Goodbye frenz. It's been shiggy.

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A doomsday bunker just flew over my house.

they are a bunch of pussies afraid of some chink virus, fuck them

they may be pussies but they are smart

Why the fuck would build a doomsday bunker in New Zealand?

New Zealand just flew over my house.

Guess that's why Thiel and his pet kike Moldbug have been silent

They no longer have firearms rights.

I never thought I'd live to see the day where you paranoid, anti government shut ins would fall for some fake ass head cold and believe the media is telling the truth. They really did a good fucking job of putting you braindead, fluoride drinkers under a spell.
Trump was put in power to oversee the collapse of the dollar. It's happening before your eyes. He's our last president. So congratulations. You think it was magic, 4D chess, but it was all part of the plan. "Satan doesn't cast out Satan". While you're all jerking yourselves off watching tv like cowardly, mindless fucking sheep, the military is already setting up on your stupid asses. You're weak, because you're not getting sun. But that doesn't matter because they've been spraying shit for weeks on end. It rains every fucking day. None of you care because you're all feeble minded losers.
You'll all give up your guns and get biometric scanners injected into your bloodstream. Courtesy of the head reptile of the operation, Bill Gates. Keep thinking it's a bioweapon when China already owns 8 trillion of our debt and 40% of all real estate in Canada. That's like saying Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. But wait, you didn't fall for that one. I wonder why?
What a fucking joke you all are. Sitting ducks. Cowards. The blind leading the blind. I go outside and I see all of you utterly retarded media worshippers walking around scared like rabbits in your faggy masks. Tvs are a variation of black mirrors created by witches and warlock jews to control the masses. Just look at sports. I laugh at how easily manipulated and uninformed you all are. Yet I want to bully and knockout everyone with masks for being so retarded. Females have an excuse. What's yours? Men are supposed to lead. Raise armies. You aren't men. You couldn't fight back if you wanted to. Go ahead and make new threads. Tell yourself you have it all figured out.
Fucking government cock swallowing faggots.

I dunno how I feel about living in a post apocalyptic world - rather not survive hopefully incarnate on a planet like LOTR as a hobbit in the shire

It's literally the furtherest point from anywhere else on the planet. Hardly anyone even knows where it is on a map.

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So who's ready to go hunting? I've heard its lovley in New Zeland this time of year.

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Hollywood elites wiping out the rest of the Māori by infecting them with coronavirus

if this appears in an OP, they should be permabanned and the post removed

Stop noticing things goy.

sorry about that

I'm sure we could spare a couple nukes on New Zealand. It's even kind if on the way to China. So it's barely an inconvenience

Zerohedge cites sources and shows pics and vid. Go suck msm cock on reddit fuck tard.


>>Work smarter not harder.
I love americans.

get the cement trucks. Let them rot in their bunkers.

>Zerohedge cites sources and shows pics and vid
They very rarely cite source and when they do, they end up not saying what ZH said. Also, most articles are exactly like this one, "a couple of rich people moved to new zealand from America, so we are going to make up that all of the rich mutts are escaping to new zealand because the worlds ending.
Unironically kys in minecraft you absolute fucking dipshit

Fuck man one just flew into mine
That hurt

Here's your gay dildo MSM you love so much corroborating the OP faggot

They're not fleeing the corona, they're preemptively fleeing the guillotines once the quarantines gets lifted. Do you think that some gibs can pull the entire US economy along with oil worldwide out of the gutter? That they can stop the automatization that will accelerate as a cope for the lack of labor and the lack of ability to pay for that labor? They can see the red flags waving from now, that's why the bunkers are in NZ and not in Montana.

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>Why the fuck would build a doomsday bunker in New Zealand?

When you count stuff like american samoa as usa, niue as new zealand, christimas island as australia and etc......... new zealand is the most distant country from his closest country (australia)

when counting those "its soveregn thing or part of another country?" places as a soveregn thing for the sake of finding the closest country from country X, the answer is still new zealand.

But when counting those places as sorevegn things you will move to the answer is Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Based leaf.

>bunker manufacturers are fielding more calls, but number of orders aren't increasing
>an article about one guy going to NZ to his bunker
>only 2 examples of people actually going to their NZ bunker, the rest is just listing rich people who have estates in NZ but are STILL in America
Provide me a source that says even 10 mega rich u.s. tycoons have fled to NZ. I'll wait

Don’t let them back in.

Revoke their passports.

Is this copypasta? Is this the black pill? Did he fall for the shills? Is he shilling?

Well, this is it Yas Forums. This might just be the end of the world and all because china wanted to play God with viruses just to compete with the US.

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All I'm hoping for is a chance to kill a bunch of leftists before I coof to death.

boomers should all be fucking purged from this site

>implying jews and the shabbos they need require passports.

If doomsday happens we should program deadman switch nukes to annihilate New Zealand just in case.

They do it like every year

Hmm. Under ground bunkers. Ok ok. They need air so they have an open venting system, im sure its all carbon filtered etc..
But heres the problem. Its just a glorified cave.
> A cave is a grave in the real world.
How are those fuckers going to breath when the tsunami hits and tjose bunkers are all under a 1/2 of sea water ?
Hope they enjoy their fish tank.

nigger tongue my anus !

Smart, but also shows how treasonous they are towards their country and its people. Instead of helping to fix the problem which a lot of them caused and they have the resources to fix it, they jet off to bunkers to wait for it to blow over then emerge and try to begin their shenanigans all over again.

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Woah so redpilled...shut the fuck up faggot, stop being such a schizo fuck and seriously believing that the media tells such deep lies. The media lies, overexaggerates, makes connections that aren't there to push shit ideas...but it's not for anything other than the same reason does anything, they just want money...and that's why the cultseveratist retards are so confused right now, they are told by their retarded cult leader that they shouldn't believe the news so they think they are the enemies when the real enemies are right in front of their eyes, the banks and CEOs still earning millions while not paying their employees...but let's cry that the made up news is pushing a made up virus because socialism and they taken muh rights goddammit, first masks, then they gon take all our guns, then we gon be slaves...we already are willing slaves, wake the fuck up, we cant even survive a month off of work in "freedom land"

Correct.Boogaloo will not happen. cattle wagons to fema camps next. LMAO

>zero hedge


The hivemind speaks

Well I guess we know why New Zealand really pushed gun control. Now their people will be easier to subjugate

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hope they are infected and infect each other and collapse all together in the bunkers

New Zealand is the worst place to be unless you are working for the chinks.


An invasion will be a lot easier then

So in other words, all the corrupt elite officials, hollywood elite, and jewish bankers are LOCKING IT THE FUCK DOWN and we need to stop by new zealand first and drop some phosphorous down the bunkers air vents first before we continue on to nuke china?
I'll bring the faygo!

>Fake virus
>Meme oil prices
>Broken economy
>Incoming famine
>Incoming real disease
>Zog is sending you money and it will be worthless plus their won't be anything to spend it on
>Incoming weather happenings probable
Holy shit 2020 hasn't disappointed

The chinks know where it is fine and will take it and Australia within a week of the festivities starting.

They aren't fleeing the virus, bro.

what it do, mah G?

How can they fly when there is a lockdown?

This guy gets it.

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