Can anyone redpill me on why (((they))) are pushing so hard against pic related...

Can anyone redpill me on why (((they))) are pushing so hard against pic related, and who (((they))) are if not big tobacco

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I unironically love my Juul but hate that zoomer faggots love them too.

it cures covid-19

because this piece of plastic and metal can basically get anyone off of cigarettes seamlessly. I love mine, I just refrain my using it in public cause you look like a fag.also 2x cheaper than smokes in Canada. which is part of the reason why the government dosent like it because of how much they cucked us on tobacco tax.

fanbases are always the worst thing

large if factual

Vaping is disgusting and I wish I hadn't been enslaved to it for so long. You want your (((((((((()))))))))) answer? OK it's because they're safer than real tobacco and zog wants you dead quicker. Get the mechanical dick out of your mouth, breathe air like your ancestors did.

Its because old boomer tobacco companies were too slow to corner the market and they've been eternally butthurt since. Thats the honest answer.

Correct and valid.

Too addictive, IMO. Smoking requires smoke breaks or trips outside. These things you can just take sips of nicotine all day long. This quarantine thing got me off Juuls.

>thinking I dont like sucking jewish robot dicks

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I can attestament to this statement

>still using a juul in 2020

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Popcorn lung

I wanna smoke right now.

They were bought out by Altria, one of the biggest tobbacco companies there is. Fast forward about a year, and they are banned.... Hmmmm, sure does seem like they bought out their only real competition, openly pushed them to kids and had them outlawed and in the end they can scoop up those new customers. Take the DIYpill and make your own juice. has salt based nic for cheap.

Big tobacco Unironically. I went to SF and was shocked to learn that they banned all flavors besides nasty tobacco flavor. Big tobacco lobbies for city governments as well as pushes fake scares like popcorn lung and those kids buying knockoff juul carts from China and killing them to keep smoking as the number 1 way of taking tobacco. I’m sure leftoids have some wikipedia reason for it but what I said is the truth. Big tobacco lobbies local and state governments and tries to push every single person who has died and vaped as a vape related death.

Unironically it's not healthy to vape

>lasts one day

has never been one case of this linked to any type of ecigarette

Can't at the moment, but will definitely keep in mind, thanks user, good info

nictonie increases iq

isn’t juul owned by big tobacco now? I used to have a fancy vape but that shit is obnoxious and messy with changing coils. I’ve almost kicked this shit for good though.

Exhibit A. A boomer who bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Big tobacco were the ones that wanted to legislate out mods in the early 2010’s so the entire market would just be this liquor store counter bought shit. The enemy of my enemy is my friend notion is never correct. I know the dude weed shit but seriously just vape THC distillate the non pesticide kind

puff bars are shit, stig are better, I just quit that shit though, addiction is like a chain around your neck, or rather
>inhaling the addictive jew

Would it be smart to buy up a large supply and sell them when they're banned i'm kinda hoping they do get banned since degenerate zoomers will be wanting these badly, i fucking hate retards who use vapes, but taking advantage and profiting off of them seems amazing.

they literally shill against smoking tobacco every chance they get, wtf are you talking about?

>Inhales chemicals
>Nah bro it's healthy the companies who sell it did a study and it said so
Kek ok retard

just smoke cigarettes you fucking pansies. I vaped for a year and it sucked and was way more expensive.

They don’t like it because vaping helps you quit since it’s less of a “spike” in how much nicotine you get. The reason cigarettes are so addictive is because you usually have to wait until break or something if working and have little rituals where and when you are allowed to smoke throughout the day and your levels fall until you get that sweet sweet next cigarette. Shit like juul can be hidden to where you can use it anywhere including work throwing off the entire ritual aspect of addiction. It also means you have a less “spiky” amount of nicotine throughout the day in your body since you can do it constantly making it easier to taper off. I quit smoking because of these things. Eventually you hit it less and less and one day just wonder why you still do it until you stop. This is very bad for big tobacco who wants you to smoke cigarettes for eternity and get cancer so that you spend millions on big pharma.

That’s not been a thing for over a decade Nigger Faggot

Big Tobacco is behind all of of them. Phillip Morris/Marlboro owns 35% of July.

It’s better than cigarettes you stupid boomer. That’s what this thread is about if you could read. It’s also much easier to quit doing shit like juul than vaping. You boomers are just the masters of back peddling and goalpost moving. Just go back to /ptg/ and let the big boys talk okay boom boom?

Haha I’m trying to quit by visualizing my cravings as a little Jew goblin on my shoulder
Whenever I get a craving it’s the work of the nicotine Jew

Also Marlboro owns Juul so it’s not that (((they))) hate it. In this case it’s literally one of the only times they are actually thinking of the children considering it’s some retarded figure like 80-90% of middle school and high school kids are vaping these things and have no idea they’re addicting themselves to nicotine

Vape fags are retarded consumers who are getting completely played