"Stay at Home" Order Protest

BOISE, Idaho — Sara Brady, a 40-year-old Meridian woman was arrested on Tuesday after she and a large group of men went to a closed playground to perform a group sex act, refused to leave and Brady told an officer to arrest her "sweet ass". Sara Brady was charged with misdemeanor trespassing, indecent exposure, and prostitution. Brady was booked into the Ada County Jail at about 5 p.m. Tuesday. She has since been bailed out.

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media terrorist will be dealt with accordingly

Lol I live here

I thought she went to the park with two of her kids to let them play and the officers arrested her? Did I change timelines?



>starring ann b davis as alice

They are arresting moms and releasing murderers!

All part and parcel of having a globalist coup pulled on your nation.

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Bahahahahaha close but i like your lies. Spiced it up.

>Sara Brady was charged with misdemeanor trespassing, indecent exposure, and prostitution.


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>after she and a large group of men went to a closed playground to perform a group sex act

She deserves the death penalty. Degenerate whore

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I wonder how many black people she hunted before her arrest. Tough to cage hunt mule deer....or pronghorns. More fun to shoot unarmed humans up in cornhole land!

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yes timeline change happend some time in the past 24hrs

were you at the gangbang


disgusting coomer degenerates. Should be locked up like this whore desu.

>after she and a large group of men went to a closed playground to perform a group sex act
Jesus fucking christ. Not sure if I'm disgusted, jealous or just confused...

Link so I can confirm the negro-ness of the participants plz.

Sounds like you missed out on a fun Tues night!

>OP writes fake news article headline
>woman took kids to public park against stay at home order
>was arrested
>but hey, let's make shit up for Yas Forums!

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This is fake you retards. She was arrested for refusing to leave with her kids. She's an antivaccer too

She looks good for 40 though


Women should be put under a permanent "stay at home" order.

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Post the millepied of democrats or Is the file to large


There goes my Nofap streak. She is White trash Hot.

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>went to a closed playground to perform a group sex act
Ah yes, the mendacious jew.

She's pretty attractive, like most rightwing sexy babes

People like this do this shit for bait. They do it so the media will write shit about them to make the right look bad. She probably got paid.

He ya go m8

s m h, Cops are tools of the State Faggots!

For once, a female in a mugshot who doesn't look completely psychotic.

oh don't let them fool you. It is the truly psychotic people who can appear neurotypical.

This lady is based af. Fuck the fat cop faggots that arrested her for essentially no reason.

Check out this faggot
Cant tell if you're a homosexual or a muh purity spiraling faggot who never steps foot outside.
Put some make up on her and shes probably better good looking than your favorite bbc taking pornstar, faggot

Exactly. OP is a true faggot.

Actual video of incident: reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/g65lwp/pack_of_karens_told_to_leave_park_locked_down/

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The 1st Bio-financial weapon to ever be produced and targeted to take out deadbeat debtors... youtu.be/5QNdJuHZv5E youtu.be/WVW_ojMziNY youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I youtu.be/s_UNtWPS8dc