call me a nigger see what happens to your face
Call me a nigger see what happens to your face
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fucking nigger
Oh and I forgot. Nigger!
nigger nigger on the wall, who's the blackest of them all?
Don’t know why, but I laughed harder than I have in a long time, user. Thank you.
did you learn to pout your lips like that in prison?
subanimal nigger
Oh, before I go, Deebo is a turbonigger.
>File: output.webm (1.17 MB, 640x360)-[Close]
>nigger nigger on the wall, who's the blackest of them all?
he is indian
Who is pick related am I supposed to be scared? positive I could use his own headphone cable to end his life very quickly.
You mad now, nignog?
You're a fucking smelly, un-evolved nigger.
Now he will tire himself out screaming and dancing in his Black history month costume.
I wont call anyone a nigger. But, if you square up on me like that, you gonna catch these hands, tyrone. This aint philly. Your people dont run this place.
Lots of shills and slides today but that's a manlet
spic detected.
Big man!
What do you mean "what happens to your face"? My mouth moves as I pronounce the word? I exhale slightly? Why do we need a thread about this?
You wont do shit skinny manlet
Call me a face and see what happens to your nigger.
>Urban Youth starts throwing those full-arc windmill “punches” that have no force behind them and look like they will immediately dislocate the user’s shoulder if met with any resistance
>cops show up
>open fire on dangerous suspect
>If you call me a word I'll act like an animal and go feral
Why do we consider you human, again?
Bet my face will still look better.
En eye double guh err
>call me a nigger see what happens to your face
Well, if you are using the word nigger then I have a nigger pass
the worst part is that it thinks it is intimidating.
basedboy and a nigger at that...
I'm gonna need Me A. Niggers phone number in order to call them.