Why are conservatives so against a quarantine? We need to work together to flatten the curve!
Why are conservatives so against a quarantine? We need to work together to flatten the curve!
Why can the left get a single good comic writer. They honestly think we care about getting our hair done?
the curve is already flattened though
the left cant meme
Because it’s already been flattened
Wtf, I just realized I am silly
Blap Blap Blap @ Shitlib politicians and billionaires
Why does the left keeps talking about right wingers supposedly protesting to get a haircut?
That sounds an awful lot like projecting, as only leftist faggots and women go to an hair salon to cut their hair. Real men shave their head themselves.
Why are boot lickers so scared of the flu?
The left wing is neurotic, so when they look to the right wing, they don't intuitively understand what they see, so they cast their own neuroticism onto forthright people and it produces a boogyman like you see in OP's image. In many cases, this is actually how the left perceives the right. If you know this, it can help you interact with them.
They cannot put themselves in other people's shoes and have no consideration for the feelings of others.
As such they literally just mimick whatever their handler puts in their heads.
Good artistic skills require an incredible eagerness to self-improve and internalize on your own flaws in a productive manner as to learn of your mistakes. Alas leftism inherent disdain of all form of self-criticism that isn't solely ''positive'' by nature make it so that it is incredibly easy for artist of that political spectrum to fall into an inescapable downward spiral of eco-chambers and vapid support borne entirely out of partisan zealotry, where they aren't expected to improve upon themselves because the very notion is taboo as it implies peoples aren't ''perfect'' as is, thus inevitably creating cliques of intellectual hacks that get off the smell of their own farts as genuinely incompetent buffoons support one another, genuinely thinking they're good artist because the only cristicism they even accept to take into consideration is their own, since every type of ''unfavorable'' opinion on their works is disregarded as coming from a politically biased source.
wtf why is this so true.
hahaha this is funny because its truth...you trump faggots are the real snowflakes...
It's already flattened The World can carry on as before
I hate how leftist are the first to bitch and moan if you dare judge them by their apperance, yet make sure to wear the most obnoxious mix of clothes color and mismatching hairdo as to ''stand out''... Like pick and choose one, you neurotic bunch of fuckwit.
This thread glows so fucking hard lmao
>millions of mom and pop shop forced to shut down
>most small town business owners close to filing for bankruptcy
>before covid, many businesses operating with super tight profit margins
>civilians who aren't in an essential job are essentially under house arrest
>working people and business owners, people with families and aspirations have to go home and sacrifice their entire lifes work for the safety of complete strangers.
ye retard, this is about getting your hair done
> thinking our country suddenly had 5.2 million hairdressers administratively forced into unemployment
> thinking this depression isn't caused by democrat governors acting with powers not granted by any statutory act
> being okay with both of the above anyway
the left
You need to shut the fuck up or get purged before you completely ruin the world.
This is the most retarded webcomic I think I've ever seen. How you can be this retarded and not end your life after a long look in the mirror is beyond me.
Yes, they really are that out of touch.
Leftists are parasites who can't fathom why a shutdown like this would do damage to businesses.
Creating mass misery (and mass death) for the productive class has been a hallmark of the left since the very beginning
niggers and women.
Thats all he knows....
Because if it crashes the economy tons of people will die of that anyway, probably more people than would die of this. Here's where a liberal unironically will try to tell me poverty won't kill me or anyone I care about to suit their immediate narrative despite unequivocally telling us poverty kills people for like 50 years.
Also trusting China is laughable, even humoring a nation that's currently committing genocide and who's coddling is the sole reason North Korea, and it's deadly coal-mining hard labor camps, still exists.
Why are so many people frightened of a disease that's asymptomatic to mild for most, flu-like for alot, and bad for a few?
>Why does the left keeps talking about right wingers supposedly protesting to get a haircut?
Because they are lol
Because of empathy for the few
Flattening the curve is predicted by SCIENCE and conservatives don't believe in SCIENCE.
>life is hard
>doesn’t want to be locked up and be a NEET
I don’t see how these are mutually exclusive
Don’t worry friend, these comics won’t be made much longer when these faggots all starve or are killed by starving niggers they let into their homes.
slide thread
commie shill
neck yourself