, at least I’m lax. I don’t give a fuck as long as you’re not less than 6’ from the edge and all openings are railed.
>career framer turned safety guy

elevator constructor lookin ass