Be getting paranoid, looking into cia documents discussing astral projection

>be getting paranoid, looking into cia documents discussing astral projection
>failed several times myself, but decide to give my wife the basics, put some binaurual beats on for her and see what happens. Later she talks about having a full on OBE. Describes it as I've heard to a T.
>I'm shocked about this and make a joke about her being an mkultra victim, given her affinity for astral travel.
>she tells me she remembers taking part in a weird study as a kid, says ages 5-12
>they showed her a lot of cards. This stuck out to me as I recall mkultra fags talking about some cards that had symbols on them, like a plus sign, some squiggly lines, etc.
>says they had her drink "some kind of orange soda", implying the orange soda was abnormal in some way (and pre-packaged snacks like animal crackers) Drugged?
>says she had to watch videos of people fighting and yelling, and that it was a scary experience.
>said she remembers the place had 3 rooms, can remember 2 vividly, but can't remember the third whatsoever.
>has the memory of blinding white light, that it hurt
>says she doesn't remember most of anything else that happened there, and further from that she doesn't remember basically anything below the age of 12.

Like I know this could be totally normal family studies stuff, but hoh boy if that didn't activate my almonds. I did a bit of digging, this looks like the place she described. (she told me "notre dame family.. something.. study?")
Thought I'd share, see if there's anything of interest.

Probably a nothing burger, but my digging ended up pointing to Harvard, Cambridge health alliance, and the kellog institute, though my methods are not at all scientific and I do not trust to hold up to any scrutiny.

>tl;dr is my wifey a sleeper agent?

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post wife's feet or gtfo

Seconded for wife's feet

Third for wife's feet.

Post feet

For me, it's the feet

Post wife's feet then we'll help

wom*n tend to be better at these things. They have a much easier time suspending their disbelief than skeptical men.

fourth for wife's feet

Your wife was in the gifted and talented or G.A.T.E program. There are many of us with this experience and loss of memory. Many other similarities as well. Stop by a G.A.T.E thread sometime

We need her feet to assert whether she's a sleeper agent or not.

Ask her if she remembers the room with curtains and the noise cancelling head phones, with low and high tones that would play

Your wife is a glow nigger plant and they are testing to see if you remember the tortures performed on you. Your massively fascinated with this and spooked by her recollections because they are so close to yours, and they would be, she read them out of your file.
Do not let them know that you are on to them.

don't listen to these perverts, this is a very interesting thread. I believe you have done most of what is necessary already, did you read up on the different studies they did with their victims?
be careful, most sites are absolute garbage. It is very important to assess the feet of your wife, so I strongly believe any evidence like a feet pic would highly increase the chance of successfully getting to the bottom of this.

she was part of the Fear enduring extraterrestrial travel, a study done by Dr. Scholl and Danial Schneider to get into the depths of the human "Sole"

Glowies got in here fucking quick didn't they. Go on OP. What's on your mind?

You forget I'm also aware what a hearing test is.

You could've broken the programming. Anyway, she should meditate and try to remember.

What the hell. Tell more.

>muh glowies
Imagine being this retarded

Not much more to tell. I've pried on some other aspects, but she just tells me she doesn't remember anything else, however she's aware she has spent more time there than what she remembers. I.e. remembers 10 minutes out of what she explained, can be a multi-hour process. I don't remember if she said how often they went, but she did say it was frequently between the above stated ages. As a kid they gave her a toy when she was done, but at the later ages switched to cash. Don't know if that's significant.
I'm definitely going to push her to astral project more, so I can learn via her. Maybe I can work on getting her to remember it in lucid dreams. Sounds reasonable for breaking their program. (Note- she's always told me she's been able to lucid dream. Every night on a whim basically, unnatural control over her mind)

Seems like you should be posting on /x/

its too late user. welcome. your here forever.

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shut the fuck up

That stuff isn't normal?
How many people did they get involved into MKUltra bullshit?
Was her father in the Navy?
Is she a Gen X'er?
Is she the youngest child?
I'm trying not to hyperventilate

Is your wife cheating on you with Drake?

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>Was her father in the Navy?
>Is she a Gen X'er?
Think so. She's 26
>Is she the youngest child?

Just curious

>and further from that she doesn't remember basically anything below the age of 12.
She’s blocking the trauma out. I’m sorry, user, but she was probably raped by elitists at parties until she was used up. Essentially you’re a cuck, but you didn’t know.


It's real. It's all real. Power in the hands of mankind is a perverted dirty thing. Easily corrupted.

26 makes her a Millennial. To be GenX she'd have to be 46.

>>tl;dr is my wifey a sleeper agent?
I don't think so. It sounds like she's just sensitive. Thing about being perceptive in that way is others with it know you have it, even if only at on unconscious level. Her suppressed memory is probably a part of test that she failed and was returned from.
As for yourself OP, the OBE will happen when you least expect it so long as you stay focused on that goal in the long run. Have you ever gotten to the point where you feel the rocking and other such odd sensations?

Nigger, your wife IS a sleeper agent. Abandon ship fucking immediately, holy shit lmao, someone screencap this fucking thread.

>my almonds
Please die melted to a flaming plastic foam matress. thx

Wasnt in gate, i remember this.
It's called a hearing test

>t. glowie