An honest question for leftists that actually, for whatever reason at all...

An honest question for leftists that actually, for whatever reason at all, choose to come here and debate people in the threads.

You guys have the backing of the government, academia and the media who are all funded by the corporations that are happy to have you perform as their useful idiots.

As the well funded and fanaticized vanguard against any kind of real social change that may happen on a street level, why would you care about this place?

Think about it. You can assault anybody who descents against the status quo and the police won't touch you, you won't lose your job and the media will praise you. Because you're a corporate tool, you joined a winning team and you have pretty much already won.

Websites like this are just an online refuge for red/white/black pilled people who are trying to squeeze any solace out of finding like minded people. Why would you waste your time here?

Before you say it, you aren't here to troll. I haven't seen any leftists trolling, you're mostly trying to debate but because you and your comrades have already won, you're in a small number here. So why bother trying to debate anyone?

Are you trying to recruit?

I'm not asking out of any kind of hatred towards you. It's not your fault you believe everything you're told by someone in a position of authority.

I'm asking out of general curiosity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Did you read the post?

>You guys have the backing of the government, academia and the media who are all funded by the corporations that are happy to have you perform as their useful idiots.
What country are you from that supports leftists? Most of the human world is relatively right wing, and most media in Europe is anti-left.

I don't say Leftist as in left wing. I say it as the label they chose for themselves, they're just corporate swine.

Bourgeois scum.

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Replace leftist with liberal or maybe even SocDem activist and I guess it makes sense but not really. You know these markets dictate everything not some small cover group of orthodox marxists Leninists behind all of big capital

Like I said in another response, Leftist covers what I think are well meaning people who bought into a bullshit ideology that keeps them busy coming down on people who question a globalise narrative, and that includes liberals (social liberals in particular), DemSoc, AnCom and Tankies, etc.

Not a leftist, but I have plenty of experience with them. The answer to your question is that they deny all that you said. Or more specifically, they try to weasel out using the ambiguous meaning of leftism as a cover. They will say that the mentioned entities do not support going communist (aside from the plethora of Marxist professors), which is true, but they conveniently forget that corporations and governments (and academia, media, etc) do wholeheartedly support far-left social programmes and identity politics, which in fact makes up about 90% what leftism is about. Besides, Jewish organizations such as the ADL in the USA, which have nothing to do with economic policy, harass and stomp out any resistance against said far-left programmes, and they are funded by governments, at the very least partially.

wasnt that guy just a pedophile who got turned into a freedom fighter martyr by burgers?

Most Antifa are upper-class spoiled brats who see "communism" as a social fad like being goth or being a wigger. They don't actually care about the white working class and they idolize foreign anti-white nations like China, Mexico, etc.

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No user, he probably didnt.
Also, I enjoyed your question. I'd like to know as well, honestly. Stalwart shareblue, back in early 2019, was quite the fun romp through the fields of degeneracy and exposing leftist DNC shills, but they've all seemed to disappear, save for a few retarded commies here and there.

>ITT op shows that he has no clue what actual left is and takes degenerate liberals at face value when they say that are left.

user, real leftist hate libs more than you can imagine.
"government, academia and the media who are all funded by the corporations that are happy to have you perform as their useful idiots."

the greatest lie ever told was convice the general public that libs are the left.


So where are the real leftists opposing libs, beating them up on the street, harassing them, getting them fired from their jobs or kicked out from their schools, deplatforming them, as they and the libs do hand in hand to nationalists and even cuckservatives? The "real left" has been almost completely absorbed into libshits. I do not deny that you are sincere, or that there are others who think like you, but you are utterly insignificant.

Leftists are liberals with a more defined and dogmatic economic system. You're okay with Jews and niggers ruling over you as long as they wave a red/yellow flag around.

Hes referring, probably to the higher up elites working down at silicon valley and the stupid blue checkmark leftist twitter retards who love to REEEEEEEE "Kill All Whites!", feminists, black lives matter activists, and people who unironically make BLACKED threads because they think it "pisses off muh nazis".

Aka commie furfags fresh off of discord that should dilate. Those are probably the kinda leftists he's talking about.

Mostly it's because it's easy to make fun of low IQ people like you that think the liberals in Academia are the same thing as leftists.

And also you refuse to accept you control every level of government.

Liberals are the ones who control every company, every university, every government.

How can you get them to fire their own people?

We just share a mutual hatred for the far right.

Good question OP. I put it to you, that there are really hardly any, if any at all, real leftists here. There are a lot of people who play the role of a leftist in order to provoke, direct, curtail and derail threads and to orchestrate slides.

Why do I believe this? pretty much because what you already wrote, there is no purpose for them to be here, so why would they be?

Well, even if you disagree with that, you never answered my proper question as to why you waste any time here at all, in the place you're the most hated.

Second, I know that liberals are just centrists who turn a blind eye to the cultural decay that real leftists do.

As a real Leftist, you will never win because your supporters are as toxic and repulsive as your ideology. But you're useful because you'll never be a threat to them and they can militarised you into movements than can bring about real change.

Fuck you Tankie.


A liberal says "We need more female and minority CEOs"
A leftist says "We shouldn't have any CEOs"

A liberal says "It's her turn! Drumpf is racist!"
A leftist says "Why don't we just abolish the government? Then it's not a problem"

Read my above post you piece of rectal fleck.

It's funny because we're winning elections and you're still crying on Yas Forums.

I should clarify. We are starting to win local elections. Liberals like Trump control ever level of government. Nazis like you never win anything.

>backing of the government
No, we don't. There has been congressmen who are fighting to make Antifa a terror group. The CIA also tries to spy on Antifa because they see them as a threat.
>backing of academia
No. Where did you get this idea from? If your excuse is that sometimes more left leaning people come to universities, i could say the same about you. Charles Murray has been invited many times too, and he's a full-on racist.
>backing of media
The media constantly compared Antifa to 'ISIS', even in more libtarded news networks. Don't forget about the venezuela memes used to demoralize us.
>why would you care about this place?
I like to shit on threads.
>Think about it. You can assault anybody who descents against the status quo and the police won't touch you
The police has arrested Antifa members before. This is a strawman.
>You won't lose your job and the media will praise you.
Revealing that you are a communist or anarchist will get you in trouble from any job. Amazon fires anyone who mentions "living wage" and other terms. Just google the leaked Amazon recruit video.

What kind of world you live? Most of the human world is left leaning with their political correctness bullshit, all the social medias are left leaning, all newspapers are leftist

Winning elections? Lol.

Those puppets who occupy the right arm of the political Frankenstein's monster that controls you?

Please, bitch.

testing 4 sh4dow ban, respond if can see.

What world do you live in? Do you really think companies like Twitter and the New York Times are fighting to have themselves dismantled and their owners put against the wall?

Nope, I'm talking about actual socialist candidates winning elections around the world. Even here in the U.S.

Calling me a Nazi?

I never said I was a Nazi, what gave you the opinion I'm a part of a German workers movement that ended 70+ years ago?

Oh wait, your college professors you paid to brainwash you told you that anybody who disagrees with you is a Nazi.

Great job, retard.

Who trusts elections?

Yes, appears that im shadow b& ._. perhaps this was because of the moloch redpills iv been dropping.

I see you.

Okay so.
On one hand, you have libshits, who are capitalists, and liberals. You supposedly hate both. On the other hand, you have the "far-right", who are capitalists but are not liberals. You supposedly hate the capitalist part. That's two to one, and yet your comrades side with the libshits on every occasion. Explain this to me, please?

No, schizo.

Cause I don't like Liberals and think they are destroying the left with their forced degeneracy. I you want to pegg a man and he consents, go for it. But don't tell me that I'm a racist misogynist cause I won't let you cause I think it's fucking gross (double standard much). Also the fact that they can't take fucking jokes and get triggered at words like nigger even if simply joking.
>Think about it. You can assault anybody who descents against the status quo and the police won't touch you, you won't lose your job and the media will praise you. Because you're a corporate tool, you joined a winning team and you have pretty much already won.
Thant's why I don't recognize them as comrades, we commies are against power being in the hands of a few (stalin and mao are a story for another day). The Liberals are merely pawns thing these corporate cocksuckers schemes.
>Are you trying to recruit?
Sort of, more trying to clear Marx's name: retards keep using ad hominid to argue for socialism. Marx on the other hand called morals and emotions a social construct much like Friedrich Nietzsche. His argument was more the collapse of capitalism was inevitable and MAY lead to socialism them communism.

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ty x

You want to know how I know you're a nazi?

Only Nazis insist the word refers exclusively to 1940s Germans. It's because you're ashamed of who you are and you're trying to hide it. You deflect and make up words like "Identitarian." You know how much literally everyone hates you and your ideas, so you can't state them openly.

Well, the far right sure love killing everyone who isn't them. Pretty hard to want to take their side.

In all seriousness, leftism is about abolishing unjust hierarchies. Capitalism is just one hierarchy. The Far Right wants to organize all of society around race hierarchies, gender hierarchies, class hierarchies, etc. They infinitely worse than Liberals, who only want money based hirearchies and want to abolish the others.

You are a real retard. Anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders is labeled “far right” by the eurotrash media

The mind of the leftist is a sad thing

You do have the backinguy of the government who rally you to demoralise anybody unsure about getting involved with politics that will create real change.

I studied sociology for a year before dropping out to study design. Every course and class I attended including those of my friends were overloaded with Marxist sentiment. I design and make things out of metal and I came away from college with a working knowledge of commodity fetishism and intersectional social policy.

The police arrest antifa when antifa are dumb enough to attack the police and not political activists.

The media compare you to ISIS to make you look scarier.

The whole point of corporations using and abusing you isn't to create a Leftist world. It's to use leftism ironically to demoralise and prevent any real change.

Not an argument.

The anarchist Buddhist Antifa who makes Adventure Time references made the same argument in this debate:

I'm not watching a 2 hour long video for a fucking Yas Forums debate, dude, come the fuck on.

dude you are so fucking delusional holy shit

Eric Striker dunks on them for being liberal maximalists who have a bias against white people.

>You do have the backinguy of the government who rally you
Tell that to Fred Hampton.

>liberal maximalists
That term has no meaning. That's like "moderate extremest" or "radical centrist"

i just want to say that faggots are gay

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>Liberals, who only want money based hirearchies and want to abolish the others.

And that is abso-fucking-lutely wrong. Liberals are explicitly anti-white, anti-male, and is there a significant difference between the "far-right"'s loathed "class hierarchy" and lib's "money-based hierarchy"? Besides, we on the "far-right" do not want to establish hierarchies where none existed before. We merely recognize those that are/were created organically. And in this context, hierarchy does not necessarily mean oppression, more like spearation (in the case of races), and a mutual co-dependence with a first among equals (in case of genders).

The problem is you actually believe the alt-right is some kind of counter-culture and that left is reigning today. We still live in a capitalist world dominated by a bunch of powerful people and the masses are still poor while the big companies do whatever they want.

Are you all really dumb enough to believe that just a few women and black people on movies mean that the left is pulling the strings?
Honestly I don't give a fuck for mass media and for the cheap brainwashing that, instead of actually bringing equality, only uses "progressive" ideas as another marketing tool. This is only the result of the same old powers (always right-winged) trying to appeal to new people and leave retards happy about an apparent change that won't change anything. They expect to bring a little equality, make the feminist happy and to continue with the same old status quo.

If you REALLY believe this world is dominated by the left then you are downright delusional.

You know what?

That's an extremely fair answer.

Thanks for playing.

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No, I'm just a conservatard.

But hey, I went to college too. So I guess I really am a Nazi!?!?!?

Fucking sped.

God you're stupid. It means they care more about social liberalism than the white working class.

Intersectionality destroyed the Left and made sure that it would never be a threat to the capitalist class in the West again.
>user, real leftist hate libs more than you can imagine.
Not in practice. There are only a fringe of Leftists that don't suck off progressive liberals at every opportunity, and they're usually dismissed as class reductionists.

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you do realize that anarchism is now and will forever be a literal fucking meme?

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>You know how much literally everyone hates you and your ideas

Define this concept.

Tons of political parties in other countries are de facto NatSoc. The Ba'athist party for example.

It's only taboo in the West because Jews have a stranglehold on the media here; and whites are expected to kowtow to all minority demands.