For the extremely red-pilled only

Most humans do come evolve from animals, but around 6,000 years ago some entity/God genetically engineered the human phenotype that we see around the world today known as aryans in mesopotamia. I don't know if what did this was God but i'm sure this happened.

The question is why and for what purpose would an extraterrestrial entity genetically engineer a specific race on earth and then leave without a trace?

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try 300,000 years
there was disagreements and their home planet is on an elliptical orbit
now insect aliens want to turn us into nanomachine borg ant people
yet... consciousness dictates the outcome and the gods are soon to return

the gods seeing our species and deciding to give us a boost is no different from a human picking a nice apple from a tree. Sometimes, things just 'are'; and we have to deal with it.
Whether it was Enki or Marduk doesn't matter, out lives are our own.

That's pretty much what I was gonna say. But also, don't follow the Babylonian perversion of the Sumerian Enuma Elish. Which explains in detail, btw, why Enki created mankind.

Are you gonna provide ANY evidence?

>a trace?
there are plenty of traces in very old locations lost to time.

Do you know what mythology is you fucking idiot?

What the fuck are you saying

Not originally from their/it's hands though

There are too many huge jumps in the skull shape in the past 4 million years for it to be Darwinian selection alone. Whatever spliced the DNA to make cromagnon was a fucking million year jump instantly. It’s just that modern academia won’t consider anything else but OoA which is genetically proven to be bunk. The field of genetics completely shits all over boasian anthropology and I’d be willing to bet that there are geneticists out there with data available that they won’t even publish because their career would be instantly ruined. Essentially at first they said neanderthal was the direct common ancestor for all modern humans but then they found Hs that were around at the same time. This is where they had to make up the crazy completely impossible out of africa theory where massive absolutely impossible changes happened in only 70k years. Now the official narrative even from Harvard is waves out of africa but introgression into africa from eurasia. Essentially all modern anthropology is kiked by those like boas and they deny any evidence that would make niggers look less human even while there are mountains suggesting this. If abos or sub saharan were just bones found in the ground they wouldn’t be considered Hss.

It was more than a creation myth. They talked about man being created as slaves for the Gods to build the city of the Gods/grow food/mine gold/etc. It read a little like an episode of a sci-fi show where the Gods used their magic to combine a God and an ancestor into the first man, sounds like genetic engineering. After a while, the Gods took a man to teach like they would a God and to live with Gods. He eventually returned and led man to revolt using the Gods 'magic' against them. After the Gods were gone man had no purpose to live. So civilisation was created to give man a new purpose, this being the creation of cities of man.

I can't provide direct evidence but I can provide circumstantial evidence like the fact that all Aryan groups or groups that have a connection to them share the same story of creation, like a flood and a man that sent out a raven when it was over.

here is some evidence

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Also rh negative blood and prognathism. There are so many holes in current anthropology that they try to patch up with magical super fast acting Darwinian selection that straight up ignores all racial differences besides skin color. It really is a religion in modern academia.

>The first surprise was the vast percentage of the human DNA that is inactive. These genes carry the blueprint for the structure of our entire body. What is very puzzling is the fact that Homo sapiens, as the supposed pinnacle if civilized evolution on this planet, should have such large parts of unused DNA. We seem to have the longest DNA molecule among all other species, but we use the smallest part of it in proportion to the other species. In other words, all the other creatures use much more of their DNA than humans do. Some species use as much as 98% of their DNA.
> Here are some examples of the predictions for total number of genes in species.
>Fruit Fly 21 000
>Zebrafish 50 000
>Chicken 76 000
>Mouse 81 000
>Chimp 130 000
>Human 68 000
Can you see the problem here?

Just continuing on what user was saying.

Yeah dude the crazy thing is that just a few years ago I was the hardcore establishment appeal to authority redditor until I got really deep into this stuff. There’s a reason that leftists need “skin color” to be synonymous with race so badly. If it happened to be millions of other little things that are impossible to change in just 70k years time then the jig is up. They rely on line towing academics and an ignorant populace that likes to appeal to feel good emotions like equality. Go look at the timeline that the first upright walking bipedal apes cane about compared to where homos just spawned out of thin air relatively speaking. It really doesn’t make any sense at all and I don’t claim to have the answers. What I do know is that it wasn’t pure Darwinian evolution. The “missing link” is literally like 30 missing links if you want the timeline to remain consistent for how fucking fast the entire homo line came to be. Also, literal cromagnon from 28kya are closer to modern euros than modern africans and yet one is Hs and the other is Hss. At this point it’s just denial of genetic evidence. I can see a world where genetics is straight up banned study if we really do become a one world dystopia. It’s literally the forbidden knowledge field at this point.

I agree that something created the human race as a whole but more recently, something else came around genetically engineered it more in the mesopotamia region.

>New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye colour of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today

>The "switch," which is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 does not, however, turn off the gene entirely, but rather limits its action to reducing the production of melanin in the iris -- effectively "diluting" brown eyes to blue. The switch's effect on OCA2 is very specific therefore. If the OCA2 gene had been completely destroyed or turned off, human beings would be without melanin in their hair, eyes or skin colour

nooo. Orbits do not work properly - unless you have a different theory about how seasons and orbits work.

>leave without a trace
You seem to have some things confused. I'll do my best to help you out here. It was not extraterrestrials that created the aryan race. It was (((extraterrestrials))) that destroyed all of the knowledge and progress mankind made to the best of their ability, instituted an entirely new sort of religious system completely different from anything before, and have been covering up everything they have done and continue to do ever since. There are still traces, but they are quickly destroyed or "debunked".

Look at the way media glorifies akhenaten to have disrupted everything before him and bring glorious "gifts" of monotheism, and there is practically no mention what-so-ever of those who tried to rebuild afterwards what was destroyed. Look at how even most "pagans" today still ramble on about the sun and light at every breath just like any abrahamic religion. All the "illuminati" eye shit, which has deep symbolism having to so with the sun, murder, resurrection, and more. All that they show us is just one half, an act to keep us out of balance and bluepilled.

Good luck on finding the truth without some serious digging. There is a reason Kemet has many parts completely banned from the public eye, even though most things were destroyed thousands of years ago. Now we even have people being fed we wuz kangz. Look at the schnoz on this dude and tell me the slope is not a jew feature.

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what happens shortly after this time period is the rise of civilization as we know it.

Attached: mesopotamian timeline.jpg (400x300, 24.29K)

>The question is why and for what purpose would an extraterrestrial entity genetically engineer a specific race on earth and then leave without a trace?
If you really had read Enuma Elish and other SUMERIAN texts you would ALREADY know the answers.

Genesis Chapter 5:18-24
>18When Jared was 162 years old, he became the father of Enoch. 19And after he had become the father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. 20So Jared lived a total of 962 years, and then he died. 21When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah. 22And after he had become the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with Godc 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23So Enoch lived a total of 365 years. 24Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God had taken him away.

There is a Book of Enoch that was omitted for from the Bible for some reason.
It talks about the fallen angels lusting after daughters of men and creating angel-human abominations called Elohim. The story of Noahs flood is God washing the world clean of the Elohim. Another source of some odd older stuff related to the hybridization.

Poor Enki, locked in a planet with his OCD brother ENLIL.
He tried to warn the guinea pigs about his brother's intentions, thus ruining AN experiment.

It's a long 3,600 year orbit
Read, Immanuel Velikovsky

More like his son Marduk

Humanity and civilization has been around far longer than what your taught there are no magic sky wizards just things lost to time

Did you know that your stupid superstition sounds just as stupid to all the other stupid superstitious idiots who have different stupid superstitions?

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3 big phases of war.

Insect demons destroyed by chopping down the huge trees.
Draconians were destroyed by atlantians in a mutual destruction war.
Anunnaki and giants were destroyed by the flood.

Get fucked space kikes and demons.

I’ve wondered about this from time to time. Cro-Magnon just showed up on the coasts of Western Europe in several waves, and then the bulk of Aryans spread from the Black Sea/Caucasus Mountains after a massive flood at the end of the Younger Dryas period.
Where did they come from? All of the current migration hypotheses don’t make any sense when considering the timeline. I’ve read theories about Atlantis, and I was skeptical at first, but it has become more plausible to me. Could North America have been Atlantis?
I just find the burden of evidence is quite high for intelligent extraterrestrial interference with the human genome. Lloyd Pye was a crackpot, but he provided some curious evidence of such genetic editing.
I need more evidence to heavily consider it.

And pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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>Plato's vague indications of the time of the events—more than 9,000 years before his time[7]—and the alleged location of Atlantis—"beyond the Pillars of Hercules"

this is definetely the americas

aryans evolved out of africa like everyone else.

earliest modern humans were virtually purely homogeneous, just as chimpanzees and all animal species are.

the dynamic psychological/sociological dynamics that formed within humans lead to the transmutation of facial muscle geometry, and the division of tribes splintering onto differing transfiguratory evolutionary pathways.

and the aryan pathway is the healthiest branch to stem out of africa..all the way to scandinavian where the MASTER RACE incarnated.

meanwhile, JEWS are the worst evolved race.

and AFRICANS are simply the less evolved race.

there's no aliens.

the freemasons are human garbage who exploit every question mark and unknown of human history to fill it in with some bullshit that works for the benefit of their control grid.

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Why are there tons of hieroglyphs of that one bag. Same kind in mesopotamian and Egyptian. There's a pic of the supposed val thor and a guy is carrying a bag exactly like those glyphic bags. What's the deal with that? Did they know what they were doing?

augh he cuthis baws off. why?

I think you are the only getting fucked through neuroimplants, bot.



Scared kike? your demons got fucked by humanity.


Literally nobody believes in OoA anymore. It’s physically impossible.

Hey man can you give me a book list please. I am currently reading Passing of a Great Race by Maddison Grant.

Gods created mankind after a revolt of lesser gods Igigi[Overseers], were their leader Geshtu-E[Listener] was killed, his body meat grinded and admixed with spit of Igigi, then this mass of genetic material was addedto a catalist material made of clay [rich in aluminium oxides] and put in a lab to " ferment".
The resulting "backed" organisms were the mankind.

What fags? Read a book. I don’t claim to know what happened. Nobody does, it’s just the modern story is impossible.

Erectus walks among us to get that race realism evidence really driven into your head.

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they were wiped out due to a cataclysmic event and the survivors created a slave race to rule. they eventually died or were wiped out by their own creation. the slaves then ruled the lesser humanoid species and enslaved them.

to create more life

we're at the end stage now
we'll all be turning toward the light/good side of things through a forced awakening where we'll then be welcomed into the federation

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What books or sites do you recommend to read up in summerian texts?

This. 100%

Neanderthal aka kikes race mixed with atlantians.
That’s why cro magnon appeared and wiped them out fast.
Europeans have a small Neanderthal gene because of that.