There are three types of people on Yas Forums:

There are three types of people on Yas Forums:

1. Foreign operative shitposters trying to encourage tribalism and anger
2. Those who recognize this is a thing
3. Those who are gullible and don't believe it because the operatives have successfully brainwashed them

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between 1 and 3, because both are faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Foreign Operative Shitposters
Of the Israeli nationality, perhaps

Attached: rats.png (1472x1905, 3.85M)

>When your Russian internet cafe can't afford a VPN or proxy so you go for meme flags.

flag checks out

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Ok, Shlomo

Attached: merchant.png (600x600, 195.08K)

Ah so you can use a proxy, you just like meme flags.

Typical commie piece of shit.

>I trust editorials.
Fuck off

yes user this is done on all big websites it is a way of controlling the narrative russia and china both do this in particular to american sites most people are too indignant to accept they are brainwashed


Why would I support the ideology your kin created, Mordecai?

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the world elites do not give a fuck about a bunch of social reject permavirgins that sit in their computers and post edgy memes and fantasize about death squads and hanging niggers while masturbating to hentai. don't flatter yourselves; you're not even on their radar. you can't be serious, right?

You seem cranky today, Tenda

Attached: tenda.png (1024x768, 1.1M)

the more you sit on the computer and do nothing the more you actually benefit the jewish overlords. they're not worried about you lmao, they're worried about people that are actually making a difference in the real world.

What exactly are you doing to make a difference apart from bitching on Yas Forums about "permavirgins"?

I'm fucking special
I have like 5 reddit accounts and run multiple discords, moderate twitch streams and ban wrong thought(liberal kek) whenever possible.

Don't kid yourself, ofcourse the Russian-Israelis would want to influence me.
I literally waved at Trump and he winked at me. He knows we're a team.

so you can't explain to me why the jewish elites who control literally everything are scared of incels on Yas Forums posting memes and jerking off to porn. okay.

>Russia hacking the 2016 election is a real thing

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There is one type of OP
>1. Faggot

you would be surprised how man from option 3 are actually option 1. also there is more than just 'operatives', leftypol idiots are here too for instance.

There are actually only two kinds of people on Yas Forums
1. Faggots
2. op

take your meds, schizo

you've said only one type though


You're thinking of Plebbit. bud

now try telling the "foreign operatives" apart from those of us who just do it for (you)s and luls

you'd think people would know this on Yas Forums of all places

No, they're just so similar you can't see the difference.

and this is why people hide flags by the way. it's because 99% of you retards are incapable of responding or backing anything up and just resort to meme replies.

>not trying to radicalize the dregs of a society to foment discontent and even violence

Do you even IR bro?

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Who encourages tribalism and anger more than leftoids? “White people and their privilege are responsible for your problems and they owe you restitution.”

The Hitler psy op is being enforced here so the reject premavirgins have a reason to ape shit and kill them all, which plays into the depopulation agenda. Khazar Zionist from Serbia/Georgia/Prussia are actually Satanists, traditional Judaism doesn’t have much to do with it.

It's not a meme, most incels are Redditors, not Yas Forumstards. There are so many subreddits called "Am I Ugly" and people complaining about their wife's bull.

There are three types of people on Yas Forums:
1) CIA niggers
2) JIDF kikes
3) chink commie shills

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>Tfw to weak to bend a shotgun barrel back at myself
I would kill myself but I can't get the gun to point at me no matter how hard I try to bend it.

Yas Forums is full of them too.

And then there is you OP


Try pointing the muzzle at your face instead of bending it.


Number 1 should be "intelligence services" cause USA intelligence agencies are fucking crawling all over this site.