/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #10

>184K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 people die every year

>muhh exponential broooo
Been below the peak for what, 19 days? Lmao

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.



>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,646,202 / 57,104

>Tests show postive for ANY coronavirus, not just COVID

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing McBurger

>cant even finish one general without starting another
astounding how little traction you retards have when you cant spam 20 posts a thread between 5 people

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That's literally /cvg/ too though hahahaha, and you faggot have bots helping you.
Go back lmfao

Two more weeks guyzzz

why you so jelly? why are all the cvg faggots coming here? are you feeling threatened?


Listening to Dr.Shiva should be mandatory before posting here

What PR firm do you work for, the "fuck without fear one"?

>Weber Shandwick(Interpublic Group)
Weber Shandwick’s eye-catching consumer work and its pioneering digital capabilities have received the most attention in recent years, as the Interpublic-owned agency has outperformed its peer group, but the healthcare practice has arguably been the most consistent performer in the US, recording double-digit growth in recent years (including 2017, when the rest of the business fell victim to the industry’s slowdown) and reaching a point where it now accounts for about a quarter of Weber Shandwick’s North American business.

>The story last year was one that combined both longevity (50% of the top 20 clients have been with Weber Shandwick for more than a decade, including Roche Genentech, Gilead, Merck, and Boehringer Ingelheim); healthy organic growth (Merck, Lilly, Sunovion and Daiichi Sankyo); and impressive new business performance (Sanofi Regeneron, Illumina and — most notably, perhaps — Novartis).Beyond those leading pharmaceutical clients, the practice also works with industry trade association PhRMA, Merck for Mothers, and The International Fund for Agricultural Development (leading its hunger and malnutrition efforts).

>President of global healthcare Laura Schoen, an 18-year veteran of the firm, has built a formidable leadership team that includes New York health practice leader Jamie Dowd and Frank Orrico (one of 16 PhDs on the full-time staff) who leads Element Scientific Communications, the specialist science team. And with 500 team members, Weber can deliver an astonishingly wide range of work in the healthcare sector, from efforts to strengthen the connection between GSK Consumer Healthcare’s Excedrin brand and headache sufferers to the bold “F*ck Without Fear” safe sex campaign for the Los Angeles LGBT Center...


Chad /NBG/ making
>based boys gape their maw
>trannies miss dilating schedule
>paid glowies crawl out of the woodwork
just two more weeks and we can all take the mark of the beast

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This is a good thread


all of you selfish faggots should kill yourselves. Your "freedums" aren't more important than the lives of millions of americans. I hope you all go to jail.

ikr it's sad. Even with their vast network of shills they can't even keep this kike thread bumped.

OP, add this video to your links


>4/19/20 Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker >COVID-19 Press Briefing
>“The definition of people dying OF covid, means >that at the time of death, it was a covid positive >diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had >three weeks to live, and then got covid, that >would be counted as a covid death, even if you >clearly died of an alternate cause but had covid >at the same time, that is still listed as a covid >death, everyone who is listed as a covid death >does not mean that was the cause of the death >by they HAD covid at the time of death”



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So you'll be taking the mandatory vaccine with no complaints I assume?

>Your "freedums" aren't more important than the lives of millions of americans
Oh, you poor bootlicker

I hope to god they make it mandatory so retards like you will be forced to take it be executed. Sadly they probably won't make it mandatory in america because of "muh freedoms! the gubberment shouldn't be allowed to for me to take medicine!"

Yeah yeah Nothingburger confirmed. The question is what are they hiding?

I don't think this thing is as serious as they're telling us.

This real my nigga?


>not being selfish and understanding that in times like this strict government measures are necessary to save millions of lives makes me a bootlicker
call me whatever then retard. I just hope you know the majority of people hate faggots like you and you will pay for your crimes against humanity.

are you really this behind? its the mark of the beast, and yeah im not joking

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Yes, it's the Chicago task force and the Governor

That's because you haven't read the literature. It's okay.



>Be medical student
>Medical school closed
>Sent home to shitty abusive parents
>Muh "we're so overwhelmed"
>Shitty parents go to hospital for dad's shitty lung
>Hospital empty
>Ask doctors and volunteers I know
>Hospitals empty
>Nurses have time to coreograph, record, and edit tik toks
>Lecturers have time to set us daily assignments and grade them (required but not contributing to final grade and not based on core examinable knowledge - dumb specialist level shit)
>Meanwhile I get shit tier education over Zoom while my parents argue louder than my headphones can block out in the next room
>mfw nothingburger killed my essential become-a-doctor education for no reason and all my lecturers are in on it for a little holiday
>mfw the career I chose to support my community and promote optimal health is a sham

>its a crime against humanity condemning humanity to eternal degradation and slavery


Most based general on Yas Forums right now.

I bet you're one of those "healthcare heroes" who let all the praise get to their heads

Two scoops

two terms

two moar weeks

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Reminder: all cvg art sucks.

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>sweden is the only major country with no mandatory lockdown measures
>sweden is also the country that hates their native population and wants them to die and replace them with shitskins
really makes you think

fuck off faggot. stay under your bed with mommy and nothing will happen to you

>Seething /cvg/ cuck
Why are you spreading this deadly virus through the internet? Follow lock down orders or you'll be arrested.