>it's illegal to use a public playground
this is the Martial law we've been warning you about for years
Shut the fuck up, mutt fed. The boog is coming. Day of the riot is coming.
Shes cute
superior race my ass
They're right you know. She wasn't endangering anyone by using an empty playground. She was socially distanced.
Do you want booga? Because this is how you get booga
she is! looks like ana de armas
gay ops
>Ada County
So, Boise, the landing place for fleeing Californians who want to turn Idaho into the state they just fled. Well done Californians.
That's a milf.
>some faggot actually called the police on a mom playing with her children
She's not THAT good looking, but yeah she's definitely attractive. I'd love to see a BBC ramming in and out of her.
You can't survive there for 10 months if you burn all your supplies needlessly on a nothingburger.
She did the right thing. People are starting to wake up to this bullshit.
No. It will not ever come to fruition, boy.
I always thought Americans being dumb was a bit of a meme but holy shit the way you burgers react to a few weeks of not being able to go to Wallmart or consuming product is staggering.
>it's my god damned right to wageslave, make money for schlomo and consume!
more like anal de anus if you catch my meaning
Very nice meme fren.
>I'd love to see a BBC ramming in and out of her.
father would be proud of you, you little cuckold wimpering FAGGOT
looks good for 40 and in jail
Mutts are the ones dying primarily.
Blame the libertarians, they lured in all the fucktards here with these slave comforts called "rights".
pretty decent skin for a 40yo. And not fat, for an US citizen it's almost a miracle.
>this is a nation of laws!
>breaks the law, gets arrested, and chimps chimp out over the law
Sure smells like retard in here
>mom in jail
Did the kids get placed in protective services?
Pedos must have been low on adrenaline.
Thank u :P
Michigan issued second most deer permits in US behind much larger TX. Lots of unemployed deer hunters with 30-06 and 4x12 scope laying around pissed at Gov.
>nation of laws!
We have laws that tells government what they can and can’t do. You might’ve heard it. It’s called The Constitution
I'm a Trump supporter and I was staying inside since January. We were the first to ring the bell in here.
>If we can't play then no one can!
This. Boston tea party didn’t turn into a revolution over night.
That's stupid. Guns with wooden stocks aren't dangerous like black guns.
How about we DOTR every cock sucker we see wearing a fucking mask pushing this HOAX bullshit?
Is that some sort of MILF version of Amouranth?
Thats pretty funny coming from you
We have 60 mil of your amigos that you should come and get
One day you'll be in one of those videos. I want you to remember this moment and then you'll know why.
Fucking LOL
>Liberate muh states and start the second wave fellow pedes!
>The first wave is not even over yet
I really got to get a better reaction picture.
>Lots of unemployed deer hunters with 30-06 and 4x12 scope laying around pissed at Gov.
This little faggoty fantasy you have about the people rising up against the government, which is trying to save them from airborne aids, is only that. A mere fantasy. It's absolutely appalling how much your kind acts like spoiled little shits when they're denied these slave comforts. Tells me that americans have become so fucking soft and deluded that this time of hardship will destroy them when the second wave starts.
first, pull on your size triple wide jeans, fatty
>That's stupid. Guns with wooden stocks aren't dangerous like black guns.
I know I have a AR7 and AR15 that’s black they both shoot ~.22 sized bullets. My weak wooden gun that also shoot .22 sized bullet is a 22-250
Wow. That'd probably feel pretty incredible, to get arrested and then a group of total strangers protested it.
Go practice that second amendment you've been talking about for years.
>leftists hold feminist protests and rallies during covid, that's OK
>leftists hold fight for $15 protest during covid, that's OK
>leftists hold anti-trump protests during covid, that's OK
>leftists hold counter-protest against protesters who want the lockdown to end, that's OK
>leftist Fredo Cuomo violates quarantine, that's OK
>leftist Andrew Cuomo and other leftist governors tell you "Don't arm yourselves" while releasing violent felons to "slow the infection", that's OK
>leftist Bill de Blasio is digging mass graves in NYC and has been doing so for years, that's OK
But then..
>Right winger steps outside, social distances for not six feet but six hundred yards
>Right wingers protest wanting lockdown to end
>Trump just put a stop on leftist ability to get an aggressive rimjob from a border hopping mexican national
Prepers want the shutdowns lifted so it gets worse.
>Tommy gun
That shoots 9mm or .45 PISTOL rounds. Maybe post pic of BAR?
Wow what a pretty mommy
>implying anti lock down people are preppers
I've been prepping for this my whole life
I hope to christ it spreads and kills everyone aside from myself and like minded preppers
>why are Trump supporters stupid
That might be the question of the century. No one knows and nothing of value was lost.