/RWTS/ Right Wing Translation Squad

>What is RWTS?
/rwts/ is a project by anons, for anons, to translate foreign Yas Forums books into English.
If you have Telegram, there is a huge and growing community on there, so we decided to port our work there at @official_rwts. It will NEVER be a replacement for threads, it's just an alternative place for resources.
>Works Translated

>Sportvorschrift fur das Heer (archive.org/details/sportsvorschrift)
The legendary Third Reich fitness manual is finally here! Another version of the PDF, less faithful but more readable, is available at @EconomicHitList on Telegram
>Biological Consequences of Racemixing (archive.org/details/bcrm_20200410)
Translated by our Swede bro, this short essay is just a small taste of how politically incorrect Swedes can be if given the chance. Other material by Lundborg can be worked on if there's demand!
>Kaiserjager on the Col di Lana (archive.org/details/kaiserjager)
A story of action, grief, tension, comradeship, alpine war, this book has got them all! Translated with deepl.com, so some passages might feel a bit wonky.

>Ongoing Projects

>The Last Will of a Russian Fascist (RU)
>Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (DEU)
>La Entrega de la Patagonia Magica
(if you wanna partecipate, let us know and we'll relay the info to the two anons working on it)

It should be made clear that Rodzaevsky's work is deemed extremist material in Russia, and as such it is illegal to mass-spread. It should NOT be illegal to download or possess, but please correct me if I'm wrong. In order to spare the Gulag to our ruskies, we can use throwaway and self-destructing emails. That way, it's hard to prove your intent is to mass-spread it.

RWTS Copypasta: pastebin.com/B7QATCf7

Attached: argent 2.jpg (800x1280, 172.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I can speak Russian and I want to help
You should be able to download the files with no problem. Translate however much of it you want, and put the finished work in a pastebin or use a throwaway email (possibly guerrilla mail). Start from the first (the Jews one) and refer to the PDF's pages so we don't get too much confusion!

>I can speak German and I want to help
This is much easier! Just translate a bit of the text and put it in a pastebin, again, refer to the PDF's pages instead of the book's. (ex. page 1 of the pdf is the cover)

>I can't speak German or Russian, but I want to help!
You can stay here and bump the thread! It's always nice to have some chitchat from time to time.
You can also correct the translation I'm making of Raimondo Montecuccoli's "Aforismi sull'arte bellica" (aphorisms on the art of war), I'm stupid ESL and it uses a pretty specialized language so I probably made mistakes with military jargon

Bump from page 10

Any tool / website / dictionary that you recommend in the translation work? I have some texts from the Integralist Right (both Portuguese and Brazilian).

We have set up Tesseract for the OCR work (turning images into text). As a machine translator I recommend deepl.com, they also come with their own software so it's easier to automate I guess



Attached: Division Azul.jpg (1600x800, 253.78K)

Hello bois!

Attached: Cattura.png (595x542, 727.85K)

how very r-eddit / leftist Twitter

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-22 Sportsvorschrift fur das Heer - Translated pdf.png (592x82, 16.76K)

buona notte italofren, did you heard from the argentino bro also working on Serrano? Finally I may have my part by the beginning of next week (if my job doesn't kill me first) but we're gonna need to review styles, unify some things... And probably once done an english native should check it for odd expressions/grammar

Attached: Augusto_Ferrer_Dalmau.jpg (900x818, 114.23K)

Imagine going full NatSoc but not even being able to sprechen in der Sprache der Herrenrasse und der Arier.

Euer Live Action Roleplay ist ja das eine, dass Ihr aber nicht mal Deutsch könnt ist einfach eine Schmach.

Ihr würdet unter den ersten sein, die vom GröFaz in den Ofen geschmissen werden. Macht es wie er und entfernt euch aus dem Genpool und überlasst es uns deutschsprachigen Herrenmenschen.

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Nix sprechen dein Sprach.

Sorry, your arguments are sound and I will never post anything that is deemed a threat to Greater Israel anymore. Now I'm going to drink my onions milk. Thank you for enlightening me

It would just be a matter of posting it in the right time, we usually have a fair share of burgers and they'll probably be interested in being overly autistic about minor grammatical errors

Einmal Kebab ohne alles, bitte.
Stell dir vor, dermassen verunsichert zu sein. Sowas schimpft sich NatSoc? Erbärmlich.

Memeflag, silly pic, not contributing... Don't waste your time germanon

Sounds nice, and I can assure there will be.

Attached: Trafalgar.jpg (512x255, 60.24K)

Well then mr. German Nationalist, if you could show your flag we might happen to take you a bit more seriously

Has anyone found any of these exercises to be useful? Honest question

"Sprich nicht mit Ihnen, dann verlierst du und das ist dass, was Sie wollen."

Solche Antifa Taktiken sind der Grund, weshalb ihr niemals etwas erreichen werdet. Die wirklich rotgepillten wissen, wo wirklich in Hitlers Gedenken gepfostet wird. Viel Spass mit eurem erbärmlichen LARP.

>memeflag enters based thread and attempts to derail the thread by acting like an asshole without contributing anything
Imagine my shock.

I've done the gymnastics every day since the manual came out, they're a nice way of warming up without running and also improved my general flexibility and confidence

Never saw that coming, did you?

Attached: Don_Blas _de_Lezo.png (482x528, 655.49K)

Sprich Deutsch, du Hurensohn.

Know the fun part? It's almost 2AM in Israel, this fucker is probably getting paid more than we do to stay up late and shitpost

Halt's Maul, Spast

Wenigstens sprichst du Deutsch. Leider gibst du dich immer noch mit solchen Untermenschen ab.

Niemand hier drin ist basiert, rotgepillt oder hat Mein Kampf auch nur ansatzweise gelesen. Gottverdammte, stinkende und unzüchtige Judenbrut.

I can help, I speak both fluent English and German

>not even being able to sprechen in der Sprache der Herrenrasse und der Arier.
Du würdest dich wundern wie viele von uns deine Herrensprache sprechen.

That's awesome! You can do page 20 through 25 of Neuadel aus Blut und Boden, if you finish it and want more work there's plenty of other stuff but let's start small

Since there's some new people I'll try to keep this alive for a while

Attached: Madrid_1939.jpg (980x544, 110.83K)

Ruhe, Jude. Deine Versuche, mit Hilfe der Deutschen Sprache unterzutauchen, sind nutzlos.

Huh you guys still going on huh? Did that one user ever manage to copy that one extremely rare book that only had what two copies in the world from the library and turn into a PDF?

Zeige die Flagge oder homo

It isn't such a rare book, but we managed to translate it fully!

Flagge und Land zu zeigen ist genau das, was diese von Zionisten unterwanderte Seite will. Weshalb sollte ich euch Feinden des völkischen auch nur ein Fitzelchen an Information geben? Ich sehe durch eure Pläne hindurch.

Und woher weißt du, dass ich ein Jude bin? Es gibt einige die auch Fremdsprachen studiert haben.

Wie ist das Wetter in Tel Aviv?

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>I won't show my flag because that's what you want
Pic related is the only answer I can give you

Attached: hmmmmmmmm.png (778x676, 532.94K)

Ich weiss, wie Ihr klingt. In etwa genau wie So zu tun als ob man ein rotgepillter, basierter Judenhasser ist ist genau die Psyop, die von Israel aus gesteuert wird.

Erzähl uns mehr über Israel.

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>hating jews is an israeli psyop
Und dann, was ist die rechte weg?

Erzähl du mir mehr über Israel.