How did this dumbass manage to con so many people?

How did this dumbass manage to con so many people?

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that silver spoon coon hoe

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you underestimate how fucking dumb most burgers are.

White people are aliens

He spoke to their fears and hopes to return to a better time in contrast to Hilary's "I'm with her" and "I have experience (in the establishment)."

faggot detected

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. The city people voted for Hillary.

shout louder than the opponent to win

His campaign was on point. The better question is how he continues to do so. Not to mention he was running against Clinton. That was a major motivator for a large portion of people.

Yas Forums memed him into the presidency thinking it would be a great joke.

I only wish I was kidding.

By tapping into white anger then turning on them like his Jewish puppet master wanted

You're a neoliberal SJW cuck, so of course you'd phrase it that way.

A lot of Americans are really dumb, lacking any form of critical thinking, so believe all the shit they're told about being so great.

Crude appeals to racism and xenophobia

White people would rather die from lack of healthcare, catching coronavirus, or fighting Iran than share their country and resources with Latinos. It wasn't a hard sell.

branding, psyops, glp, Yas Forums, trolls in general, and russia

lol white nationalists and conservative evangelicals both thought and many still think a Rothschild-owned closet homosexual mob developer from Jew York City was going to be their savior

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I memed him cuz he is a god emperor and cuz he purges filth.
Im ride or die Trump and more and more people are turning toward the light
>we already won

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I wasn't conned.

I knew exactly what I was getting.

best of two bad options
he's about to pull it off all over again

Also the benefit of not being That Shrill Unlikable Lady™, and while let's be honest, Clinton is pretty awful, the broader dislike of her had little to do with a solid, conscious analysis of her policies and record.
If Biden does win this, despite being worse than Hillary was, I'll have to hand it to the libs - sexism did play a major role.

hilary was a neocon shill, we didn't know zion don would bend the knee like he does. Biden will do the same, it's the same circus.

>closet homosexual
What now

Not you again

Hate of the freeloader is an intrinsic value unique to Americans. There was a study about it.

I might even vote biden this time just for the lolz to see how senile he can get.

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Roy Cohn loved him some blonde boys

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Didn't con anyone. The other side runs anti-American baby killing pieces of shit.

>we could run pretty much anybody against this guy and win
>hiloli clitton
>joe "totally not a creepy pedo" biden

also wtf is up with the skin around his eyes?

He told whites what they wanted to hear and then fucked them over. Doesn't hurt that he was running against evil incarnate.

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Would you prefer Hillary as president?
Would you prefer Biden as president?

Behold, the last hope of the white race

(((Russian))) propaganda

Raises issues elites rather not talk about

Honestly its getting to the point after these years that most of his detractors are just media drones who just blindly go with whatever they feel the social consensus is.

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Can't even shit on him here for his weak hands without getting the usual shit lines,who ya voting for, hur hillary would be better, hur how would you have done better. I see why people ignore this politics shit. Lot of investment with no payoff

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Really no clue. Listening to this twat speak how we got 160 miles of the wall. Wants to have 450 miles next year.

Hahah going on 4th year. 160 miles.
Gave more money to Yidrael on top of the 3.8 billion a year Dems allotment

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Honestly yes