What if this place really is hell... a spiritual prison planet of sorts

What if this place really is hell... a spiritual prison planet of sorts

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There are videos on youtube on how to be a asshole.
There are threads on how to kill people, good or bad.

Its the end of times.


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You think it's like a rite of passage, for GOD or something?

You see God is actually Satan, while Satan is what you call "God".
Satan punishes all the evil souls for all eternity.

What's more likely:
>90% of the world would be right (Muslims/Christians/Jews)
> 0.0000012% of the world Satanists are right?
Remember that Satan is a great deceiver, so why wouldn't he portray himself as God?
It doesn't make sense for the world to be as evil and corrupt as it is with 90% of the world believing in God.

Satan is God
God is Satan

The world is fucked right now because most of the world believes in Satan ( the great deceiver), while God's power is incredibly small, because everyone thinks he is Satan and hates him.

This is the ultimate redpill very few will swallow.

The church is the house of Satan.
The mosque is the house of Satan.
The synagogue is the house of Satan.

Satan is the creator and all existence is suffering.
Satan wants you to exist in this realm and suffer (you are currently in Hell) and God wants to you transcend and not exist at all.

Earth is Hell.
This universe is Hell.
You are in Hell.

I don't know where I read that Earth is indeed hell.

What is pilpul?The post.

then become the King of Hell!

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It is. Satan is the warden. Only God can set you free.

It is
This is a test, nobody else around you exist it’s a figment of your imagination

You have to raise to the challenge, you’re running out of time

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You're talking about Yas Forums, right?

Hell is very real, don't fall into the trap of thinking your life is hell.

Life is just suffering, and yes it can feel like hell when you're full of anxiety. An example:

>what are we gonna do when there's no money? How will I get food?
everywhere. wheat is grown on the side of the road, cactuses have fruits and theyre everywehre. pecan trees are everywhere I could harvest a years of food worth in one season of pecans alone.

The idea that you can't survive without economy or money is a demon possessing your body mind and spirit. It shouldn't exist because if you think about it, God provides all.

Forever. You are here forever.

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Then you are speaking to yourself.

I don't know about the nature of reality, but I can tell you for a fact that Yas Forums is full of literal black magic meant to control your mind.

It is but I got the keys to the exit.

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Chaim filling the boards with more pure factual information

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You're looking for Buddhism or Hinduism, if you want to confirmation bias you way into strengthening your beliefs about the world.

I highly reccomend the bhagavad gita. It's essentially a dialog with god that will answer many of your questions, oh Arjuna.

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I get the mosque and synagogue being the house of satan but what about the church? Isn't the cross supposed to represent getting out of the box? (Getting out of the prison cell)

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One holohoax with pommes please. And a large Fanta.

>tfw when you're snatched from the eternal bliss of the formless void, placed in a meat avatar and forced to do spreadsheets and powerpoints for sixty long and painful years

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The Church is a house of many pedophiles and crusades, normalizing race mixture and wars across the world. The cross is where Jesus died. Why would it be a good symbol?

No pain, no gain.

Are you ready for your messiah?

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Spirit got us in here, Spirit can get us out.

>where's the key?
You ARE they key.

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It really is pure comedy when you think about it

you must meet Jesus today you cannot wait any longer. he will give you rest

If you are into quantum physics and the idea of different dimensions you may realise that "Jesus died on the cross" is possibly just a metaphor for Jesus dying in this realm and moving into another (the fourth dimension)

How else could he perform his miracles unless he was operating from another dimension, in the end he died in the third dimension. (His body died, but his spirit lived on).

For real though what do we gain spiritually from living through this mad age?

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No, but like hell you are responsible for your own suffering.

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yes if you have chosen so

Fourth dimension is time. You mean fifth.
And yes it's possible.

Idk Demiurges identity but what I do know is We are in the “end times” currently. Mark of the beast is the electronic ID2020 program. Meaning bill gates is the antichrist. Here is why:

Revelations makes the most sense to “play out” in a predominately Christian nation. We just lived in “the time of two popes”. Before Christianity there was paganism roots for religious reasons. These faiths were sun and moon worshipers. Some of these footprints can be observed in our vernacular. What is the FIRST day of the week? SUN-day followed by MO(O)N-day. So when the moon comes before the sun (total solar eclipse) it marks the start of “major rituals”. In 2017 a total solar eclipse passed through all of the continental United States (very rare) there will be another total solar eclipse that passes through the continental United States in 2024. How many years is that? = 7
How long is tribulations / revelations supposed to be? 7 years long. Half way through is when “the antichrist” appears. So that’s 3.5 years basically so 2017 +3.5 years would be between 2020-2021 is when the antichrist shows up. William Henry Gates at the end of 2021 will be 66 years old.

Think spiritually! The rise of technology has directly killed the youth interest and belief in the old prior religious doctrines. Kids are now placid, lazier, and very uninspired... due primarily to the overstimulation of technology. Why do you think people can’t visualize in their head (imagine concepts) like they used to. We have been dulled our and conditioned into worship technology and “culture” over traditions. Where would the police state be without expensive camera network systems that used gates inspired technology. When you take your covid vaccine KNOW THEN that the beast marked you (electronically)

Gate father founded planned parenthood (ritualized child sacrifice) if it was counted as a cause of death, would be the number ONE leading cause of American deaths!

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I can see that

yeah well i'm more keen to believe that theory

i think the story of jesus has been skewed way too much from what it originally was

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>what I do know is We are in the “end times” currently. Mark of the beast is the electronic ID2020 program. Meaning bill gates is the antichrist. Here is why:

a true boomer facebook point of view

thanks for sharing

>What if
it is. you should read this book/listen to this audiobook. hope it helps

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whats fundamentally different or worse morally now in comparison to say emperor neros time


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