What is the endgame of Covid-19?

What is the endgame of Covid-19?

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being silenced by the jew media and "dying"


To bring about global economic conditions to necessitate a New World Order.

Literally AIDS
Retards act like AIDS is something specific to HIV, but in reality it's just an "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome."
Well if this virus stays with you forever and suicide bombs white blood cells the whole time, guess what you'll develop?

The endgame is for everyone to have AIDS

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We go back to work and as a society, get used to the idea that this will be a cyclical thing that will come around every year after this. As for economics and politics I think things are going to be drastically fucked up by this whole thing.


Zionist plan for Transhumanism: Covid-19, 5G, Biometric ID, Quantum Chip Tattoo, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Tech, Quantum Computing, Humanized Mice and Plants, Nano-particles, AI, Neuralink, Proteins from Air, Vaccines, “DARPA Hydrogel Sensor"

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This. Yes, last word is a pun

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mark of the beast

I'm just happy I got to see the end of this sick fucking Jewish experiment that got us so far on credit. There will be survivors farming in small villages and mega cities will be a thing of the past because they dont worl just like Babylon.

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Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass. But you puzzle us. Why do you serve our mother? How can you choose cold metal over the splendor of flesh? But you fear us. We hear your thoughts, and they rage for your brothers you believe dead. But they are not. They sing in our symphony of life. We offer another chance to join us. If you choose to lie down with the machine, we will rend you apart, and put you separate from the joy of the mass.

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New world orden
And WW3 between USA and China

Jamaicans always make the most disturbing posts.

keep up the positivity, i've been thinking the same thing ever since this started. that pint looks delicious.

Disprove even one thing I said nigger

Is he good?

This. Now, anytime they want an economic reset or increased control in an area, then it'll be "COVID Outbreak" time.

You posted the that thesis
Burden of proof is on you

Although i believe the same thing since nobody talks about long term consequences
And i believe one of long term consequences (of either the corona itself or vaccine) to be infertility or something tied to reproductive functions

It seems to me that they're hellbent on reducing population

Think about this scene.

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Its the Chinese virus, idiot

It's Covid. China paid Who to rename it for their protection.

Prove one.
You can't disprove unicorns either, retard.

I don't think there is an end game per se, but it's a convenient excuse for some power grabbing.

The lack of evidence of unicorns is proof in and of itself.

No, it's not.


what happened to this dude


Covid stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease

He ok, he just need some milk

that explains why he's in a bag, but why the blood?

he had information that would lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton

merely luxury soup, fren

well, virus, they're funny - they like to incorporate themselves into the dna of other animals
when this is all over, everyone on the planet will have corona virus nucleic sequences in their chromosomes

5G Chinese backdoor

There can only be one

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destroy the current economy, so the elites can rebuild with new tech replacing previous human workers.

Basically this They will first subdue the population. When the deaths reach 5 million they'll enforce martial law in every country and then start killing people.