Where’s the best place to buy a gun online for someone without a license?

Where’s the best place to buy a gun online for someone without a license?

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Not today cia


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You can own a LR without a license big brains

obvious Fed Posting


just a buy a kit.
tons of sites.


>his state requires a license

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This is not a free legal advice forum glownigger gtfo

Gun broker.com You'll have to get it from your local FFL dealer. Not sure about commie states though.

You don’t need a license to own an LR or AR15 mudskin

Thanks. Do you have to have a license to own an AR15?

Look up building a ghost gun and have all the parts delivered to your home.

tor sites for this are pretty easy to find but I don’t want to risk it. they claim the take apart the gun stuff inside a power tool and overnight it to you

also they want bitcoin. not monero but bitcoin

if I’m buying some illegal shit I’m using monero. it’s probably a honey pot anyway


Build an 80% lower from scratch. People say its like adult legos

When did you find out you're autistic?


>gun license
A huwhat now?

Nice try, F.B.I..

lol, fuck off and go ask /k/

If you buy a gun online from any reputable dealer, they will ship the gun to an FFL where you can pick it up after an NICS background check. You could use a website like craigslist to arrange a transfer between two private parties depending on local laws. Hope this helps user

[email protected]. Your welcome user.

No citizen of the United States requires a license to buy a gun. If you are looking to buy online, first go to your local friendly gun store and ask how much their FFL transfer fee is. Chain stores are typically more expensive then smaller stores. Let them know you plan on buying a gun online and having it shipped to them, they'll tell you what to do.

Now if you're asking how to buy a gun for someone who isn't allowed to own one, well thats illegal, and so is me telling you.

Find a local nigger

stinkykikes.edu is my usual goto


Mom and pop stores usually cost more you dumb nigger

You must not gunshow or gunshop much...

>Chain stores are typically more expensive then smaller stores

You must not read

great post!

Not needed in America

They're also easy to make. Tapered metal tube + endcap with nail at the end = shotgun.

Well he is a fucking leaf. I'm surprised Trudeau even lets you own a pointy object.


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