ITT: hideous flags from piece of shit countries
ITT: hideous flags from piece of shit countries
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Thanks for your contribution. I agree.
why are modern flags so.. soulless?
Then why did so many people copy our design
No Deutschlander would defend that Weimar piece of shit.
All tribands are shit but the Netherlands gets a pass because they were the first
I guess he is angry because we did not want to give him money
how do i report this?
what province are you from?
It's actually older than that, but, yeah a real German supports black white red, and I'm not talking about stripes.
pic related 10/10
Poo country with gaping asshole in the middle of shitty tri-colour
What happened to the orange color on your flag?
When I was a kid, i thought how German flag looks like demonic flag of Serbia. Still looks cool
I don't like them
Are serbians so stupid they don't even know the difference between italy and ireland or did the war hit you so hard you became colorblind on top of poor and famine-ridden
for you serb bro
it looks like a period stain
Ur just mad that’s the last thing your grandpa saw.
Your grandparents were blinded by the atomic flash, Toshi
Could've been better if you stupid mulatto didn't fall for the Republican meme.
No one can top their OG flag tho.
That was peak aesthetics.
never looked at it like this, but, yeah that is one SUPER SHITTY FLAG
No, they weren’t Christian enough to get bombed by the Jews.
I also support red-white-red fren
But they were Nip enough to get vaporized by the Fat Man and the Little Boy.
ok satan
I'm tired nigger. Old Dutch flag had orange colour on top, because of Oranje dynasty. It suited them much better than modern pan-slavic clone design
Even though Croats are cunts, it's a really nice coat of arms
Low effort, weak bantz. Humorless mutt/10
>No, they weren’t Christian enough to get bombed by the Jews.
>some amerimutt pervert yellow fever weirdo english teacher in weird rants about christian japanese
there are like 10 000 christians in japan out of 130 000 000 people what the hell are you talking about
rent free
Lurk moar newfag.
Stick your dick inside your foreskin.
go back to america you filthy subhuman
you sure as fuck dont deserve to be in japân
You bastard reminded me of an amerishat band called Anal Blast, look at the logo pic related
Back to plebbit faggot.
I'll do you one better.
No, I already told you they weren’t Christian enough.
The fleur-de-lys were unironically god tier aesthetics though.
Why don't I stick it in yours faggot?
jump in a waste crusher as to not inconvinience the japs any further with your unevitable suicide filthy gaijin
Lol, figures. Some cringe newfag drools over Japanese purity while his own country is trash. Pathetic.
wow rude
show flag goldberg