I've gotten my account suspended five times this month for comments on political pages. Although I don't care much for it, are the Sanhedrin outlawing free speech completely? Thoughts?
Facebook censorship
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Looks like OP is still a fag.
Just today in fact.
They could have gotten me for far more offensive shit but I guess this is what REALLY crossed the line.
Facebook is privately owned
They can decide what is allowed or not allowed on its platform
Fag OP is a fag for even having kikebook in 2020.
If they decide what is and isn't allowed, they can no longer claim to be a platform in the US, they will have to start calling thenselves a publisher. If they allow all forms of speech, they can continue to be called a platform. I believe they are defending their position in court currently.
Free speech laws only apply to government. A government agency or University etc can't censor you. A company can ban any speech they like.
"Platform" has no legal definition. You're an idiot.
Bake my cake faggot
You would probably be shocked at how much you are censored on youtube and don't even know it. It will show a comment is posted and you can see it, but if you refresh the page it'll be gone. Check your comments history, same thing.
there's no legalities in the senate classifying platforms and what a private entity can claim. more so sneaky jews snuck a lot of agreements into the fine print when you make a fb account, including that it is a private entity and that they have to right to remove whatever you do, as well as delete your account for no random reason.
Can you please censor your face, too?
>Facebook is privately owned
Funny how you cunts suddenly become lolbertarians when it comes to social media monopoly echo chambers, but otherwise loathe the private sector.
Gee. There must be a conspiracy. There is no other rational explanation.
Deleted kikebook in 2016
Never looked back
Some of us may be lolbertarians.
Some of us may understand how rights are applied in the US.
Don't judge me. A lot of brownshirts were cock goblers
Also, try sending a Yas Forums link in a private message. Not allowed.
That's my next step
Americans have a fundamental right to redress grievances with their govt. If a politician/govt office has a facebook page, my right to redress my govt takes precendent. Facebook can't censor my freedom of speech just because they own the public square. Look up State of Alabama v Chickasaw township. SCOTUS ruled on this very issue in the 1950s
Damn I didn't realize that. Thanks for the info.
Dude they've got me be monitoring me I know that person didn't flag it.
You don't understand shit. In a free society the laws are supposed to be bottom up, not top down. If there is legal free speech that means the free people value free speech. The fact that you're fine with censorship by private citizens means you're not really American. Probably some type of Catholic. In the 1840s, protestants ran Mormons out of Illinois because the former were stifling free speech. There was none of this, "but they're a private org" slave cope. America is dysfunctional because it's operating with too few Americans.
It doesn't matter if you think free speech laws aren't applied correctly. They're still applied that way. Wish in one hand and shit in the other. Which one filled up first?
The Supreme Court would like to disagree with you. oyez.org
Also, love the character attack, since you have no true argument. Double down, you ignorant prick. You only show how little you truly know.
Are you telling me that Jews and foreigners such as Muslims and CHICOMMS have somehow infiltrated American business and are undermining American ideals etc? IDK i gotta call bullshit on that one guy. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. I bet you think the rothschilds own the FED too.
Fuck facebook and fuck you, OP
lol don't be a bitch, this isn't americans fault we don't wana put effort in or trust the government anymore. a huge part of why corporate entities even started censoring is because of globalism. social media entities want money. twitter, facebook, instagram want money. so they allow everyone from all over the world to make accounts. koreans have facebook accounts. indians have facebook accounts. these are american created innovations and platforms, but the userbase is the world. it is a living example of america using globalism to make money. and when a global userbase uses your products, you lose money if you offend or allow constant abuse and mistreatment of one race or political entity. they censor white americans saying racist shit because if indians or blacks see it, they will dislike it, they will protest and at worst they will use other apps.
ALL of this would not be a problem if the world just didnt depend on globalism so much for the economy. but they did. and in the fight to be the worlds best economy and the people who make the most money, america sold their soul to globalism. russia and india and china all did the same. every world power sold themselves to censorship for money. places like china are smart, they make their own apps for their own people where they censor less, and than invest in global apps like facebook and pay to censor others. maybe the americans should learn from the chinese. its clear people are too greedy and stupid to manage themselves.
Just go elsewhere. Time to find a free speech haven.
He disappeared because we weren't acting as his personal echo chamber.
Imagine being this retarded
This happens to me all the time. Shadow banning should be illegal.
Ok. Now this is epic.
>still has Facebook
Imagine this
Imagine being this retarded
I got a 1 day ban for this image. First they said it was promoting a terrorist or dangerous organization then they said it was spam. It has been in review since March 13th.
Imagine be as retarded as you
Yes, they can. You can get your point across without going full edgelord, can't you?
And how am I retarded?
I know you are OP, and your opinion is not truth.
I can accept your opinion, and understand your reasoning, but the real world does not work like that.
1. stop using kikebook
2. tell everyone to stop using kikebook - it violates your privacy and rights
>my account
>Facebook is privately owned
Facebook also receives funding and subsidies from the government (same with Google). They're also a platform, not a publisher.
The "but muh private plaform" argument doesn't work for these companies.
not how it works leagally, they abuse CDA while also violating it
>I known you are OP
You just proved how retarded you are kek
I hope someone privately owns you as a sodomy slave
Are fucking kidding or is that a Photoshop?