Apologize to Bill, Yas Forums.
Apologize to Bill, Yas Forums
Inb4 retard conspiracy fags
inb4 astroturfing Bil Shills.
He's right. He just wants to help people
Fuck you idiots for ruining his life
Fuck you tony hawk
Shut up Bill you genocider.
It was I, the four chan.
You have just been fucked by astroturfers; because you can't even discern if there are any wounds.
Lunatics? Sir, I am schizophrenic and resent that allegation.
Isn't releasing the coronavirus based? Why did we hacked him?
>you're conspiracy theorist, you have no proof to back up your claims, y'know besides all of those emails you hacked
>but we'll say it was Yas Forums without a single fucking shred of actual evidence
mr. gates swings by /pol on occasion. were it not for his billions, i suspect he'd be a full-fledged user
But the chip part user, that's the fucked up part, oh and the 3d radiowave scan array from the 5G network. That's scary.
that poor pie chucking lad was probably retaliated against in the most surreptitious and menacing way for decades.
I love how they say we did it when USA Hackers openly says it was them. no one here can hack, we are all shitposter nazis, remember?
I hope not..it's actually possible and very scary because of that.
Go to therapy
>ebic bread
Where da proof tho?
Yas Forums is always right.
He's a globalists piece of shit tranny of course he released that shit
>Dan K.
None of you are as smart as you think you are.
>Hacked by Yas Forums
I feel like some of the sentiment against him is hyped up by our special friendly tribe in the media to shift suspicion away from themselves. However were is the evidence him trying to genuinely help people. Maybe he just wants to look good or has other motives.
Holy fuck, could this be the end of Yas Forums. Onions Bill is not a goy to be trifled with.
>some old passwords that don't work were reposted by a larping faggot
The state of fake news.
Reminder that the real bill gates problem is ID2020 where he wants an ID inserted in you that points to a profile listing everything about you like what vaccines you've taken. This is the real issue the jews are trying so hard to distract from.
First he needs to apologize for every version of Windows after Xp
Fuck u nerd, I know you are lurking in this boards u faggot
>help people
Help people by vaccinating and feeding Africans until there's 4.5 billion of them by 2100.
>poor bill gates ;_;
Did the collective west forget about Windows 10, WMP, Xbox, Zune, and other microsoft bullshit over the years?
Who likes Bill fucking Gates?
>rrod's your immune system
nothing personal, kid.
ya you're just witnessing the birth of a fabricated news
That was the moment he decided to destroy humanity
fake news
didn't realize my own strength
Ending up in the news means something is confirmed.
he should be ashamed of having a shitty security measure for the gates foundation and Yas Forums didnt hack them.
these journos are so dogshit.
>they all think the article is real
>journos think we care what we think of ourselves
This. Look at how happy he was just moments away from a disaster
I didn't comment on the article, faggot.
He should have installed that last windows update i suppose.
>Who likes Bill fucking Gates?
WHO likes Bill fucking Gates!
los culiaos locos hackiaron a bill gates xddd po hermano
How the fuck is the founder of Microsoft going to get hacked?
Oh wait, he was just a kike that stole windows and never actually did anything himself.
show flag, faggot.
The hacker Yas Forums is unstoppable.
Sorry Fucking Bill, hete dime ass for you
Rich cunt could at least get a decent haircut
Kek willst it.
>1 post by this id. no link. no archive. apologize. infamous hackers man incel Yas Forums did this from mommies basement.
Kys OP
yeah dude cause making the mark of the beast is helping people.... this dude is the antichrist
Apologize for Windows Vista on first
Learn english
I think it's just another natural false flag that got blown out of proportions.
That's how subversion works, basically. You take enemy's mistake and feed into them leading to more mistakes.
Then there's that satanic grandma, although I think that's just billy being larpy again.
Those fucking idiots with their masonic and satanic larping will unironically fucking hang should any form of revolution happen. Don't they understand that? Why would they intentionally alienate the people?
He wants to link your body to his crappy virus prone software with his questionable implants and nano implants made in China. He is a Technocrat and globalist want to overthrow the government and function on cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency are just as bad as Microsoft they take the money and run
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Wait a second, whos headline is that? Surely BILL GATES is not saying "lunatics" wrecked his IT defenses like they were nothing at all
No virus for you today, ride safe
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