
>!!!!!! Social restrictions 'to remain for rest of year' !!!!!!

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>!!!!!! Social restrictions 'to remain for rest of year' !!!!!!

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Are Eathan

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take the eathanpill

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>Vaccine volunteer who is among 500 people trialling new coronavirus jab insists his decision is not 'heroic'
why are they even bothering? there's no way to vaccinate against this virus.

Maybe you should have centered most of you're 4th quarter revenue on a single sport like your kid did

I really didn't need to see Timmys cock again

5G innit?

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Kinda don’t care about the shanghai shivers, seems to be all hot air desu

N-nani, who is this guy? his powerlevel, its over 9000!

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>“Our latest storage capacity models suggest we may run out of onshore storage either in the first week of May, or if we include all remaining storage with 100pc utilisation, the theoretical deadline would be postponed to the end of May,” Tonhaugen says.

>It is time to throw old perceptions of physical laws to the side, and prepare for more surprises, he adds.

>The only solution, Tonhaugen says, is to either close vast numbers of oil wells, lift lockdown restrictions sooner - which will in turn increase demand, or have oil producing nations such as Russia and Saudi Arabia enact deeper production cuts.

>Without these measures, he said, “don’t be surprised if a barrel of oil gets cheaper than a latte in a while”.

>prepare for more surprises
>prepare for more surprises
>prepare for more surprises
>prepare for more surprises
>north sea oil SHUT DOWN
>north sea oil SHUT DOWN
>north sea oil SHUT DOWN
>north sea oil SHUT DOWN

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might go to the petrol station tbqhwy

Jocks Mad (x24)

Did any of you lads remember that it's St Stephen's Day today?

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Oh no what are the porridge wogs going to do now.

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glad I'm Asian. I can get away with going out anytime I want. I'll make sure I report all you racist native Brit trash to the authorities if I see you out and about. Cheers.

Who is that second from the left? Looks like Helen Whately, but she's a Tory

No wonder you're all dying.

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Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh

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Any of you lads locked down with a woman who is driving you fucking mental?

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If I could choose anyone in the world to come back as a zombie it would be Bowden.

>Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
Thanks lad, I remember her now.

I am so fucking bored.

yes, when this is over i'm going innawoods alone and stay there for a week at least

Yeah, your mum.