/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3392

► Detected: 2,629,951 (+74,191) ► Died: 183,723 (+6,264) ► Day: 104 (-03:42:32)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10.0x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,170 strains have been sequenced —


Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Virus lingers in eyes even after clearance from nose

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

NIAID chief mentions risk of ADE during White House briefing

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Virus binds to GRP78, third route found

NYC official admits they are undercounting deaths

US federal government pressures states to test less

CDC refused to test infected man

▶ 26742 new cases and 2143 new deaths in the United States
▶ 21 new cases in Congo
▶ 10 new cases in Gabon
▶ 1290 new cases and 36 new deaths in India
▶ 468 new cases and 26 new deaths in Romania
▶ 1391 new cases and 132 new deaths in Canada
▶ 1609 new cases and 164 new deaths in Germany
▶ 5 new cases and 2 new deaths in Niger
▶ 8 new cases in Tunisia


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Zionist Plan for Transhumanism: Covid-19, 5G, Biometric ID, Quantum Chip Tattoo, Cryptocurrency, Quantum Computing, Humanized Mice, Nano-particles, AI, Neurolink, Vaccines, “DARPA Hydrogel Sensor”

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Non-brainwashed, non-schizo, non-fearmonger thread


-Operation Lac

-Operation Paperclip

-Operation Northwoods (JFK stopped it)

-MK Ultra


-Wounded Knee

-Tuskegee Experiment

-Using UNICEF money to forcibly sterilize half the Native women in the USA


-Ruby Ridge.

-Lyme disease.
The weaponized strain that got loose in the 70s
from plum Island.
No joke that strain of Lyme disease is so gangster your
immune system is at such a high level of battle at all
times it makes you near 100 percent immune to
viral infections such as Corona virus from taking root.

-When they bailed out the banks in 2008

-Kent State Killings
AKA the only one that had a lasting backlash
-They armed the cartels with those operations fast and furious and football or whatever
then they made deals with certain cartels to ensure their lines were running smoothly

then this story comes out

I can go on and on but certain members high up in the government especially the clinton bush and kennedy family have all enriched themselves though illegal drug trade
the list is even bigger when you factor in the opiate crisis and US troops protecting poppy fields
it's all so ridiculous.
-there are also quite a few cases where the government bombed it's own citizen
but have you heard about all the mining town massacres?
there are quite a few
the one common thing is that they were late at giving their citizen basic human rights and because money interests were endangered they send in the national guard every single time and it ended in massive massacres sometimes counting over thousands
1911 was the last native american massacre
the bombings happened up until modernity
sometimes even involved dropping them from helicopters.

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Why lockdowns are the wrong policy - Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke


-Larry King and the whole Boys Town scandal that some still try to call a conspiracy.
[Larry King (American politician not talk show host) ran a child sex ring out of a place he made called boystown.
They laudered a bunch of money through boystown etc. This happened in the late 80s I believe.
Was called a hoax as some of the witnesses aparrantly lied,
one of the witnesses saying they were threatened to do so. Local police captain was in on it.
Big mess.
I believe Larry King got charged with embezzlement or something but not the prostitution ring.
Literally purged from the internet. Larry King has been completely purged.
If you can find it watch the original conspiracy of silence documentary or look into the Franklin Cover Up.]

-The 1965 Immigration Act.

-Recognizing the Chicoms at the UN.

-Mormon execution order, and selling crack in LA and cops trafficking kids


The US government is full of psychopaths who indulge in racketeering.

-The Belray Surge

-OKC, followed closely by Lockerbie, I think the FBI harassment of Hatfill was bready gud too.
The take down, rape, and death of Libya was just sad.

-Planned Parenthood front for culling African American population.

-The Tiger King incident

-1966 Palomares B-52 crash

-The US government leaving behind hundreds of POWs in Vietnam/Laos and McCain using his former (well-treated) POW status to simultaneously shut down all inquiries into the left behind men and run for President


And then the MMS has the gall to compare him favorably to Trump

-Ronald Reagen giving 6 mil illegals amnesty

-Federal Reserve act of 1913

-borderline bar and grill, Thousand Oaks,CA


-WWII Japanese Internment Camps

-Assassination of Soleimani

-Libyan Civil War

-Yemeni Civil War

-Bolivian Coup

-Gulf War

-Bombing of Sarajevo

-Colonization of Hawaii

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Reminder that there is not even 1 documented case of full recovery from COVID-19.

(More so a cause of the prior European -White Anglo Saxon-
overt pride/superiority complex and a need for a bolstered labor force.
Also Africans sold their own people in which 6 of the vessels tasked
with shipping slaves were Jewish owned.)

-Colonization of Philippians

-Hurricane Katrina
FBI/ATF with local police forces initiated gun confiscations
and raids on the populace.

-Kent State

-Using Anthrax on American Senators



-Trail of Tears

-Agent Orange

-CIA Cocaine Smuggling

-CIA Injecting drugs into African American communities, mainly cocaine.

-Assassination of MLK

-Bay of Pigs Fakeout

-Battle of Blair Mountain

-Gulf of Tonkin

-Red Summer

-Red Scare 1

-Red Scare 2

-Tulsa Race Riots

-Bonus Army

-DNC Convention 1968

-Las Vegas Shooting

-Siege of Athens (Reaction of the citizens was not a sin.)

-Pedophile Blackmail


-Jeffrey Epstein

-Lolita Island

-Corporation Surveillance Cooperation

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Reminder that the way most countries have handled this has set it up to be the next spanish flu.

> The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much more deadly than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States,[102]the virus had mutated to a much more deadly form. October 1918 was the month with the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic

A widespread but relatively normal first wave

>This increased severity has been attributed to the circumstances of the First World War.[104]In civilian life,natural selectionfavors a mild strain. Those who get very ill stay home, and those mildly ill continue with their lives, preferentially spreading the mild strain. In the trenches, natural selection was reversed. Soldiers with a mild strain stayed where they were, while the severely ill were sent on crowded trains to crowded field hospitals, spreading the deadlier virus.

People with more mild strains are social distancing and not spreading it, people with the worse strains spread it to HCW's

> Modern analysis has shown the virus to be particularly deadly because it triggers acytokine storm(overreaction of the body's immune system), which ravages the stronger immune system of young adults.[5]

See you all in August



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-When Bill Clinton sold US nuclear missile technology to China for campaign contributions.
As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by
selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.
That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests,
combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls,
effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,
David Horowitz writes in the recently published,
The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.
Unlike the administrations that preceded it,
the Clinton administration accepted millions of dollars from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power.
All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower.

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You people used to name the jew, You used to ask the uncomfortable questions and buck the established narrative. Now all you do is tune in for updates from state media, and suck the black African cock of WHO Kang. All they had to do was say "The sky is falling, trust us we have a (test) for it." and you all jumped on the hype train like every other normie NPC.

I am disappointed in you Yas Forums. When did you become such a faggot?
Nothing to see here (for the 3392nd time) go about your business.

I wish I had a competent leader


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>Non-brainwashed, non-schizo, non-fearmonger thread
Yikes, sounds like something to avoid.

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The poverty brought on by stupidity will dwarf Coronachan. Step off the pad pestilence it’s poverty’s turn.

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>Birx: if it comes back...
>Trump: if it comes back it won't be coming back in the form it was
>Trump: it can never be anything like what we witnessed right now ... we will not go through what we went through in the last 2 months
holy shit we're all going to die

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Does anyone else feel weird, browsing other boards, and seeing how they keep at it as if everything is the same?
What will it be of them when people start dying en masse?

>Trump: it can never be anything like what we witnessed right now ... we will not go through what we went through in the last 2 months
The message: It will be so goddamn bad there won't be any pretense of maintaining normal functions of civilization.

Update: Trump has now said that we have "solved" the Corona crisis, and the ventilator problem. He's also saying the United States has "tested more people than the entire world combined has."

post a pic of your gfs steamy cavernous pussy bro

kek try /sp/

>worldwide deaths flat lining for well over a week now
Kek, it's over. Eat your 5kg of rice and get back to work loser.

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We're so screwed, our governments are incompetent...good god...

Not really

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Personally I don't open an anime or game thread to talk about corona.

These daily briefings really have turned into propaganda rallies, why the fuck does any news station other than faux show them

Normalcy bias.

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>Reporter: why do we need them if everything is fine? why are we spending more money?

#1 United States 844,992 (47,430) #2 Spain 208,389 (21,717) #3 Italy 187,327 (25,085) #4 France 159,877 (21,340) #5 Germany 150,062 (5,250) #6 United Kingdom 133,495 (18,100) #7 Turkey 98,674 (2,376) #8 Iran 85,996 (5,391) #9 China 82,788 (4,632) #10 Russia 57,999 (513) #11 Brazil 45,757 (2,906) #12 Belgium 41,889 (6,262) #13 Canada 39,813 (1,966) #14 Netherlands 34,842 (4,054) #15 Switzerland 28,268 (1,509) #16 Portugal 21,982 (785) #17 India 21,370 (681) #18 Peru 19,250 (530) #19 Ireland 16,671 (769) #20 Sweden 16,004 (1,937) #21 Austria 14,925 (510) #22 Israel 14,498 (189) #23 Saudi Arabia 12,772 (114) #24 Japan 11,512 (281) #25 Chile 11,296 (160) #26 Ecuador 10,850 (537) #27 South Korea 10,694 (238) #28 Poland 10,169 (426) #29 Singapore 10,141 (12) #30 Pakistan 10,076 (212) #31 Romania 9,710 (524) #32 Mexico 9,501 (857) #33 United Arab Emirates 8,238 (52) #34 Denmark 7,912 (384) #35 Indonesia 7,418 (635)…

#1 United States +26,742 (+2,143) #2 Russia +5,236 (+57) #3 United Kingdom +4,451 (+763) #4 Spain +4,211 (+435) #5 Italy +3,370 (+437) #6 Turkey +3,083 (+117) #7 Brazil +2,678 (+165) #8 France +1,827 (+544) #9 Germany +1,609 (+164) #10 Peru +1,413 (+46) #11 Canada +1,391 (+132) #12 India +1,290 (+36) #13 Iran +1,194 (+94) #14 Saudi Arabia +1,141 (+5) #15 Singapore +1,016 (+1) #16 Belgium +933 (+264) #17 Mexico +729 (+145) #18 Netherlands +708 (+138) #19 Sweden +682 (+172) #20 Ireland +631 (+39) #21 Qatar +608 (+1) #22 Portugal +603 (+23) #23 Belarus +558 (+3) #24 Israel +556 (+5) #25 Pakistan +511 (+11) #26 United Arab Emirates +483 (+6) #27 Romania +468 (+26) #28 Ukraine +467 (+13) #29 Chile +464 (+13) #30 Ecuador +452 (+17) #31 Bangladesh +390 (+10) #32 Poland +313 (+25) #33 Indonesia +283 (+19) #34 Dominican Republic +256 (+15) #35 Morocco +237 (+4)…

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oh hey '5kg of rice' user, how ya doin?

okay anons, seriously what do we do about the Chinese enemy now that they're trying to brainwash the world into thinking this came from the US.

Of course the bugmen are not stupid and try to brainwash brainlets like Arabs and Africans first.


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fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch.

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .

reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable lives with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless doomer idiots and nobody loves them.

also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.
cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.

these threads should be on bant. cvg is a little autistic cult at this point screeching at each other.

OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i run cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud

>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh
reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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The catalogue exists for something user