What do you think of white prison gangs? I support them as part of a white revolution. The members I know have been extremely based and red-pilled, especially on the JQ, and sound a lot like Yas Forums. In fact I learned a lot of my current beliefs because I have friends, who have family that are members and helped red pill me. However, I have seen some cringe pro-ZOG bootlickers who screech autistically that they are "degenerates". That is disgusting since there are so many kikes and race traitors who want us dead, why should we be attacking those who should be our allies?
What do you think of white prison gangs? I support them as part of a white revolution...
shut up nigger.
>I support them
what, do you suck them off on visits you fucking queer?
shut up you stupid nigger
day of the rope is coming wignats
Lol half of them are Mexicans
If you've been to prison, you're either a complete imbecile, or a genius who outran his own intelligence and got caught. I'll leave you to decide where these gentleman fall.
Okay what about 20, 40, 60 years from now? Will that still be true?
Sometimes they are extremely blue pilled cuz all they get in prison is tv and normie books. They get out and say 'I swear I'm not racist it's just prison man'
Jail and prison are the only places that whites come together tribally. Jail every once in a while is can actually be a good thing for you. It's like a bar mitzvah for goys
Prison is a different world. I can’t fault guys who join up. Sad irony is you’re probably a target without them and if you’re with them it’s almost guaranteed you’re doing more time. I’ve never been inside but I imagine this is how it goes.
they like to sell drugs, rob people, and fuck children, and have some pretty predatory lending practices. so yeah why wouldn't Yas Forums love them
No. I feel the prison system in the US is going to switch modes from housing drug dealers/abusers, and violent types to more political dissidents. Probably much sooner than 20 years from now.
You know those guys can't keep their dicks out of each others' asses in jails. They're all fucking faggots. Totally degenerate
White prison gangs kill ppl that fuck children. It's the black gangs that traffic children for sex and call it pimping.
they prey on law abiding citizens when in society, sell drugs in prison and fuck other men. they get the rope.
>NOOOOOO you can't have racial pride and unity you are larping
You are just as much of a race traitor as the worst leftist cuck
They’re a survival mechanism. You’re an idiot if you’re white and don’t join one.
watch this and rethink, you stupid faggot
But it is more than that. Many members become hardcore ideological WNs and NatSocs.
They have got a lot of time to read and enlighten themselves and I appreciate their knowledge, plus them keeping things in balance in the state prisons.
It began with prison desegregation in California
>White inmates outnumbered by blacks and mexicans
>blacks and mexicans assault white inmates
>prison guards cant and wont do anything about it
>whites band together and create the first whites only prison gangs
>whites as a minority use extreme violence to defend themselves
>it works so well that blacks and mexicans fuck right off and avoid fucking with whites
>some prisons that come under the control of the white gangs are much less violent and much safer
>white gangs have some federal penitentiaries on lock down with no major incidents of violence
>prison wardens notice and dont like that
>reagan notices it and doesnt like it either
>the feds infiltrate and co-opt white gangs in the 70's
>the feds kill off all competent white leadership and put their own people in charge
>fed use white gangs to sell drugs in prison
>almost all white prison gangs are controlled by the feds now
>Some of the AB leadership are jews. With names like Gold, Stein or Berg.
Aryan Brotherhood = Invented by a literal Jew.
It's nothing to do with brotherhood, it's to do with drugs.
Original AB may be corrupted, but the white prison gangs in my state are so low-profile that feds and kikes don't even know they exist. You are far more likely to see infilitration inan alt-right group than a prison gang. Prison gangs are probably the most successful part of the white nationalist movement.
Exactly. You stay with your people or you will hit the wall hard.
aryan brotherhood does the most evil shit out of all prison gangs, it has the most murder, rape, drug dealing, everything.
I do not think so.
this is bullshit. ppl join the brotherhood because they are degen from the start. no one joins fearing blackie is gonna jump them.
They are worse than the LARPing faggots on here.
No one respects them. They are a bunch of junkies and rapists.
you're a retard and probably a fed or something. prisons shouldn't even exist, serious crimes should just be punished with execution and anything else can go to civil court for disputes over money due to accidents, injuries etc. there should also be no drug or traffic laws. therefore your stupid prison gangs shouldn't exist. theyre all meth smoking pedophiles anyway.
luckily facts dont care about opinions. The Aryan brotherhood is notorious as the most violent prison gang.
Yeah, but they'd make good fighters. There's a place for stupid but strong people. It's called the front lines.
Here in Portland we have brood and Volksfront. Fun fact Volksfront is full of cops and in the 90s to be a part of the gang task force you had to be in Volksfront which is a whites only gang.
So OP s post is about white prison gangs in general, isn't it?
This is what I refer to, too.
This saddens me. Any time white people band together kikes and feds infiltrate and destroy.
Imagine living in USA and getting locked up having to join these fucking retards.
Not more violent than others. It started as a defense, not an offense.
Im gonna make a white gang called larping albino niggers
>>Some of the AB leadership are jews. With names like Gold, Stein or Berg.
Also German names, you dumb fucking mutt. If you are going to LARP as a nazi learn the language at least/
lol sureños (mexicans) and woods are allies. stop talking about shit you don’t know about
id have some based tattoos if i could get away with it. maybe when i make more money doing tech work remotely ill get some sweet swastikas on my man tits
Depends on the state. I did 9 months and the whites were high strung fags who bullied their own race more than the niggers.
Murder of rivals and drug dealing aren't "evil".
lol, it started to run drugs in prison not for defense.
They have more members than the KKK, that's what I do know. There are less than 3,000 KKK members, globally. The Aryan Brotherhood is a syndicated crime ring that pushes drugs, that's about it. Prison culture is fucking weird. I did fed time for white collar crimes (money laundering, violating countless communication acts, wire fraud etc etc etc). No one ever bothered me to begin with, but I ended up very popular after figuring out how to phreak the phone systems there and exploit the commissary system to alter orders. The Aryan Brotherhood never approached me. No nigger or spic gangs bothered me. I was left alone for the most part until someone needed me to do something like get them a free unlimited, unrecorded phonecall.
They are complete degenerates, no regard for order, purity or justice, or they wouldn't be where they are today. Skinhead and prison gang culture was made by kikes to mock white people.
White prison gangs might be white, but they're still gangs, and most of their stance on race is a general emotional reaction without an intellectual basis to it. Not ideal allies in much, unless you're in a prison gang war.
members of white prison gangs say nigga and listen to rap music. They generally join for survival reasons, not ideological.
yes it is. The aryan brotherhood is for closet faggots.
Yeah but that can be changed.
You can see why though. When Whites band together with a common cause, we're extremely effective and efficient.
If niggers could do that, it'd be terrifying. We're fortunate that they hate and kill one another over shoes.
Were you in federal or state prison?
You should watch Shot Caller if you haven’t already. Real fun film
Go to prison and change it then faggot. I'll be out here with my Asian GF watching anime.
I believe it's pointless to be an optics cuck these days. Even if you where a suit and tie and look like a Chad like Richard Spencer, the media will still call you SatanHitler who puts Jew babies in blenders.
Might as well just be an open Aryan Brotherhood member and go full Siege.
My personal trainer was in the AB in prison. Now he has a bi-racial child. I think people get into gangs for profit, and in prison it's also safety
State DOC. I just watched TV and read books from the decent library they had.
As I got close to going home White boys who didn't talk to me the whole time I was there kept asking me for my TV and radio.
I took them home, fuck those niggers.
I've heard all bad things. The meme is funny but 10/10 would not want to associate.
Nignog detected
Well they went to prison for a reason. Likely related to some pretty degenerate shit, Unless they went to prison for killing pedos or some other based crime they are likely white niggers selling drugs and raping people
White people just entitled and beta. You cant play an online video game with out some cracker bitching in a faggy voice about something. All races are capable of being shitty and annoying teammates, but shrimp dick crackers are the most annoying and bratty. Always bitching. wahhh do this perfectly wahh Im gonna lose wahhhh! *Throws controller against wall* notice whites are the only ones who throw controllers FUCK YOU MOM. Entitled. Need a good beating their father never gave them.
The only time they'd be of direct use to us is if "push comes to shove" as they say. I.E. once the American Troubles start, we need money to arm our paramilitaries, white prison gangs would be the ones we need. I expect other races' paramilitaries would get funding from criminal activities in a similar manner.