It doesn't appear so. No White genocide, no/way less degeneracy, family values, nationalism everywhere. What if the Jews only want to exterminate Western Whites?
What about Eastern European countries? Are they controled by the Jews too?
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Have you actually been in these countries or are just saying by what you see in this board?
Ukraine certainly is. Imagine a country full of retards, being controlled by Jewish oligarchs. That's Ukraine.
Dude I live in one of those countries. I'm telling you how it is
I don't think there is a country called 'White Supremacist'.
>The history of the Jews in Prague (capital of today's Czech Republic) is one of Central Europe's oldest and most well-known.
>For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world.
shut it down.
Krauts killed all the jews here and they did it for free like jannies lmao, we helped them a little but shlomo is still salty about it all these years after.
Fair enough. You are a memeflag, so I wouldn't know.
Why do countries like Czechia and Hungary have so many pornstars, If they aren't kiked? Specially Hungary. Genuine question
that pic
Eastern Europe is a province of Western Europe and Russia. It might be a refuge for some time but this time is running out.
>Are they controled by the Jews too?
no, but neither is the west, all "white genocide" was done by white christian men in the west
You live right next to pozz king germ-any, it will be like 1940 all over but instead of tanks, gays.
Czechia, Hungary, Poland are basically governed by far-right. Pornstars have nothing to do with anything, those are the least cucked White countries of today
They aren't controlled by the Jews directly, but indirectly. The ones in control are generally local mafias, which are in turn friends with the CIA, and you should know how it goes from there.
They support eachother with smuggling and corruption primarily, and it extends into western Europe too, but western Europe has more money and better censorship apparatus, so people don't see the mafia as well.
When things take a turn for the worse, the CIA gets their big money friends to buy some elections for them and puts them right back into power.
Sentimentality and nostalgia. These countries were Jewish ancestral homelands. Paradisus Judaeorum etc
its still impossible to become as jewed as poland
I'm almost 100% sure that half of those people have nothing to do with those countries. Literally random faces of Google
Not sure if you got can’t remember dates properly or confused Poland and France. Either way you are wrong.
that's the joke, it's a random pic of a single class from a single country, somebody matched flags that might fit....
Imagine thinking this retarded nonsense. Poland is governed by pro Israel fake crist cucks.
T. Polak
Too many dates to remember so I mix them up, 1939 Poland gets btfo 1940 baltics get btfo.
A great place to live if you want to commit suicide
There's a good reason why everyone emigrates from there and works as a barista.
BTW if you want to live in Poland just go to Chicago, there are more poles there than in Warsaw or any other city in Poland.
90s were shitty and grim, now it's way better.
BTW I live in K-ce.
Believe me even Łódź is better than Chicongo.
>the countries with the highest percentage of Pornstars are the least cucked in Europe
the absolute state of Eurocucks
At least they have actual far-right parties like Konfederacja and Mi Handzak. In Germany AfD is just American style cuckservatism and NPD is a controlled opposition party filled with glowies.
Why does Brazil have so many ghettos and gangs? I'd take the hookers than the stabbings and shootings.
No, it's controlled by oligarchs, which in turn are controlled by the jews.
except Ukraine, no.
>I'd take the hookers than the stabbings and shootings.
if you ask me gypsy then i'd say living in a shithole where any moment someone can steal assault or murder you is better than having 1 pornstar and 2 prostitutes in every family like in the case of eastern Europe
You are algerian, even Macedonia would kick your ass in a war just ferme ta gueule le bougnoule.
Lmao wut? Not even 20% of European pornstars are from Eastern Europe, way less hookers than the West too. Get back to your goat, AHMED. Try not to get executed by your daddy government when you look at a ninja woman's ass, AHMED. Try to get a chromosome transplant surgery cause you miss one due to being an inbred muslimerino, AHMED.
This look up the Seven-bankers. They were 6/7 Jews who took over Russia. Bush even financed AlQaeda in Chechnya to stop them
I'd kill myself if I was muslim also.
Having to rotate your little carpet to face Mecca as you pray n times a day and can't even fathom the notion of alcohol unless you're faced to not embrace the virgin heaven is mentally retarded and stems bigger idiots than Christianity will ever produce + the inbreeding that happens in your state.
Algerian, I'm white as they come so joke's on you.
>even Macedonia would kick your ass in a war
fucking KEK we can crush the entire Balkaniggers in less than a week
Greece (if you count it as a Balkanigger shithole) is the only shithole there who can hold a fight against us but our Turkish brothers will take care of them for us ;)
>Not even 20% of European pornstars are from Eastern Europe
but they have the highest percentages of pornstars you idiotic mongrel
back to suck Ivan's cock and hope he infects you with aids you Slav(e)
I'd unironically slit my throat with a rusty spoon if I was a sand monkey. Then I'd come there and rape God for making me an inbred shitstain