We are reaching levels of Weimar that should not be possible

Decency amongst these creatures can only make a return by collapsing all the societal norms that exist today and starting over. The next generations of girls will be selling themselves by age 12 at the rate we are going now.

Tell me fellas, where do you think this girl’s father went wrong? Unless this thing is a product of a (((single mother)))

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So I pay $75/hr + extra for a blowjob or does anything go in that hour? Either way, that's not a bad deal if her body looks like that.

Also, never trust a girl with a dirty mirror.

>Trusting any modern woman at all
What am I even on about.

Single mother.
The father failed by not winning sole custody.

>that's not a bad deal
That's what I thought.

I mean, $40 for a blowjob, is phenomenal. Even if I bought a girl two drinks at a bar, that's like $20ish and I probably don't have a 50% chance for a blowie and her body wouldn't look that good.

I'm liking the oversupply. Soon pussy will be at crude oil levels.

and people say I’m the bad guy for supporting genocide

Thirty bucks for a footjob? I hope this is the way of the future, desu, that's good shit.

its fake

The $75 is the combo meal and the super size is $10 more for anal

yeah $75 for the hour + $40 for the blowjob, so $115 altogether for a blowjob. aren't russian whores way cheaper?

ETA on the price of pussy hitting negative numbers?

That's too bad. It's getting more difficult to find new whores.

The cheapest I found for a decent prostitute was $150. Decent would be a genuine 8 in looks.

I got $1,000 usd in disposable income right now, wat do?

Wait a little longer so the women cheapen out a little bit more?

Too good to be a real woman.


These chicks will crash the pussy market

>pussy is now negative

Only 40 dollars for a blowjob?
what a steal

$500 for a whole weekend seems like it might be a good deal but remember lads you won't be able to stand being near her after the first 15 minutes when you've busted. Don't get memed.

I don't think it's a la carte when you buy the hour. $40 would be just a bj

Isnt this prostitution? Or are they talking about video sex chatting.

Not yet, but soon it'll return to that. Countries that still have dowries are operating in a negative pussy market. We'd already be there if state enforced child support and WIC wasn't a thing.

im sure she will get hundreds of offers for this, these deals are fucking insane lol. shell have a lot of work ahead of her and she might need to change her pricing to match demand but using social media to advertise is quite intelligent desu.

would obviously worry about std infections though.

whats the redpill on prostitution lads? I think its a valid business with ample market demand that could be regulated by the government.

i'd pay 30 for a footjob

Might as well use 200 on a whore once or twice a month, if it is truly disposable.

> valid business
Eternal anglo.

i suppose you're right, but that would be an awful rate for her unless she has back-to-back clients lined up and they're all nearby.

>oh the horror you can pay money for sex!!!

lol fag

why are amerifats so gay. I wish I lived in europe (chadrope)

what's wrong with it?

> $10 for anal
Missed that the first time round. She's literally offering you the chance to marginally damage the function of her rectal muscles for the price of a McDonald's meal deal.


STD with prostitutes aren't any riskier than regular girls. Bar girls take a lot of dick. My friend has a 300+ body count including some trannies and the most he ever got was the clap. Herpes is the biggest concern but you can eyeball a breakout. For AIDS just don't fuck fags or niggers.

From the perspective of the sort of man who would eat chips from a half-finished bag he found sitting on a wall next to the pavement, nothing.

nah I’ll straight lynch you and your lineage.

Ironically, a mcdonalds meal deal would do as much rectal damage.

That would happen only if just a hundred of the 7.8 billion people on the planet were men

Fuck yeah, most hookers cost way more than that. Her hourly rate is pretty cheap, but the whole night or weekend deals are way fucking cheaper, she obviously hasn't checked the market,

Ummm, based, I think

Thats an extra ontop of the others

Reported this whore for prostitution

nice argument fag

stupid analogy

make it so all businesses require regular checkups for std's, encourage condom usage

No it’s an extra 10 for the anal DLC pack

>40bux for a bj
>I travel to any state
That's a deal if I ever saw one. wtf i love whores now

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oh shit nigga, kek'd and check'd

True but blowjobs require less prep and clean up so the potential for more clients is there. Say she lines up 4 johns, assuming 15 minutes each with logistics and that's $160 in an hour with no need to take off her clothes. That's enough to buy whatever drugs to stay high for the day. Plus it can be done discreetly in a car. The $75 full service hour requires a location as well as clean up afterwards.

>you won't be able to stand being near her after the first 15 minutes when you've busted
Nice to hear it's not just me.

>buying girls drinks at the club


These are just dudes catfishing as their favorite camwhore to get easy money from other simps. It's a growing industry

If you have premium content you can either A) scam people who want that content or B) use said content to scam simps into thinking you are that person

Easy digital money

>book for 2 hours with bonus anal and a footjob.
>whore gives you $500 at the end

Smartphones + zoomers + social media = worse than any meteor or nuclear bomb.

That some cheap puss

thats really fucking cheap m8
I would just because its a bargain

There is no clean up. They put a towel down, you fuck on that, then they throw it in the corner, they wipe themself down with the towel if you coom on them. They don't even wash their hands.

Well enjoy your chips slagm8.

Yeah but that extra $10 is still the difference between a tight, functional butthole and incremental progress towards having shit juices flowing into her gooch 24/7.

extra $10 for anal but a whole $40 for bj? How does that make any sense?

Idiots in this thread think this is real. This is a classic cashapp/venmo scam.

It’s a snap account made by a girl, maybe the girl in the pic, or a guy using someone’s photos.

1. Create sex offers for cash
2. Get desperate guys to contact you
3. Have them pay you in Venmo or cashapp
4. Transfer money to other account
5. Tell guy you’re on your way
6. Make it stretch..let as much time passes so he doesn’t report you for fraud on either payment app
7. Say you need gas money
8. Have him pay you gas money
9. Make it stretch even longer. Send location via location faker apps which work with snap
10. Transfer all money to bank account
11. Drain the loser of as much funds as possible
12. Block, delete, repeat with other loser

This is how you get robbed and your shit kicked in by Slovenian/Macedonia/Albanian kinda types.

some girls prefer anal.

>I need the money upfront
This is 100% what's going on here.

But wait, how do I contact her?


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$10 extra*

>a all night hookup
imagine fucking something that can't even grasp the basics of english grammar

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You have to buy the hour so it's an upgrade. The blowjob is an a la carte item.

>Well enjoy your chips slagm8.

is there a distinction between a std free whore and a virgin? im sure businesses could cater to both tastes. just because you don't like the idea of it doesn't mean everyone does and you cant even express why it should be illegal.

Only 10 extra for anal? Wow

I'm not some pussy. If I show up to get my dick sucked, I'm getting my dick sucked, even if its bristled by the bloodied stash of some albanian gypsy.

This can only be a good thing user. Women will once again be relegated to merely be the vessels of pleasure for men, as they were for thousands of years. Fewer women going into the workforce and more going to porn/prostitution will make taking away their rights again that much easier.

I don't think it should be illegal; I just think it's soulless and dystopian.

that is how it should be.

Why would you care? STD>ABC

eros.com if you want a legit escort

This is fake and has been making the rounds

$500 for a weekend for a girl with a decent looking body and a not that bad face is cheap.

even then, it is so cheap she might as well just make it inclusive. I would have think she would charge way more than that for that "upgrade". It feels more like a whole expansion pack rather than just a DLC.

But what do I know, never used any prostitute

> soulless and dystopian
how so? sex work has been sought after for as long as humans have craved sex

10 dorar for anal? wow.


Who would even want to fuck this thing? You'd be safer fucking a urinal at a gas station FFS.

Still funny. I'm sure simps out there are giving money to it

i find that odd considering they don't have a prostate

>paying up front for sex
lol, this fucking guy
bitches don't get paid until after i nut

>Also, never trust a girl with a dirty mirror.

If you're not having sex with a virgin, then it whether or not a whore is upfront about her whoredom it makes no difference.

Bong coping WITH having to pay women for sex lmao

not all love is equal I understand that, but its unlikely for you to always have a partner so whats the harm in using a trusted, regulated prostitution service?

>aren't russian whores way cheaper?

I guess you pay more to not support human trafficking ... kinda like fairtrade chocolate & coffee ... although if the BJ is anything like fairtrade chocolate or coffee, I don't want it.

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