They are terrorists. Real protestors do not threaten.
They are terrorists. Real protestors do not threaten
No hospitals were blocked.
Please show some proof of flags stated.
Also fuck the medical industry.
If this poster is observing the lockdown, how the fuck does he know whats happening at the hospital?
Imagine being stupid enough to believe this twitter post.
Jail the nazis!
The Nazi flag was a counterprotester, implying pence and Trump were nazis
Half way through "transitioning" based on the picture.
everyone i dont like is a terrorist. i fucking hate americans they are the only ones who use buzzwords like this for their own agenda terrorist nazi communist facist its fucking old mate
A protestor that brings no weapons is a fake who doesn't care if their message is heard.
A protestor that brings a weapon and uses it to harm others is a terrorist.
A protestor that brings a weapon and does not use it to harm others is still considered to be peaceful protest.
Guns merely existing does not cause physical harm. People do.
>it's all a hoax
sounds familiar faggot
What do you call niggers?
Terrorism is a form of protest
When antifa destroys property, encourages people to punch nazis, and nearly kills people by clubbing them over the head with a fucking bike lock, they are heroes that smashed the patriarchy.
But when white people protest their basic american rights being taken away from them, the only thing that keeps america from being like any other country, they are terrorists that kill people simply by owning legally licensed guns at all.
Why is hypocrisy lost on democrats?
>stop calling them protestors
>Protestors don't wear masks, wave ancom and antifa flags, block streets, and scream at police to get "fried like bacon". They're terrorists
it's not hypocrisy. Anyone who cries "hypocrisy" about virtually any political issue is an idiot.
That's not an argument. It's just an impotent strawman.
It doesn't convince anybody. It doesn't do anything.
>Protesters can't wave flags that I disagree with or else they're not protesters they're terrorists
There are a lot of people on both sides who really don't give a damn at all about free speech
Explain why calling out hypocrites isn't a positive claim to make that should be encouraged. If you enter a debate with the goal of trying to convince the other person to "join your side" then you are doing it wrong. The goal should be to convince the person to "think for yourself, do your own research, and come to your own conclusion, don't be a follower, be a leader, be a example".
anti-fa are terrorists then
LOL no confederate flags or nazi flags.
No one screamed.
No one blocked any hospitals.
Jesus I hate these people. They're practiced liars.
you are a media terrorist. media terrorist should be handled accordingly. media terrorist will be handled accordingly.
First of all it isn't hypocrisy. You're imagining a principle that they never espoused when you claim "hypocrisy".
Hypocrisy only applies to specific situations where the person acts in a way that goes directly against his own specific claim to moral behavior.
Now the reason it's bad is because even it were genuinely a case of hypocrisy, the person in question can just rationalize it away by creating a contextual bubble why this case is different. "This case is different because xyz". Because of this, it's a weak rhetorical strategy, even if it were actually used correctly.
You hardly ever have two situations where such contextual differences don't exist.... and so you're just shooting at the wind when you use this strategy. It will not get anybody to change their mind.
I would state someone who uses that excuse would be being "semantic" and not being "objective" or "self aware" at all. To me personally, avoiding being hypocritical is one of the most important things people in general should strive for. Even if it offers little in weight.
are you fucking braindead, what is even any of this
>the use of violence isn't an antifa principle
confirmed retard
>if you don't protest in a specific, cucked way, you're not a real protester
So being a protester means conforming to the current establishment?
So, what’s Antifa’s excuse?
Trump never called it a hoax. He said that Democrats were busy all of February telling their constituents that it was just a flu and that it’s anti Chinese racism so go out and party for the lunar new year and then to turn it all around and blame it on the president is their “new hoax.”
Niggers are terrorists that kill tens of thousands per year.
The number one priority of the USA must be nigger removal.
>Confederate and nazi flags
you've got your faction-standard weaponry mixed up there
Protests are meant to threaten the status quo. What is the difference between your definition and mine? What do you wany protests to achieve in the end if not change?
The Twitter account uses a colorized picture of assassin wannabe who committed an act of terror in support of slavery. I don’t take the tweet seriously...
mad boy is mad
>I would state someone who uses that excuse would be being "semantic" and not being "objective" or "self aware" at all.
I'll give you an example. It's common for parents to send their kids to bed for an afternoon nap when they're young. Now, a dad might say to his young son (who resists the nap idea): "You should quietly go to bed in the afternoon for your nap... it's good for you"
The son, being clever might accuse the dad of being a hypocrite, since the dad never takes an afternoon nap himself.
Now, does this critique invalidate the father's position? Is the son correct? To me, the father's position is still totally in tact because there's a contextual difference here. KIDS need a nap, and adults don't.
Such contextual differences can exist quite coherently in the minds of people regarding many many political issues that you might see as straightforward hypocrisy.
And because of this, the claim is always very weak except where you have an extremely controlled environment and a clear violation of a rule that a person has pronounced.
so the pussy patrol and pantifa are terrorists too?
Still trying for the flag angle, huh?
true protestors are not feral and launch thermonuclear attacks on hospitals
Calm down. Twitter writer is now under Yas Forums arrest.
No one needs an AR-47 or an AK-15 ok its just facts
Yet when shitskins blow shit up they are simply misunderstood men of faith right? McFucking kill yourself.
>twitter post by a 'left-wing' 'progressive'
>criticizing 'right-wing' 'conservatives' who are supposedly
>wielding Soviet made AK-47s
>waving flags of the German National Socialist Workers' Party
>waving flags of Confederacy, a political body formed to serve interests of the Jews (Judah P. Benjamin) and Jewish slave owners
>who scream 'go back to China', a communist state
Modern American politics are so confusing
like Antifa?
>Real protestors do not threaten.
Das Rite! No Justice, No Peace! Punch a Nazi, By Any Means Necessary!
No one needs a TV, a phone, a car or computer either, facts. It isn't a "NEEDS" question. It's a right question. And the Constitiution is very clear on that (((fellow user))).