I hope you are ready to see history

i hope you are ready to see history
our lives are going to change forever

Attached: 2020-04-22 21.01.17 gcpdot.com 893cfb670cc4.png (421x536, 55.85K)

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Everyone squeeze your sphincters in unison

Last time it hit blue we had a mass shooting.

Would be interesting to see what color the dot was during past events natural or attacks


Seems like a stupid site for stupid HAPPONERS.

just chilling waiting for that Jupiter or whatever the fuck sized celestial body that every one was talking about a few weeks back be real.
winding how many planet killer fragments are in it's wake ready to fuck our shit up

Nah, the last time was the oil going negative for the first time in history.

This seems like a group of people cause something then the mass consciousness feels the effect, rinse and repeat. Been going for the last few days

>Jupiter or whatever the fuck sized celestial body
I see you saw that schizo lady video as well.

Attached: 0a1375efe49c42de59dd07d793b0d7e0eabbd9c882d2eee1dbaff4f4f4e27c15.jpg (900x900, 374.62K)

Please do not strongly clench the brown dot.

The REAL ISSUE : Pre-pandemic Economy was so robust that for once the Worker (slave) was in a position of leverage /power over the Employer(Master) --there was more Work than Workers thus increasing the Price/Cost of Labor . Post- Pandemic economy WILL drive Labor Costs DOWN. The pool of Workers is/will be HIGH which pushes wages DOWN + gives Employers the opportunity to replace HIGH WAGE Workers with LOW /REDUCED WAGE . Thereby returning the Ancient Rule and balance of power --* spoiler alert this also gives the Masters the time they need to replace Human Labor for Automated Labor. End Game.

Let's speculate what the news will be tomorrow. Kim's dead

The meme dot. My ID color predicts what'll go to next.


>The REAL ISSUE : Pre-pandemic Economy was so robust that for once the Worker (slave) was in a position of leverage /power over the Employer(Master) --there was more Work than Workers thus increasing the Price/Cost of Labor . Post- Pandemic economy WILL drive Labor Costs DOWN.

Isn't this what Andrew Yang said?

Last time it hit blue was like 24 hrs ago, as the graph indicates.

are you implying there was an economic motivator for (((them))) to crash the world economy??

China fired at USA ship?

History will be made when it flatlines purple for 24 straight hours. Everything else is a minor happening. We need a 1 in 1,000,000 years happening.

imagine looking at the world today and saying that nothing ever happens

only bots do this

it hurts, how long should I hold?

Kim was an ayyy and his space brothers are pissed. They Gangnam Style it the fuck down here and take revenge by lunch time

Attached: ayyslmao.jpg (522x608, 52.69K)

All 3 previous federal reserve heads predicted the total economic collapse to the month, starting in late 2016. Search it out, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen. They are on record in print and video.

Lunch time you or lunch time me?

As long as you can. Only reason you shouldn’t be able to hold it indefinitely is if the muscles have been stretched from taking too much dick up your ass every day.


My wife's son works there

wtf i was just checking the egg project like a few weeks ago and it seemed down a few years ago with little to no updates since, what the hell? how is it back up now?

This dot is fucking stupid. Explain how an algorithmic google search for whats trending has any relevance at all?

You seem like a nice kid.

>Search it out

Dont fucking come here again talking that shit you lazy nigger.

You bring your shit with you or just keep your fucking fat mouth shut

Sauce faggot