When did you realize Covid-19 was fake&gay?

> millions not dead yet
> inb4 coz muh lockdown!!
> how about sweden?
> how about mingling in crowded supermarkets once a week?

> 90-99% of covid-19 deaths from terminally ill old boomers with preexisting health issues
> CDC caught faking stats
> pneumonia deaths classified as covid-19
> mass grave hysteria turned out to be fake news
> vetilator shortage fake news
> over crowded warzone hospitals fake news
> news using fake imagery of medical dummies

But the economy is shut down. UN is predicting massive starvation in the near future.

Wasn't economic sabotage the entire purpose for this silly hoax?

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Orwell was a faggot and a plagiarist. 1984 is a ripoff of a russian novel called We.

>Nooooooooo not the hecken linearino!!!!!!!!!!!

its a response to the truth of ww2 accelerating (holohoax)
they want more control

Back in October

I don't know stuff will change for the long term but at the moment I'm just enjoying all the normies going fucking mad over not being able to go out and socialize. Welcome to my life mother fuckers.

You just plainly lied about some facts and you clearly don't understand how this virus works from other stuff you siad

After Dr Ioannides released his recent study showing that it's literally about as deadly as the common flu.

You’re very clever. Thank you for your clever contribution.

I realized its all fake shit when actors started to larp the disease, tom hanks especially

while your momma was sucking my cock and while your faggy dad was holding the camera eagerly waiting to be fucked by my fat cock

Well he was a leftist faggot, and leftists have never been known for their honesty. He also fought for the child torturing/murdering republicans during the Spanish Civil War. I really wish that Spanish sniper had better aim that day.

> you clearly don't understand
> explains nothing
NPC detected

This is the most boomer thing I've ever seen. I agree, it's a hoax. Go out and lick some doorknobs so we can be rid of you.

But Trump is /ourguy/. He would never lie to you.

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I hope you are adhering to lockdown rules. Remember to practice social distancing, and let Mohammed warm his brown dick on your sister whenever he makes his weekly 1 hour visit to your chateau.

Trump is not the one doing the lying.
Guess again.

Scum should always be called out. I really hate Orwell.

> go lick door knobs coz that will give you coronavirus
> knows no one who has got coronavirus

Not much of a leftist. At one point he proclaimed the british empire was the greatest thing in history.

He was right though.

>Trump may knowingly spread incorrect information, but he doesn't write the lines so he's not the one doing the lying!
Well put, my fellow centipede!

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This, it was a real eye opener OP.

Your media brethren, bill gates, and the WHO are the ones spreading the lies and hysteria. Not Trump.

Cool. Then can you link me to the statement by Trump saying that Coronavirus is actually a hoax, nobody knows anyone with coronavirus, the million masks he sent Israel was for shits and giggles, the bailouts was just away to steal from the tax payer, the hospitals are empty, he's actually saving children from underground tunnels and something something 5g? Oh wait, you can't. Because every single day he has a press briefing talking about how the CHINESE VIRUS is real, people are dying, china needs to be punished, we still need social distancing, he was right for shutting down the economy, and we all still need to stay home. Interesting how his story is 100% the opposite of Qooooomers, yet everyone is telling the truth.. really joggins the nogging, ay?

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the very moment i heard about it.
i just see it as blessing, cause now can clearly see who is zog and who is free.

That was really incoherent. Try rephrasing that more intelligently so I can understand you.

Same. But it's not a blessing. This is revolution; Bolshevism 2.0.

Make no mistake, these ((())) want to overthrow civilization, they want Cheka and NKVD organizations back, they want red terrors, they want to torture you and your family in the most horrifically blood-curdling Eli Roth style ways. They want gulags and gentile slaves, and child's blood flowing like rivers to drug them into their astral satan meetings for further instructions from their master baal.

Yas Forumstards called me gay when I posted "Coronavirus is fake and gay" like 2 months ago

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He was fighting fascists and went with the 'enemy of my enemy' approach, then got betrayed by the Commies. He may have been leftist but he came to see all forms of totalitarianism as evil, and he was right.

>i no a speaka english
Sorry Rabbi, that is not an argument. Let me know if you decide to muster one up.

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Fuck off chink. We all know you're being paid by the CCP to spread disinformation to try to kill Americans. Your day will come, you fucking slanty-eyed insect.

You still don't make sense. Please try again. Calm down and drink less coffee.

reserve judgement. not enough time has passed.

He worked tirelessly to squash all forms of anti-semitism including Douglas Reed's books. He was an absolute shill and scumbag

If I were a chink and disinfo was my motive, I would be fear mongering like the MSM, spreading hysteria about fake mass graves and ventilator shortages in warzone hospitals while telling you to paralyze your economy and shut everything down. That benefits the CCP.

But the truth is that coronavirus is a massive hoax.


This is a good source on why it's a hoax.

We're supposed to have 2 million deaths by now. What happened? Where's the corpse pick up on my street?