If communism doesn't work, and is destined to fail, how comes that in cuba and china it's working perfectly?

If communism doesn't work, and is destined to fail, how comes that in cuba and china it's working perfectly?

Serious thread, if you're going to answer, make an actual answer with data, and not just your "muh, capitalism beTtEr SyStEm eVer" that is common among you right wingers.

Attached: communist-countries-overview-1435178_FINAL2-2d1932314ea14f93904d11691cef8bb1.png (1333x1000, 429.38K)

Define "working perfectly"

China is not communist.


North Korea isn't communist. Juche gang unite!

If there is something bad in how it works, is because of the imperialism that the capitalist pigs of the world hold over the countries that tries to be fair with everybody. Not a fault of the communism itself.

Shut up, capitalist pigs.

You're not a capitalist pig. I can respect your opinion, but please, try to expand your point of view a little more, so I can understand it.

China isn't communist and its an Orwellian police state. Cuba has good literacy and decent healthcare but its people are still impoverished and they still imprison political dissidents.

Vietnam is the least shit of the lot of them although its not really communist either.

Attached: Tianamen Square 1989.jpg (990x654, 179.61K)

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Whites only, get out Argie

It works when you have competent and selfless leaders. Castro is probably the sole example of this, being that he banned any imagery, monuments, and symbolism of himself and banned the CCP from advertising.

They aren't. China is at best Leninist which is characterized by a massive overbearing government that brings about socialist policies. Yes, the goal in the long run is to transition towards communism. However as was seen in Russia and China, that transition never happens since the people in charge of the government don't really want to lose that power by moving towards a stateless society as Marx envisioned.

And all these countries are literal shitholes.

Except China but only because China is not communism.

You're a stupid sand rat. Enjoy the gutter faggot

>not a shithole

yeah maybe inside major cities it might be so, but most of china is really 3rd world

Juche is the system in the DPRK. It's a complicated system that is very restricted, but its not communism.

Juche is the system in the DPRK. It's a complicated system that is very restricted, but its not communism.

I accidently quoted myself.

Have you visited those countries? Working perfectly? Life is absolute shit for the majority of people.

China is not communist, you are an actual fucking retard if you think that. Read a book.

Cuba is socialist, and it's a literal fucking shithole, KEK. 90%+ poverty rate, deficient public services, no Internet, food rationing and shortages in almost every sector. Not to mention that the only reason Cuba is still standimg is because of the billions we've given them in aid.

Argensimio retrasado de mierda.

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Attached: chink beating.webm (352x640, 2.86M)

Spend some time in these countries and decide for yourself.

>Be Cuba
>can't get a vehicle made after 1959
>can't get necessary medications
>can't even get prescription glasses, need to get donated ones from first-world nations
>can't leave when you realize it's a shithole
>be China
>be in Wuhan
>get barricaded in your home or frog marched off to the gulags for being exposed to virus
>never be seen again

Yoooo wtf
But at the same time don't pretend like wealthy people from your leafshithole ain't buying those organs.

>Cuba and China
>Communism Working perfectly.
Because they are able to control their population for the most part and prevent them from revolting or attempting to revolt. Look into history it'll make sense. look how long it took Russia to break free of communism and how high it went before it crashed. It lasted longer then China, NK or Cuba has existed in their current forms Also Cuba is water locked and on island nations it's actually able to administer Communism.

define perfectly?

You are a fucking retard if you think that Cuba is a successful example of comminism

Neither China nor Cuba is communist you absolute retard, and besides no country (especially those) work perfectly. China is "state capitalist" and Cuba is "socialist" though they are starting to move back towards state capitalist.

Why do people who don't even know what communism is advocate for it? The literal definition of communism is "stateless and classless" neither Cuba nor China fit these criteria. Communism has never existed.

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That video reminded me of the disposed fetuses in your shithole's illegal abortion clinics.

why is baby on ice?

How’s the quality of life for those people in those countries?

No i That communism is easier to adminster on a island. I should have added Enforce their laws too. When your people have to escape by sea it limits the number who flee. I didn't say it was Successful I just said it hadn't completely broken up yet.

You make us look worse than we already are