How long until the riots break out everywhere?

>forced lockdown for over 3 months now
>no socializing allowed
>nothing to do but sitting around all day
>every day is the same
>nothing to look forward to but more lockdown

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i'm looking forward to piling some money up, I'm making almost $300 more than I would be at work and I've been high for like 2 months straight. I hope this lasts forever

I'm doing fine Catching up on all the PS4 games and doing the trophies.

>China accidentally releases unfinished bioweapon.
>Because of western nanny-states and baizuo, It's even more effective than they could have hoped.

im ready for the chimpout. I might go and watch from a distance to really take in the anarchy. I live in Dallas and our animals are getting stir crazy.

Same /bro/, glad I'm getting some of those sweet gibs before the boomers can bankrupt us

I wonder if this was deliberate

>4 policemen killed

>tfw I was in quarantine all my life


I got a $3k bonus for the changing of my work roster. Not bad though it should be more because it's us putting our lives at risk for the economy.

i got my check today, so it can happen tomorrow for all i care

I work at walmart, I didn't get a vacation

Should become a security guard, I all I did today was dick around on a golfcart.

>Be me
>Be high schooler
>Holidays come, we’re in lockdown
>All my friends game all day
>Mfw my Eastern European mum finds me work to do all day and limits me to one hour gaming each day

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Do you want me to distract your mom for you?

Same here. I'll actually be able to pay off my student loans with coronabux.

In the USA only democrat states are the problem!

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Hey Aussie. We got your back man. We'll distract her for ya.

Democratic governors.

How's that dumb cunt in Michigan?

corona bux are fucking based, getting double dole cunts, tennants on me

All these non-essential garbage-tier humans having a hard time sitting at home? Real men are still working, providing for our families. We don't sit around playing vidya and cooming, you degens.

Get a real fucking job and stop sitting around taking gibs. At the least build something. Do something for Christs sake. Non-essential plebs...

you fucking parasites go get a job

If people would actually adhere to the protocols, the lockdown would be over soon.

Apparently it’s too much to ask people not be pricks for 4 weeks in a row.

i live in the suburbs of NYC and it's the same here. one here was on line behind me at a supermarket cursing under his breath calling everyone a motherfucker and complaining abt his mask and how slow everything was. next trip i'm going to a supermarket in the rich area next town over.

this website is for 18+ only

dumb frog poster

>non French/non white

nothing new under the sun, not a happening

>explosive coctail
>a fucking burning cardboard box
kek viva la France!

If we all chip in to defeat the Kaiser, income tax will be repealed soon.

Apparently it's too much to ask people to not be pricks.

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Which one of you MK Ultra faggots was supposed to kick off the boog but got high instead?

not long. soon enough some crazy police cunt will do a big mistake and then its going to snowball everywhere around Europe. in a flash.not long. summer is going to be hot user

The French will riot on a good day. It's just what they do.

kill yourself larper

Depends on where you live.
In some places where people aren't allowed to be "normal" especially considering it's spring and summer's approaching in the N. hemisphere, you'll see a rise in suicide, crime, public disobedience, drug and alcohol abuse, and a greater falling out of society. Then in turn, those places that locked down are going to be clamoring for gibs to satiate the problem, trying to demand more prosperous and free states pay for cityfaggot gibs and embezzlement funding.

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Video games are for children. Grow up.

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they're already saying they want to extend it to the end of the year
the longer it goes for and the more violent the resistance gets the more rights everyone will surrender
Bill Gates is a fucking maniac but he's not stupid
remember this when you're getting your chip, I mean digital certificate of vacination

right when the public sentiment looks like it will boil over, a (((breakthrough))) to help people in lockdown will happen that will placate them enough to delay anything tangible for the next month.
rinse and repeat until we go full 1984 and people just accept the microchip to go consoom

not going to happen.

If lockdown is still in effect when summer rolls around and the heat waves start to hit, niggers will start burning cities down for sure.

Eastern European women are literally THE FUCKING WORST HUMAN BEINGS ON THE PLANET. I really truly pity any man who gets stuck with one of those leeches, really do. What an absolute unending hell it must be to be married to such ungrateful, money-grubbing, materialistic trash.