/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3391

► Detected: 2,629,378 (+73,618) ► Died: 183,520 (+6,061) ► Day: 104 (-04:30:43)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.9x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,170 strains have been sequenced —


Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Antibody tests detect unrelated coronaviruses infections

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

Antibody levels detected by tests don't guarantee immunity

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Antibody tests detect wrong antibodies, binders not neutralizers

Reinfection has now been reported in the US

Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

As CFR increases, Johns Hopkins hides "recovered" count

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

Spain had 11,600 nursing home deaths, most not included in toll

French media: Nobel laureate says virus combined with HIV in lab

▶ 10 new cases in Gabon
▶ 1290 new cases and 36 new deaths in India
▶ 25696 new cases and 1909 new deaths in the United States
▶ 468 new cases and 26 new deaths in Romania
▶ 1391 new cases and 132 new deaths in Canada
▶ 1609 new cases and 164 new deaths in Germany
▶ 5 new cases and 2 new deaths in Niger
▶ 8 new cases in Tunisia
▶ 1413 new cases and 46 new deaths in Peru


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Other urls found in this thread:



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You guys are the most PATHETIC bunch on this planet.

You wish for the destruction of this world and you are LAUGHING?
You make this virus into a cartoon girl to jack off to it?

This isn't a movie. It's real life. People are SUFFERING and STARVING.
The Global Economy is in Shambles. It's the END of globalization as we know it.

And you all WANT this to happen and get WORSE???? I'd say that's pretty based. Godspeed coronachan.

Hey~ :3

I've got to go for a while but I just wanted to let you know one thing, okay?

You know what that is, right? ȌωȌ

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

That you are SUPER DUPER important!

*wuggles* ヽ(°∀°人´ヮ´)ノ

And super warm...

Be safe, okay? ^ω^

Take care of yourself! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

I'll see you soon!! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

-Sadly boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

Attached: photo_2020-04-20_03-43-03.jpg (784x1024, 61.4K)

this virus only kills CHINKS

East Asians have more receptors (over 5 times more) favoring the viral process, specifically ACE2-expressing cells.


No, it isn't just "one guy". Look at the human genome database:

These are all variants known to positively influence the amount of ACE2-expressing cells:

East Asian A=1.00
African A=0.988
South Asian A=0.82
American A=0.79
Europe A=0.66

East Asian G=0.54
South Asian G=0.47
American G=0.30
Europe G=0.20
African G=0.101

East Asian C=0.99
African C=0.900
South Asian C=0.78
American C=0.71
Europe C=0.53

East Asian G=0.96
South Asian G=0.71
American G=0.72
Europe G=0.65
African G=0.454

East Asian G=0.99
African G=0.807
South Asian G=0.80
American G=0.75
Europe G=0.65

East Asian C=0.98
South Asian C=0.71
American C=0.71
Europe C=0.64
African C=0.453

Huge variance across populations, with East Asians usually at the top (meaning highest risk of infection), and Europeans usually at the bottom (meaning lowest risk infection).

2019-nCoV infects you via ACE2 protein receptors in your lungs. Chinese people have 5 times the amount of these in their lungs. Assume an R0 of 4 in China: among whites, 2019-nCoV might have an R0 as low as 4/5.

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I haven't said a single constructive thing in the /cvg/ threads.

uh, guys..

>The initial period following the contraction of HIV is called acute HIV, primary HIV or acute retroviral syndrome.[24][25] Many individuals develop an influenza-like illness or a mononucleosis-like illness 2–4 weeks after exposure while others have no significant symptoms.[26][27] Symptoms occur in 40–90% of cases and most commonly include fever, large tender lymph nodes, throat inflammation, a rash, headache, tiredness, and/or sores of the mouth and genitals.[25][27] The rash, which occurs in 20–50% of cases, presents itself on the trunk and is maculopapular, classically.[28] Some people also develop opportunistic infections at this stage.[25] Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea may occur.[27] Neurological symptoms of peripheral neuropathy or Guillain–Barré syndrome also occurs.[27] The duration of the symptoms varies, but is usually one or two weeks.[27]


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The Italian ‘honest reporting’ epidemiological model

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Coronavirus timeline:
- January 19: 100 cases
- January 24: 1,000 cases
- February 12: 50,000 cases
- March 6: 100,000 cases
- March 18: 200,000 cases
- March 26: 500,000 cases
- April 2: 1,000,000 cases
- April 14: 2,000,000 cases
- April 30: ???????????????

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>boops your cheek, nose and tummy
I want boops like in webm

Attached: Boop.webm (480x480, 846.13K)

Non-fearmongerer, science based thread here

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HIV has an asymptomatic phase. What if..

>2 weeks


>jewtube banning anything that the chinese pocket organization (WHO) doesn't approve

I know this pattern

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Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
>So says the US Dept of Agriculture
Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
>So says the US Dept of Agriculture
Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
>Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
>Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected
>Pet cats in USA confirmed to be infected

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Boops aren't lewd!

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How did you escape Srebrenica?

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hey user, let's see what mr god says
Samuel 17
Now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle

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Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Does the government have a miracle cure they're waiting year two to release or are we truly fucked?

The famous Norwegian ‘April 8’th Zombies’ epidemiological model

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I wonder what color scarf Ms. Birx is wearing today?
She's such a classy lady.

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should I bother with fate series?

>'honest reporting'
More like "splitting the spaghetti"

you are a new boop user but i also like you

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TaStY BAT SOUP!?!??!?!??!?

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It's over we're all infected.

The Nepalese ‘Apollo 11 liftoff’ epidemiological model

Does NYC always report twice per day?

reddit tier ptg trash you guys are cringey faggots

nice quarantined rin user

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~4 million confirmed on the 30th looks about right

>‘honest reporting’
Yeah, they all died with the virus. EveryONE.

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a real possibility

does bosnia have quarantine?

Two cats confirmed plague carriers in NYC
One of them, the household had a case of coronavirus
The other cat, unknown source of infection

>a veterinarian tested the first cat after it showed mild respiratory signs. No individuals in the household were confirmed to be ill with COVID-19. The virus may have been transmitted to this cat by mildly ill or asymptomatic household members or through contact with an infected person outside its home.
Zoonotic, never going away

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Large insertion, futa harem

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I'm not from there. I was a refugee for a time though (inside of Bosnia), until we cleaned up the Serbs around the place where I live.

I was born on Feb 92, just in time for war.

>got trips
>forgot image

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listen faggots
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
Total nothing burger

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So let me get this straight, people are considering the virus a nuffinboigah, they're saying it's no big deal and so on and demand the lockdowns be lifted and life return to the way it was before the virus.
The only reason things have slowed down is because those in charge took this virus seriously and decided to shut everything down.
Do those people seriously believe that life can return to normal when there's no cure for the virus, no 100% working treatment and we still don't know everything there is to know about the virus?
They want to return to the way things were before the lockdowns? To at least ten thousand new cases per day in many European countries, to thousands of deaths from the virus, to hospitals being overwhelmed, to mass burials and so on?
What the fuck is wrong with people?

What's happening in Iran right now?

Attached: iran.webm (272x400, 2.99M)

kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.
especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit
i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop

and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is

fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

>does bosnia have quarantine?
Yes, it's called Republika Srpska.


A University of Chicago study has found that viewership of a specific Fox News host (Hannity) is strongly associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths

>...greater viewership of Hannity relative to Tucker Carlson Tonight is strongly associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the early stages of the pandemic.
>...estimates also show that greater exposure to Hannity relative to Tucker Carlson Tonight is associated with a greater number of county-level cases and deaths.


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Hope you escape this one

Don't worry, it looks like a good roast. With the amount of tests they are getting the model may be considered non-existent anyway.

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>it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

Attached: Age distribution of Coronavirus in South Korea.png (1200x636, 99.34K)

Welcome to tonight’s /cvg/ epidemiological quiz

Which nation is in the attached image?

The prize for the first correct answer is 1x (you)

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Do they account for age? Either way this read should be interesting
Thanks user

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>UN "ok retard" nothingbuger muh deaths image

Could it be possible that we're ahead of Spanish flu? Or are we coming slow behind?

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▶ 21 new cases in Congo

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is the spammer chinese or /ptg/?

but those are infections, not deaths, right?


Happened during the plauge too, people didnt care and said YOLO were all going to die anyway.

what are these retard doing

not the fucking conguitos

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6. comforting against his perspiration beaded chest

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/ptg/ of course.

Either Sweden or Russia


Not again.

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>saying oof

kys . non negotiable

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yeah, the police fines you if you go out after 20h, public life is dead, all the usual shit,

thanks, I'm doing my best

Hard to tell at this point. Two months ago I would say chink 100%, but recently burger retards started to act up

>brown nipple