Did you ever let your powerlevel slip around normies?

powerlevel reveal story thread

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I get to the edge often, but no, not yet.

>muh jews and niggers
>ehehehe power level
you're literal subhumans

I once watched a movie with a normie

I just started saying things as the movie went on about the symbolism and the propaganda and social programming.

You could see him get more and more visibly disturbed as the film went on. Like this hidden world was being opened that he didnt believe was real yet was obviously in front of him. Totally mindfucked.

The next day i see him, and he goes I spent all night on the internet looking for stuff about that movie, but i couldnt find anything.... what the fuck?

I just said yeah, they dont really allow truth on the internet. But theres a place, where in hushed laurels it can be spoken. And that place is called reddit.

hi shlomo

Anyone who didn't grow up spewing redpills unknowingly is a NPC, they needed a new command to change thought. I see a lot of NPC's who come here and become
"based and redpilled" they just learned 13% does all the crime and that is it.

One time I got drunk and spent like an hour explaining to my mother how jews did 9/11
I'm pretty sure I talked about the holohoax too I don't really remember
She has yet to ask me about any of it

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My mom knew all the time, she never snitched on me. She’s jewish.

All the normies read this shit now and filter it out to social media. Now I just pretend I've never heard of anything they talk about, get with it

>You could see him get more and more visibly disturbed as the film went on. Like this hidden world was being opened that he didnt believe was real yet was obviously in front of him. Totally mindfucked.
No he was just annoyed that you wouldn't shut the fuck up, you dumb plebbit faggot

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Gross, Redditfags are terrible IRL, they only come in 2 shapes

My dad got into a Facebook argument with some fat black women who work in healthcare and he used the, “despite being only 13% of the population” argument. I’m so proud of him!

How many redditfags do you know?

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I slowly and methodically made my lefty cal tech graduate girlfriend a race realist through pure debate alone. Women actually get turned on if you don’t falter from your beliefs and have confidence and the data to back it up. She is high iq though, normal chicks probably still would have sperged out. I’ve also gotten drunk with friends and have had debates over the same thing but in the end they come to have a neutral view on it. Just don’t come off as a retard and know your shit and you’ll be fine.

Stated in a English class than women duty was to take care of children while men should work.

Even when I was younger and didn’t even get into anything political I used to notice things that people said that didn’t sit right with me, even before looking up the datasets or reading books. At like 15 my friends would always debate me on how women and men are exactly the same besides physical appearance, it just didn’t make any sense to me. We would always argue about shit like the differences between men and women before I even knew what Yas Forums was. It turns out my gut instinct was right all along. What you say is true. You have to have little cracks form in the meta narrative come by yourself if you will ever truly be redpilled.

The one type are edgy cannibals who channel this energy in homosexuality, they want to kill themselves.

The other type are control freaks who hack people or anything they get their hands on to get perceived control over a userbase or other group. They do not want to kill themselves because they never ever give up.

There’s no inbetween and this is all Reddit is.

I dared to say that Ben Shapiro dick sucks isreal too much and we should stop giving them 36 billion dollars every year once and I was accused of being antisemetic

Not exactly. But I'm past the point of giving a shit. If you knew me in real life you could connect the dots but the thing is that no ones figured it out.
The problem is I'm pretty charismatic and likable so I guess that's why people cant see under that

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>reddit spacing

Group of people at work were talking about 4/20. I have long hair and look like a stoner bro, I guess. One of them says
>”user! Jessica doesn’t know what 4/20 is! I know YOU know.”
>everyone looks at me
>”You mean Adolf Hitler’s birthday?”

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That’s just sloppy.

I've done it several times. It feels like I'm Patrick Bateman every single time, I drop some omega level red pill into a conversation and nobody reacts

Did literally the same thing and then had a conversation about supply lines and how toilet paper was hard to get even though we live in a non-wartime country that isnt being currently invaded. Slowly transitioned into how that led to the deaths at concentration camps and not gas. Good thing I had the foresight to pretend to be jewish so they just think I'm a jewish conspiracy theorist and not an EVIL ANTISEMITE.

Dude holy fuck. Same. I cant count how many times its happened

Huge family reunion sized Christmas party last year, a few hundred. Hired a Santa with real beard and all. Parents were to bring a gift for their kids and put in Santa’s sack. Each kid would be called up, sit on his lap and open the gift and have pic taken. Family is about 50/50 party split and my teenage daughter loves Trump. I bought her a MAGA hat (she had always said she wanted) and wrapped it.
As he takes gift out of sack and calls her name, I get nervous but mainly for her. She was ecstatic when she opened it, but there were dozens of gasps. Santa got the biggest grin on his face and loudly HOHOHOed, hugged her and tile her she was his favorite and “God Bless You” after a big hug.
Conservative half passed the hat around, each making remarks that it was nice, American made and original just to rub it in. Liberals near suicide all day.
Have pic if needed proof, but was fantastic.

Yeah one time I got pretty drunk and was staying with a friend who has jew roommates that were watching some new movie. I couldn’t help it and went on a verbal tirade on them and Jews and etc you get the rest. I’m not allowed back in that place

Yep. I was on about month 3 of keto and went out with my pops and uncle to a bar. If you dont know, when you are on keto, you get drunk fast... like really fucking fast. So I started drinking like I did before keto and by my third double Jim Beam on the rocks, somehow we started talking politics. Both my pops and uncle are your typical liberals, grew up poor but in a nation that was majority White - so, though they didnt have it easy, they still had it better than we did. Before I knew it, I was explaining how America was a White nation built for White people etc. Though I vaguely remember the conversation, I remember the night ending with my dad paying the bill and telling me I sounded racist and me telling him how they help create a nation that their grandchildren will be viewed as evil. I ended up apologizing to them both, not for what I said, but for doing it in public. I believe everything I said, but that was the day I realized that debating is pointless and you cant force redpills.

Also, my uncles brother has race mixed niece. Good times

Lmao this is me too. I don’t even hide my views at all, but most people are too npc and fucking dense so they don’t absorb what I’m saying

Omg like literally kill yourself kikeniggerfag

I got really drunk with a girlfriend and rambled about the Weimar republic and all kinds of shit
I think it was too much at once and she tuned it out
Also debated a nig about police shootings at a table full of people on a bar patio.. he couldn't control his emotions and acted like he wanted to fight but I didnt back down and he didn't do shit

In this particular incident, that’s what I was going for. I’d rather be awkward Nazi than the token stoner bro.

>The problem is I'm pretty charismatic and likable
sure you are bud
>be (you)
>be autist
>sperg out about some random unrelated subject in front of your family, causing an awkward silence
>come to Yas Forums and brag about how redpilled you are

Oh also, on the ride home, I explained to them why I changed a carrer where I worked for over 10 years making close to $100k/year, because I was working on creating propaganda for Jews. Even my cousin brought this up a few weeks later and I started him on his redpill journey, but only because he wanted to know why I dislike the Jew. He now has Mr. Bond - Nazi Gang on his iPod. So, not an entirely fruitless power level reveal

My friends when I was in college just think I'm a based libertarian/conservative and get mad props for pissing off feminists on campus

oh wow you guys are so cool

Is this true? What's the point of pressing enter once, if it doesn't do any formatting? And what if you want to skip a line? You have to hit the enter button 3 times?

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Been in many fights and arguments with hysterical npcs, always happens when i have too many beers but i rarely drink.

>be (you)
>kike faggot
>put on your meme flag and try to put out fire with gasoline
>2 shekels deposited to you account

>revealing your powerlevel

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nigger hypocrisy


This is me at my wifes family Christmas's.

That's "markdown" formatting