For centuries the white race has made a name for themselves by raping and pillaging people of color just so that they can succeed. Now that they have taken a break from their destructive habits the white race expects POC to suddenly adopt their mannerism and behavior overnight without taking into consideration that it will take CENTURIES for POC to recover from hole that they have placed POC in.
Therefore it is important for the image of the white race to be lowered so that they realize they are not any better than people of color.
Post media that lowers the image of the white race and empowers people of color.
>Considering a couple animals and a wife a family Lol white people
Connor Jones
Post niggerskin, you subhuman retard.
Alexander Gray
black people are a race of slaves, change my mind
Jaxon Nguyen
What's wrong with that? It's been hit by a car, he's just putting it out of its suffering. You're not going to leave it there dying in agony are you? Thats sick.
White people are the vestigial middle children of humanity. They say blacks are inferior because they have a lower average IQ and commit more crime per capita, but people from Mongolia have a higher average IQ and commit less crime per capita than whites from any nation.
Argument A: Whites are superior to blacks because whites have a superior intellect Corollary: East Asians are superior to whites
Argument B: Whites are superior to East Asians because muh dick Corollary: Blacks are superior to whites
No matter how you slice it, whites are not victorious. They lose at K selection and they lose at r selection.
Samuel Brown
Black people really need to stop blaming others (especially whites) for the stupid decisions black people constantly make. ...but I guess no black will ever take responsibility for their own actions. They're too subhuman for that.
Homophobia doesn't exist. The visceral reaction heterosexuals have regarding homosexuals is Not fear. It is righteous disgust and outrage that something so vile as a faggot (pedophile) exists at all. Being disgusted by faggots (pedophiles) is totally based and red pilled. You faggots just use the term homophobia to make your weak selves feel powerful, when in reality you are weak hedonists. Weak in body and weak in mind. You faggots deserve to die and should all be thrown off of multistory buildings into traffic to protect children from your predatory, pedophile ways.
Levi Morris
Ryan Morgan
This whole thread is a failure just like the entire black race. Cant even post demoralizing pictures of white people correctly.
None of that happened to you. You’re just another lazy nigger.
Charles Garcia
>faggot argues iq alone That's only part of it you retard literal faggot. I prefer my own people, to the same degree that other races prefer theirs. It's very simple, you non-breeding cancer on humanity.
The thing I just love about webm’s like this is you just know those white boys are going to grow up to become sissy incels that have a fetish for bbc cuck porn.
Nathaniel Garcia
But niggers in Africa are poor and starving. What could we possibly pillage from them? Ebola?
user please the next time you make this thread name it ''Cumskin hate thread'' stop calling those pigs white people you must call them for what they are piss colored haired cumskinned pigs
Easton Hughes
Impossible when you are black.
Michael Martin
Once KARA OOGA takes control, whyte boi will not be allowed to disrespek a true kang This will be illegal when OOGA BOOGA is in play.
White people have the perfect blend of intelligence, empathy, creativity and motivation. Oh and did I mention we’re also the most beautiful? Burn on the stake you flamer.
would you rather be covered in shit or in another men's cum? i don't know about you but i'd accept taking a bath with poos in the Ganga river than to be utterly humiliated by niggers cumming on my entire body like a filthy whore
Just secretly kill a nigger every know and then. If we all did they would be decimated. Leave your phone at home and go out with a bat and crack a random niggers head wide open and go home like nothing happened and do it again, and again, and again. It doesn't matter if their just homeless old niggers, a nigger Pube scalp is a nigger Pube scalp
>Post media that lowers the image of the white race and empowers people of color.
>posts feral nigger attacking kid who obviously won't fight back and is backed into a corner. The moment that kid threw a punch he would have been mobbed by the rest of the nigger's friends who were sitting offscreen.