How come Yas Forums and every new right wing eceleb goes hard against israel and the jews instead of the alphabet agencies?
For example, the groyper wars had people bringing up the USS liberty, an incident over 50 years old, to attempt to point blame at israel. In fact, most of the groypers issues lied solely with race issues and jew hating.
Are the jews the scapegoat? are we being misdirected daily by the feds to hate the jews? It seems like every thread on Yas Forums that talks about ruby ridge, waco, or OKC get's archived before it even hits bump limit.
Yes, glowniggers are to blame for a lot. Most of it ends up being tied to chosenites. Not to say theyd be good, but without chosenites, wed be able to focus on them instead of muh diversity just like in the union days with economics
Liam Lopez
It just feels like 90% of the new right leaning movements never take off because they're so laser focused on the jews that they're instantly ham-stringed. They can never take off the ground to normies.
It almost feels like we're being lead to the wrong conclusion so we can never take off. Meanwhile there are people in power to this day who were in power during Ruby Ridge and Waco, but those events are never mentioned. We have clear ammunition to get rid of jews without saying it's because they're jews, but it's not being taken advantage of.
Angel Carter
Because jews control the alphabet agencies. What about Zionist Occupied Government is so hard to understand?
Camden Murphy
>Hasn't heard of Five Eyes >Hasn't heard Israeli intelligence is synonymous with US intelligence >Didn't know AG (((Barr))) is the one who worked to grant immunity to feds from Waco and Ruby Ridge >Omits that guidance on 'domestic terror' policy originates from ADL
>Barr spent two weeks organizing former Attorneys General and others to support “an FBI sniper in defending against criminal charges in connection with the Ruby Ridge incident.” Barr also “assisted in framing legal arguments advanced… in the district court and the subsequent appeal to the Ninth Circuit,” he told the committee.
This is something that people should be rising up against; why did horiuchi get immunity at all? Does this really mean less to Yas Forums than muh jews? this is something you can actually go out and campaign against without being branded an anti-semitic and getting your life ruined.
Anthony King
It's also a question of subtlety. Screaming IT'S DA JOOZ! immediately turns most people off, but naming the jew (like pointing out when an organization is Israeli-backed) without explicit judgement establishes an associative pattern in the reader's mind. I'm convinced a lot of Yas Forums is JIDF goading stormfags into looking like violent idiots to keep up their victimhood status. Seems like it's working too.
Austin Diaz
Kike thread.
Gavin James
You are misled. Imagine blaming China or Israel for the mess right now. Its been in the works for decades. You think its bad now? wait for the Fall. The spike in cases will cause a total economical crash, no freedoms and world war. Just a heads up, there is no virus. Its fake, never was never will be. Bioweapons are real, but they usually melt your face off or kill you in hours. This is a flu and anyone who coughs before dying is counted towards the "corona deaths"
>How come Yas Forums and every new right wing eceleb goes hard against israel and the jews instead of the alphabet agencies? guess who's behind the alphabet agencies
there always seems to be some sort of thread always pushing an anti-jew agenda. and look, i don't like them either, but it's almost like it's a programmed thing. They're programming us to have one thing to hate and telling us to look into the holohaux, meanwhile actual atrocities on our own soil get memory-holed.
Waco, for example, had our own congress argue that muzzle fire from a video feed was not guns firing, but instead reflections from the sun. When the documentary team went investigating, they found that they had flashbangs marked as "silencers"
This is the shit that people need to be talking about. Chuck Schumer was on TV literally saying "we didn't start the fire" when most likely they did burn those 30-50 women and children alive.
But it's not even like it's ever mentioned. The groyper shit has only ever talked about jews as being an enemy, but never mentioning glowniggers.
I think Alex Jones is probably the only e-celeb that has talked about this shit but he's gen x. it's like there's this huge generational gap where millenials and zoomers have absolutely no care or worry at all about the glowniggers.
Isaiah Reed
>hello fellow white people, it’s me Mr. Shekelsberg
Fuck off kike
Ayden Richardson
welp my thread was successfully slid and will soon be pruned. didn't get any real conversation out of it and was only called a kike. Great guise you have there, feds. maybe one day we'll have our own horiuchi that will shoot your wives in front of you.
Levi Anderson
>tfw no qt glowing gf
Ethan Turner
Because you attack a weed at it's root. Thats why.
The jews are openly bragging they are genociding us! Their own hubris has become totally undeniable.
it goes back to stupid religious mumbo jumbo starting with Jacob vs Esau, and continuing with jesus, etc. It is then further expanded upon by their rabbis reading more obscure texts *talmud etc*.
Their rabbis are quite clear. They must 'fix the world' [genocide whites] who they equivocate with essau. They are Jacob in their stories. In their stories Essau is wicked and has always held the pure and intellectual Jacob back - that is why God told Jacob that he should enslave Essau, who is more strong and warlike.
Or whatever. It is basically applicable to any host group a parasite attacks. Every group they oppose ever in time has been Essau - and this religious fervor combined with hatred and supremacy is why the jews are contunually and repeatedly ejected from host countries that at one point counted the jewish people as close friends. Over and over this history repeats for good reason when viewed through the critical lens of rationality vs religion.
>How come Yas Forums and every new right wing eceleb goes hard against israel and the jews instead of the alphabet agencies? HMMMMM WOW BIG THONK THERE
Ayden King
Superior Jews are replacing inferior whitoids as nature intended. I dont see anything wrong here
Kevin Bell
Yes. Nature intended for a small group to use propaganda and extortion to genocide another, much larger, much less psychotic group.
Yah.. If you want to see what nature intends, keep pushing. Keep becoming more loud and proud about the genocide you have comitted which is already half over.
See what happens. I am a leftist and I am fully aware of what globalization represents: genocide. Others are not far behind me. I spent days in jail protesting the Iraq war (2) and with OWS.
The white guilt has almost run out. Keep telling 22 million unemployed people it is "racist" to want a immigration moratorium.
Keep it up geniuses. 110.. It is visible now off in the distance.
Because it's not le jooz. Le jooz have been infiltrated, as has many many of our "trusted institutions". By what. You may ask. IDK. But it sure begs the question.
I don't disagree with you at all. That image is sickening. But at the same time, they are the most protected class of all. I feel like there is no younger movement of anti-government and now all movements that are right leaning, at least that emerge from Yas Forums, go for the jews as one of their leading points. It has to be a small gradual thing, you can't simply immediately attack the jews and expect to go anywhere.
I'm not even saying not to attack them either, but Yas Forums could be making concerted efforts to make waco and ruby ridge relevant again instead of just being memory-holed
Evan Wood
It most certainly is the jews. They have been pushing this same genocidal take-over-the-world (tikkun olam) bullshit for centuries.
It sucks they have a lot of hard to discern collaborators and equal partners, but they are the visible group who took it on themselves to completely dominate our media and turn it into a mouthpiece of genocide against us.
This is all super easy to discern and many people must already fully understand it. It turns out the secret of the world isnt that secret. They have been bragging openly about it for centuries in general and decades in particular.
Pic very related. And I wish it wasnt the case. There is of course many wonderful jewish individuals. They are likely not involved in media, finance or academia though, so are safe.
I do not advocate violence, by the way. I am very much in support of the use of the Human Rights Tribunals laws, if not actual body, as well as RICO, anti-corruption and anti-nepotism and related laws.
We can build new prisons. Or we will do what soros wants and empty some prisons to make room for this new globalist class of prisoners.
>Americans only It's like you cunts think you own the internet
Nathaniel Jackson
So I agree fully with you. Part of why Yas Forums is cathartic is that you can name them.
In reality, of course, jews are not actually to blame, per se. In reality the jewish loxism surely is the reason globalization has taken the form partially of a genocide against white people, but many others are just as involved. Jews in the media however have taken a special glee in openly bragging.
In short, approaching this as a issue of economic justice and making the argument that social justice is invalid in the face of the statistical reality of the situation must be done.
Simply demanding an end to immigration on economic terms, with a very narrow focus on just that is one possible approach. There is organizations claiming to be doing that, but they do not treat it like it is: a direct action in the street protest battle, just like the first workers rights movement.
This is a new workers rights movement. We need to forget partisan issues and focus entirely on the plain facts of immigration and economics.
It is galling there is now entire university departments and 'fields of study' devoted almost entirely to reinventing history as a tool to demonize white people in order to allow their replacement by 3rd worlders.
Could go on and on.. So I make these posters.. Sort of cathartic, a little.