Jewish universities BTFO’d

>coronavirus shutting down schools
>jew (((universities))) may never reopen again
>parents start actually teaching their kids themselves
>Jews can’t spread propaganda on mass scales thru university anymore
>“oh no goy home schooling is dangerous!”

How will the jew every recover from this virus? Are normies going to get redpilled and collapse the (((university))) system?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> let your children be enslaved by niggers goy
> let your children be subservient to God's chosen people goy
> don't wake up goy
>everything is under control goy
>we will think for you goy

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>we get a vaccine by this time next year at the latest
>everything goes back to normal
>you’re still here seething because you’re an incel loser

The whole point of parenting is that have authoritarian control your kids

Imagine thinking everything is going to go back to normal after a year+ of shutdown

Hahahahaha the absolute state of JEWS

As opposed to the authoritarian control of the government to force small children into their trauma factories to hate their race and groom them for faggotry?

I hope nobody's paying you. This is God awful shillbait.

Sometimes when I see it put that way I think he is really playing the dimensional chess

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you can take the vacine slomo.

I hope nobody here is exposing their children to the zoom jew. Nothing is more cucked than letting your son get pozzed in your own house.

>Permanent lock down in force
>Kid taking their online courses
>Okay kids "has your parents ever disciplined you and said something very mean"
>Say yes
>ABC government agency come in shoot your dog and take your parents away
>get sent to the adrenochrome farm
Nothing personal goy

Everybody needs to be familiar with this

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

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I think kids most hated thing about school is dealing with legitimately upcoming insane people

being bullied or not

I know people say it prepares you for adult life but once you are an adult you just deal with these people by going away from them and letting them stew in their own hell

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I wonder how mad they must get by the fact they spend more money per niglet than any school system in the world. Lower standards so C students can get into top universities. Make college super easy to cheat. Pay for their breakfast, lunch, and in some places dinner, medical, dentistry. Yet nigs still get the same scores they have always gotten.

never met one person that was homeschooled that wasn't either mentally ill or wasn't a member of a cult


you can turn this on liberals by noting this was the thinking when government and church officials pulled native kids from their families and put them in catholic schools.

I'm surprised it's even legal to homeschool on your prison island.

You're thinking of public school

t. prison continent

cope. your fun time has ended

>we should have authoritarian control over your children says harvard professor
They become more transparent every day.

Personal anecdotes are just that. Some of the best and brightest people that I've ever met were home-schooled.

Jews fed of peoples emotions you are forced to deal with them for their own ends

The closest they get to home school on cuck island is at the Muslim religious school at the mosque where they train the next suicide bombers

>Harvard says
good thing nobody with functioning synapses cares what Harvard thinks.

>with functioning synapses
It's a much smaller number than you think.

>how dare you teach your own children!

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Correct, my friend. The greatest day of my life, was when I realized I didn’t have to put up with anybody’s shit, and could tell them to fuck off.

jews are absolutely seething no more drag queens reading nursery books and pedophilia acceptance

Oh no! We might teach them logic, ethics, and to be critical thinkers!


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