Why is he so fond of everything soviet? is it because he's a kike?

why is he so fond of everything soviet? is it because he's a kike?

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 8.63K)

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it's because he gets lots of eastern european pussy

And clicks

Yeah almost every single vid is some new little soviet shithole. i guess because he speaks russian so feels comfortable there. the videos of him in the bolivian outback were pretty kino though. it's almost like he has a death wish.

He speaks fluent local dialects so he can get around easier... plus it's cheap as fuck to travel if you are just doing what he is doing.
Also, it's different from you usual vloggers going to some Asian dump where it looks like you're deep in Camobia or some shit, but in the tourist areas of Taiwan.

young women are cheap their


Its a joke. He doesn't actually like those places. It's just a place you've never seen so it's a working model. You watched it didn't you?

Something isn't quite right about his channel and the immediate traction his videos received. Him and harld... the algorithm recommends those videos a little too much.

Some one check the audio and see if there's anything weird.

Oddly long captcha

soviet union was run by kikes

I love the big bold bastard Ben.

Who's this Andy?

I’ve been to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia. There is something about the former USSR that is magical. It’s kind of a dump, but still I feel a constant urge to return.

>I don't like these answers so I'll act out like a child.


I collect soviet shit. I don't know why I like it so much. I was born in the US, to parents whose great great grandparents were born in the US. It's got a weird patina, and I love it.

Hes alright at lwast isnt a pretentious cunt showing off touristy bits, feels more authentic. No cuts no edm music in the background just a lad and his cam watlzing through the never cared for areas of the world

ok glownigger

he and xiaoma are my favorite channels right now, though I wish xiaoma would go to bumfuck nowhere in china like baldy does in russia

loose/cheap women and ability to speak the local language fluently plus jewish utter lack of morals or tact or decency

How tf does b&b have any connection to the mossad, cia, etc? If anything he’s pulling people away from the Jew owned tourist spots like Paris, Barcelona, and all the other Western European spots.

He mainly like soviet buildings and most people do because brutalist architecture looks impressive.

Also, the former eastern block has a forbidden appeal for boomers who were children in the cold war.

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uhhh because collecting stuff is cool?

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>ok glownigger

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just saying maybe his fascination with everything soviet stems from the fact it was kike run

It's pretty much the urheimat of the white race

He's a brit and the UK is also run by kikes... at least in the soviet union they still had pogroms something that has never happened in the UK.

If that was his motive he would suck EU cock


>He's a brit
he's a (((brit)))

Correct, and it still is

I believe it's not a soviet thing per se, it's way more a Eastern Europe thing. The region itself is fascinating with fascinating history. The Rus were fascinating, the Cossacks, the scythians, czarism, Orthodox faith and mysticism... everything there is fascinanting!

I forgot the ((( )))

Ok malik

real name Benjamin

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Really Baldy is an MI6 subcontracter, spying for the British government, to find out exactly what level of resistance the average Gopniks will put up when the 'New Model' British army send in their coveted Travestitte and Islamic Brigades to mount a ground invasion.

Attached: globohomNow.jpg (446x508, 38.58K)

He's from Russia apparently and came to England as a kid in the 90s so he's obsessed with Soviet shit. I remember a poster here from Belarus claimed he paid a 15 year old girl there for oral sex. Also most likely some kind of glow nigger or spy

Attached: law man.png (474x550, 143K)

Mate the guy is a fucking hipster bloke from Brighton, whose business went broke - not everything is DA JOOOOOOS - but I can see why you think that.

No, his ex was a gold-digging Russian whore.

eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread

he is massive slavaboo trying to get third world slavic pussy.. which is funny because NFKRZ has said several times he hates slavaboos and yet they did a collab video together.

Its hilarious how often he trips the jewdar and people ask him again his name and where hes from