The shooting in Nova Scotia which killed 24 white Canadians was a Jewish terrorist attack carried out by (((Gabriel Wortman))) likely a Mossad agent (Mossad is the Israel intelligence agency who masterminded 9/11) The motive behind the shooting was to remove gun rights from Canadians and accelerate an "assault rifle" ban so Canadians cannot protect themselves against their tyrannical Jewish infiltrated government and future false flags or terrorist attacks. This has been tried in the US many times and false flags to remove gun rights are a staple of American history.
The shooter was Jewish
>Wortman Name Meaning. English: metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of vegetables or of medicinal herbs and spices, from Middle English wurt, wort 'plant'. Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word, from Yiddish vort, German Wort 'word' + man, Mann 'man'.
If this was a false flag attack >the shooter would've have a firearm license and legal semi-auto firearms, furthering a gun control agenda >the RCMP would have responded quickly and efficiently, furthering a pro-police agenda >the officer he killed would've been a male, not damaging the feminist agenda This is absolutely disastrous for NWO forces, why would you think this is a false flag? Use your fucking brain.
user was asking about the gas station. Reposting in case you migrated here
Jayden Miller
The shooter himself had a jewish name, great idea.
Gabriel Edwards
I am here. Reposting the screenshot from the video. Looking for the location of this camera to check RCMP's timeline. I have the location where his car was rammed and where he was killed already.
Of course. They never target bankers, media execs, commie professors, Teddie was legit because he actually targeted the scum, even though he did it because he was made crazy from MK-Ultra style experiments that were conducted on him, but the point stands.
US had no mass shootings 50 years ago. Switzerland had one mass shooter... a guy with a history of mental illness and was on prozac.
>no emergency alert >cops shot at an old woman's house and a fire hall, didn't check in with either of them >wortman had a criminal history and no licence to legally obtain firearms
They look so nervous, Masonic pigs who rape kids with the Yids
Angel Lee
First day on the job?
Daniel Mitchell
soooo >The fire hall's video surveillance did not show who fired, but did show two people resembling RCMP officers enter the property, according to the news release. No one inside the hall spoke with them, nor did the men identify themselves as RCMP, said the news release.
who the fuck was doing the shooting? Was there more people with him who chickened out!? was it RCMP shooting at literally nothing?
Yeah, and I am assuming it is somewhere in the opposite direction from Halifax from where his car was trashed since that was where he appeared to be going.