Why is Eastern Germany so much more conservative than the West?

Question for the German anons. I though east Germany was communist, why is it where the main concentration of right wing politics is? Does it have to do with income, or was this something present even when the communists were in charge?

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Cause they're poor(er)


Communism kept Germany's old culture intact

My best guess is that the west developed quicker and adopted American culture faster. The east noticed and differentiated itself, voting conservative to preserve their true German identity.
Tl;dr west became America 2, east not

West Germany is nothing like usa as far as I've experienced it. Especially the south.

Eastern tankie communism had a patriotic element. Western leftists are trotskyists and ancom faggots

Yeah but they have experienced American culture more and their consumerism too. I'm sure that if you compared East Germany and West Germany you'd see American influence.

Young people are leaving East Germany as soon as they can ever since unification. Less young people, less retard leftism.

Attached: Goerlitz_population.svg.png (1000x500, 48.99K)

Wonder why?


Do you even know what the word "conservative" means ?

Eastgermans are non religious, they dont marry, they hold no conservative values at all.

Eastgermans are not even rightwingend. They are just not used to migrants and they dont want migrants.

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communist repression focussed what is important....family

The degenerates moved out.

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Easy: they got blamed way less for what happened before/during ww2. Hence they feel less guilt and aren't afraid of being conservative

Soviet freezer

left and right their extremism tends to be more visible
low trust in government. they saw two fall

Communism is not liberalism.

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Because it's all old people and men. All the roasties move west, turning west germany into fagland.


communism ('the real socialism') is a helluva redpill.

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a thousand words

LOL! What is the state of religion in Wessieland?

Im gonna with- because they lived under communism for $300?

>no matter how hit you are Adolf was Hitler

Explain joke pls

German msm calls East Germany Dunkeldeutschland (literary means Dark Germany)

consider we have much less immigrants.
Western Germany dug its own grave when they imported turkish "guest workers", and those stayed. Becoming the base of turkish/arab culture living in germany.

Plus the eastern germans knew they could not trust the Goverments statements, because they were Propaganda. The Westerners didn't have this, so there general mistrust in goverments is less common.

Generally speaking the east is the poorer underdog to the west. This has its origins in different history of both in sides after the war, and in the conditions of the reunification. Wich was much a sellout of the former east to western capitalists.

lolno, the MSM is touching them with velvet gloves
they don't roll out the stereotypes even when they are 1:1 accurate
Ossis collectively have low self-esteem and a persecution-complex


Conservatives don't conserve anything. Fucking larpers.

Yas Forums is so fucked these days, used to be cool, man

It's a nutritious broth from liberalism. Thanks Russia and slavic world.

Those Turkish guest workers came in via American intervention. West Germany wanted East Germans or other Europeans.

the ending "er" is a form of increase

dicht (tight) >> dichter (more tight)

there is no adjectiv "hit" but a german knows, if ther would be such, it would probaly be increased be adding "-er" or "-ler"

just a phonetic joke

Ach so. Vielen Dank für die Erklärung

since 2007 they bore a new left wing party and a new right wing party
the same people who voted 25% for the left wingers now vote 25% for the new right wingers
and as soon as the left dangles something shiny in front of them they will vote left again. and then right
don't think they are conservative in any way
even the nominal conservative party, the chrisitan democrats, are meme conservatives in the East. almost no members and a good few of them used to be in the SED too

Ironically it was this. Although the manifestation of the Jewish communism of that era isn't comparable with the progressive Jewish communism of the current era.

Interesting take, I'm sure that seeing all that would make anyone cynical.

Three reasons, more direct commie experience, more blue collar work, lower income

I’ve thought about this before but how true is it really? The DDR destroyed the Hohenzollern palace and replaced it with Fernsehturm. Who knows what would’ve happened to Bavarian or Austrian culture had they become sovietized. It’s the economic stagnation and the decades long of isolation that makes them more instinctively anti-immigrant

It is absolutely not conservative lol it's the most atheist region in the world you're fucking dumb