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There's no way anyone can refute what he said.

Hes so done

Capitalism is not providing those essential jobs, what do?

the real issue is that the government, refusing to let them work, also apparently have no plan in place to help the people out
if they uinronically just voided bills and shit until jobs are reopened nobody would complain
that is how you know this whole thing is a scam, he would rather try becoming lefty trump (and failing BAD) than actually figure out a plan beyond the next 24 hours
t. Queensfag

He is so lucky nigs love gibs and white cucks hate Republicans or other parties.

Hahahaha, I may have found a reason to like this guy!

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Nigga looks like a starwars character

You'd like to believe that, but the number of stupid people in this country is staggering.

Start calling bernie bros and sjw non essentials

He’s not wrong but young lefties are seething at this remark. Young people don’t vote though so it doesn’t matter

Thats an understatement. After Corona-Chan I am sure you could convince Americans the sky was purple if you got enough news sites to say its so, and Google to block anyone who says it isn't so. To watch this go down is one hell of a mindfuck for someone who is woke.

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where can I get an essential job?
fill stocks at the supermarket mayhaps
maybe with my supreme skillset i'll kick it to store manager in no time guys
maybe get a chubby gf too who's not really pretty but doable and presentable to my frens and family (i tell everybody she's beautiful)
maybe even start my own family
get a dog
be happy
and then cough myself to death by the ripe age of 55 when the shanghai shivers fuck me up the ass

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learn to code lmao
- gov cuomo


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Voting is fake brah.

touted as a hero among lefty governors
starts shitting on the people he governs

But they're laying off those essential workers because there isn't enough business.

He’s mafia, he can’t be removed

>be manager at hotel
>make 60k annually
>comoany decides to close all locations because "wuflu"
>protest to open the country so your life can hopefully go back to normal
>"Fuck you, go work at a grocery store"

>blacks and liberals represent america hurr durr!!
Show your REAL flag, Cheng

I would laugh so hard of all grocery store workers quit

>go get an essential job
Pay me more. I'll take 3x what I'm getting on unemployment for a wageslave job. Otherwise fuck you.

Oh, I like this. Chris too?

fuck the neo-proletariat.
If the "work" you do is so frivolous that it doesn't even get captured by NYS's very generous definition of essential, and if you are such a modern day farm tool that you can't do your job from anywhere--you need access to means of production that you don't even own...
then you can get fucked. nobody cares about you or your low stakes existence.

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I charge $30/hr to work food services.

>Manage a hotel/get wuflu'd
>apply for a grocery store
>get the district manager Position
>make 66,000 a year in trump econ
user I...


>greedy whites demanding more pay
This is how you get replaced by temporary visa workers. We have a global labor market, commie. Trump agrees on this.

I am a doctorate of infectious disease research.
I am not "essential" and I can not go to work in my Bio Safety Level 2 (BSL3 compliant) laboratory, because I work with bacteria.
They "volunteered" me to donate 10s of thousands of dollars in chemicals and research components, money that won't be replaced and now will likely be taken out of salary for hiring a technician. (Qiagen RNA extract kits and reagents).
They asked me to volunteer to do PCR tests for corona virus testing.
I can't even buy whiskey because of fucking Wolf.
They took all the molecular grade non-denatured alcohol from my lab too.
>Fuck you go work at the grocery store.

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top kek. he's gearing up for 2024

Absolutely correct and anyone who disagrees with that was probably also out on those streets with the rest of those fat redneck lards

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>Stay the fuck home!
>Get a job at a grocery store faggot!

Which one is it?

Not gonna happen. Employers have been cutting corners and jewing people in wages for decades now. If it takes a flu pandemic to force them to balance things out where they should've been all along, so be it. It's gonna keep getting worse until they get desperate. Rip off the bandaid.

>go work for $11/hr where rent is $2,000/month

The problem is it’s so fucking expensive to live in a place like NYC their unemployment even combined with federal doesn’t cut it.
Guarantee you don’t hear shit outta people in the Deep South or bumfuck Oklahoma about muh economy cause theyre making note now than they ever did.


Why doesn't pig-lord solve it? If he can't, then he is no lord.

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>tfw pest control isn’t essential in that pic
Nobody ever remembers us

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Get a life essential job if they're really desperate to get out of their house since normies fucking SUCK and can't deal with their own personalities
get a life essential job so they can get money and shut the fuck up
if they die, they die
that's the plan