Brit/pol/ - Bouncy Choons Edition

>!!!!!! Social restrictions 'to remain for rest of year' !!!!!!

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Nadiya Husseins willy

That's right

>Social restrictions 'to remain for rest of year'
just saw the link and im fucking crying

Are Eathan

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>however they throw cold water on any idea that lockdown restrictions will be fully lifted in the summer or even the autumn.
>A vaccine and drugs are unlikely to materialise until next year and until then some form of social distancing will be required, according to Prof Whitty.


Not bouncy but very Yas Forums
It's pretty much enoch powell set to a folky tune

chuff chuff chuff chuff

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If they say we have to wear masks to go to the shop next they can fuck off


im fuming

She has nice eyebrows

the god damned MI5 is going to drop songs in this thread to distract their prey the sad toothless brit faggots who will cower in their shitstacks for years to come

I can tolerate that to a degree lad. Im kitted up like a fucking bandit. Black gloves, thick black bandanna that covers the bottom half of my face and ill wear my baseball cap with my hoodie over it. I can walk into any shop looking like im tooled up and ready to rob a drug dealer or something and no one bats an eylid - in fact it is encouraged.
Its weird but the novelty of that makes it more tolerable for now. Plus if someone coofs iv got my mask on and I wont breathe in their filthy germs.

like a steam engine. chuff chuff chuff chuff

They won't say that yet as they can't supply enough for RNHS yet let alone the UK population.
People will be walking around with pants on their head

Show us more of your horrnby lad.

are ya fewmin likea steam engine lad, chuff chuff chuff chuff

the next cunt i see dressing up like a mad LARPer like you is getting fucking coughed on

Ethan with an a

You better be shoplifting with that kind of get up, perfect opportunity now.

Get yer trains out lad

You coof on me ill fookin batter you son

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no you wont

FFS I've got 15 mutuals with this guy

Nah thats scummy as fuck lad. Im matey with a lot of the local shopkeepers round here. You dont rob from your friends or people trying to get by.
Robbing off scum is a different story though...

POOP POOOOP chuff chuff chuff chuff

Yes I will. Drop you before you could even square up chief

Thats absolutely based pikey. He's a gem.

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To the person who said they wouldn't trust me answering questions about marxism because this is a "cuck song".
First, I don't agree with all this fascist masculine bullshit about cucks.
Second, the song is about a peasant sleeping with a lord's wife, so how isn't that marxist?

mon then

chesters road bearsden g61 4ah

Are you ready Dee?

This summer!

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Fairs if its local stores, but being honourable about not taking what you want/need from big chain stores is just leaving money on the table
He looks like a retarded mutt and tweets too much asinine rubbish

Esoteric Grug Nationalism

i wanna show u wat im caprable of

Which ones? There's a lot.

Like, a lot.

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This>> It's the future m8. No space for humans.

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I was typing this reply in the last thread but it slid off the board.

Lancashire Cotton Workers did not refuse to work with slave-picked cotton. You're making that assertion, so it's up to you to demonstrate it, rather than me to find an online source specifically stating that your particular made up assertion is false.

I'd say read more on the subject, but the main, possibly only work on popular views on the American Civil War in Lancashire isn't the best. It's been bloody years since I read it, but Mary Ellison's book on the subject, 'Support for Secession' relied too much on newspaper editorials and things like the Manchester statement you linked to gauge levels of popular support. But pre-polling it's very hard to make assertions as to levels of support for a position amongst the population at large. You have indications, but they aren't necessarily to be relied upon. For example, in a hundred and fifty years, someone could use statements from present day trade unions to make assertions as to what the working class thought about, say, trans rights, when the unions possibly aren't even in tune with the majority of their own members. She also undermined her arguments by trying to use geographical trends in newspaper editorials to create pictures of support based on prevalent industries, but included cotton towns in her examples of non-cotton town editorials, but I appreciate I'm just waffling on now. Think she asserted that the strongest support for the Union was actually in wool-weaving towns, based on newspaper editorial, but again it's been well over a decade since I read the thing, so I could well be misremembering bits.

I've got to go to sleep, mate, so we'll probably just have to agree to disagree. Night night.

Any of the airgun anons in here from the previous thread? Looking at getting this, any thoughts? Looks pretty badass for the price. 11.5 ft/lbs.

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What audiobook should I listen to? I like sci-fi action horror dystopian or utopian

you dont know how to fight mate

Won't be this Summer lad

Take a pic of your train setup if that's ok? Sounds comfy af.

i could use a dream or a genie or a wish

Oh God Almighty
Why? Me too maybe

Agree to disagree, I'm not going to argue with you if you're not around to defend yourself. Nan night.

somebody take me back to the days

Mate these takes are so damn hot the rozzers are outside my house.

>bunch of trees and an old peoples home in glasgae
The fuck kind of location is this cunt? Post your proper address then once this gay lockdown is relaxed, the nonce hunters can come and humiliate you for interfering with children on omegle you fat pathetic nonce.
Even on valium & hypnotics you are utterly intolerable you know that. Your only purpose it like a living stress ball that I can vent at from time to time. Be happy you have a purpose lowly creature, no matter how pathetic.

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theyre tay-in are footy away

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im not eddie you spastic

Is this your first air rifle? If you want a decent cheap one look up a qb78, co2 powered and can get close to 12 (you can go way over if you tuned it but behave yourself you cunt).

But gas ram break barrels are incredibly nice, up to you really, they don't have as much kick as a springer and good for hunting.

One cannot go back, only forward

I dont know who the fuck half you mongs, nor do I care are but I wish you would just fuck off.

Tripfags and namefags need to be gassed.

you keep me stuck in your head like i'm your favourite tune

Where do you like to holiday, in Italy?

I had a few in my teens but nothing serious. Just cheap sub £200 ones.
>you can go way over if you tuned it but behave yourself you cunt
Really? Wow, didn't know that. Is it easily done? Also, what are the main differences between gas and spring rifles? I guess they're both capped at 12, so are there any advantages to one or the other? I like the look of that QB78