Examples of white supremacists getting BTFO by black excellence
Examples of white supremacists getting BTFO by black excellence
Read the rules sage
>nigger gets charity ride to MIT
>nigger gets a diversity hire at NASA
>nigger gets library in nigger infested district named after him that nobody uses
Who gives a fuck
Also who does this affect other than blacks? Good lol
100% Jews were behind all of that
Jews even sacrificed their pet after they gave it a Jewish PHD
Seems to me that white guys are so terrified of black brilliance because if blacks got brain AND dick then you are pretty much fucked.
Those who would hold others down because of their race or any other immutable characteristic are only harming society as a whole; we can no longer benefit from these potential luminaries and we set ourselves back. It’s ignorant and sad, really.
Excellence at what, burning to death?
Settle down Chang. We’d all love it if blacks had intelligence as they wouldn’t be fucking up our countries so much.
if he was so smart why couldn't he stop the shuttle from exploding???
Muh dick. Every single time.
So usz beez sayin weez beez atronot n' sheeeeit!
Fuck nigga, I gotts to getz me a PhD in KFC, den Iz been da cornal!! Noz what Iz beez sayin...100% nigga!!
He got in prior to the SAT changes so nothing you said is true, and yes I know you're just going to ignore what I said and shitpost if you do response. However, just remember, you don't get an opinion on facts.
>Exceptions mean the rule doesn't exist.
That's what you're really afraid of isn't it, being irrelevant mentally and sexually. it all boils down to who women are going for, sexual competition.
Computer scientist and engineer Mark Dean helped develop a number of landmark technologies for IBM, including the color PC monitor and the first gigahertz chip. He holds three of the company's original nine patents. He also invented the Industry Standard Architecture system bus with engineer Dennis Moeller, allowing for computer plug-ins such as disk drives and printers.
Introduced color to computing, nice.
joke's on you without the white library he would've never accomplished anything
you are welcome
The first libraries were in Egypt, you lose again.
He's an outlier among outliers. There aren't a whole lot of them. But you seem to have very few images that you only post every couple of weeks/months so they won't stand. Don't worry: people who frequent this place still know, you only have that one image. And still: people like him do not matter on the grand scale. Segregation was justified and should probably come back.
Doesn't this just exemplify and cement white supremacy though?
Where is Africa's space program?
Arguably the cradle of civilization inhabited longer than any other continent and they are still in war tribes fighting with guns designed by white men, driving in vehicles designed by white men, for resources that white men desire.
They have no goals of their own.
He accomplished these things in a country invisioned by white men.
Educated by white literature.
Worked at a space agency built by white men.
And launched in a craft designed by white men.
Your argument is basically like a Michelin chef cooking a 5 star meal, but since the waiter took it too the table they get the accolades.
>POC helped develope the color PC monitor
yeah about that one
this is what OP doesn't understand or deliberately ignores because it destroys his entire argument
he managed all of this in a WHITE country
the joke really is on him
and he is too much of a nigger to get it
even if this jigaboo was an Eagle Scout I wouldn’t give a fuck
You nigger lies have been debunked before. Everything in those computers were based on Intel architecture, similar to almost all computers nowadays. Your beloved nigger was on a team, which modified the layout based on Intel's tech. Getting a patent means nothing, because every little change, no mater how trivial can be granted a patent.
BTW, nigger, a computer monitor is a simplified TV screen with different connections.
\You niggers are pathetic. If there are 2% smart niggers that do not act like animals, then it does not change the fact 98% of niggers are useless pieces of shit.
BTW, thanks for disproving the oppression lies. There are niggers, who make something out of themselves. However, most niggers are useless IQ pieces of shit, and that is what holds them back.
Now, you and all of your little useless affirmative action subhumans should leave here.
There are smart niggers, the average is terrible though so we can’t be taking chances and we should be sending them back. Let the smart ones help Africa, or get killed by warlords whatever.
This nigger still alive. Show the pics faggots. Still using his real name too I think.
>nigger astronaut
>blows up space shuttle
Why does black intelligence trigger you so much? Interesting.
>he died in 1986 aboard the space shuttle challenger
you really shouldn't niggers drive
You do understand that by making him exceptional you admit to blacks being inferior in the first place?
I like my space heroes that come home alive
>black intelligence
Stupid low IQ subhumans always crying for lower standards, affirmative action, and gibs.
I hate all of you affirmative action subhumans for what you have done to me, this country, and millions of other white men.
All of you are filthy lowlife rats, who should be exterminated.
Haha. EXACTLY what i was thinking.
Thank God he had a twin brother that didnt get kicked out of that library.
>Stupid low IQ subhumans always crying for lower standards, affirmative action, and gibs.
None of these were implemented during these inventors. Seethe more loser.
Maybe he should have gotten a PhD in to how not explode.
And lets not forget blacks were in space before white men.
I all boils down to who makes money.
The lack of it triggers me
We wuz kangz.
Blacks having intelligence means he isn't important simply because of his race. That's a mind-shattering nightmare for our autistic pasty friend.
That librarian who told him to stop stealing books when he can't he even read was Albert Einstein.
you're retarded and race is cope.
>tfw racist use a nig invention to see their wiafus in color
for such a "bright" career his wiki page is suspiciously short.
do you know how I know that this is bullshit nigger shit?
because first and foremost the first gigahertz cpu was made by AMD in early 2000. Yeah, when that nigger at IBM claimed to make a niggahurtz chip in 2000, AMD alread shipped the first gigahertz cpu.
finally, that guy apparently has a phd most probably several publications but NOTHING of that is mentioned in his bio.(some links are dead in the references)
why does every nigger scientist has so blurred out biography. what are they hiding?