I wish I had the nuclear codes

Chinese are absolute morons eating live animals in addition to boiling animals alive believing it gives them "powers" and believing it it is "medicine"

Unimaginable cruelty. Dark age bullshit!

These scumbags have no right to exist.


Attached: chineseMORONS.jpg (675x576, 44.13K)

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why? just camp and stack kills til you get the nuke

Attached: mw2.png (573x316, 138.8K)

bro whats your password i can get you tenth prestige on black ops 1 nd im not lying i got a jtag xbox360 and my nan works for activision

This is the kind of shit normies will go crazy over.

Make sure to point out they do this in public, in front of everyone. It’s not a few bad actors it normal and accepted.

Remember, 7-11-25

China is literally Canine hell. RIP.

if you're OK with animal abuse you're a weak minded weakling in real life, you can only hurt animals because you're too weak and too much of a pussy to hurt human beings, you're truly the lowest of the lowest of all

>chomps on Big Mac

Chink would be dead if I were there

Here you go, it's 00000000.

yep, I've known my share of "totally Americanized" educated Chinese, including lic. US medical doctors, and done enhanced interrogations using 80-proof truth serum.

All support "traditional Chinese medicine" and believe it has hidden powers that White Man's medicine and science cannot detect. The argument is "many things still unknown to science", etc. The retain a Nigger tier level of superstition.

There are no "high quality immigrants" from China. All of Red China, making it their #1 job, can't even make decent unlic. copy of Soviet era Mig without extensive hand-holding by foreigners and factory reps.

I bet an average Jr College machinist class from Germany sure could.

You're welcome.

go away

>boiling animals alive

Fuck you Chang.

> These scumbags have no right to exist.

There are not such a things as "rights"
so calm down ameritard. They are an independent country, they can eat whatever they like, how ever they like it.

you are the absolute chink

FUck chinks I hate every one gets their teeth broken

I would correct your grammar and punctuation but would feel bad doing so, Ms. Bolshevik.

I didn't know that the Chinese liked hot dogs.

Attached: Carlos.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

glass their whole fucking continent

All fucking chinks must fucking die. Filthy fucking subhuman savages worse than niggers.

Not even close to the same thing. Your reading comprehension is literally retarded.

I agree. The sooner we can nukes those pieces of commie shit, the stronger that society becomes.

Fucking bugmen are a disgusting cancer that must be removed in the most violent manner possible.

Show your real flag you fucking slant eyed slope.

Dinks get their throats slit and the carcass shipped back to the wish.com headquarters.

Who the fuck asked you a god damned thing, Zhang?

Fuck off, chink leaf.

Look out! Internet tuff guy!

Whatever you say, ching chong.

Not all dogs go to heaven.

The problem is being MASSIVELY inhumane toward animals.

Weak argument, ma'am.

Go away jew, we're not fighting china for you. You'll just have to take the bbc there yourself.

Nice projection, kike.

Could you be anymore obvious?

Attached: 13846.jpg (700x700, 46.64K)

Jews are setting up China as the final boss for America and Israel will claim world superiority when we fight to the last man. There is no escaping it.