Nova Scotia massacre NEW INFORMATION

>death count raised to 23
>Wortman confirmed to NOT have a firearms
>RCMP did not know he was impersonating an officer until 7am, 11 hours after initial 911 call
>only Twitter was used to issue an emergency because "it's the usual way we do it"
Heard here:

>Possible blue on blue incident as RCMP shoot up a firehall for some reason

This case is getting more fucked up by the minute. Do Canadians need stricter gun control? Absolutely! Disarm the RCMP, they are a threat to public safety!

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol yeah whatever

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I'm on mobile but the military has been called to help in that investigation

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thank fuck allowing the RCMP to investigate anything turns in to a shit show.

I hope they throw the book at the RCMP.
>using twitter to inform rural NS boomers
>um, uh, don't know if he had a PAL, uh, no idea
Fucking retards.

gimme some timestamps, leaf.

>be leaf
>get raked

Holy shit, listening to the reporters' questions. They're absolutely blasting the RCMP. Main hope here is that the onus ends up falling on them and making a gun-grab less politically feasible. Hell, even the commie shitlib journo from the CBC is ripping them a new asshole.

there's some guy trying to explain away the use of twitter instead of the emergency alert system at 25:00

43 mins
>no PAL
48 mins

Should've linked the CBC video, it's shorter with more views

>>Possible blue on blue incident as RCMP shoot up a firehall for some reason

RCMP is the most inept organization. DISBAND NOW

Oh yeah,
>subject was outside the perimeter
Nice perimeter pigs

It was a Jewish terrorist attack and this guy was a Mossad agent

Says the memeflag well poisoner. Fucking disgusting

Thanks. The cop guy who was talking was fucking shook as hell.

They're going to advocate for more gun control in spite of the fact that this was authoritative incompetence at its finest
Doesn't matter what actually happened and frankly it never will, if there's an agenda to be peddled its going to be peddled.

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>tfw you come upon your own picture

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Holy fuck thats guys cool.

I also want to point out that he used the term "FAC." This is an obsolete license that was replaced by the PAL over 20 years ago. The fact he still uses the term "FAC" shows his woeful lack of knowledge on all things firearm related.

>Using twitter to notify rural people

Way to drop the ball holy shit.

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Isn't well poisoning historically a Jewish thing?

>Nothing to see here, goy! Just a lone crazy white man, acting by himself, with no real motive...

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Don't forget the crisis actors that "survived" this shooting as well as the Las Vegas shooting! This has false flag written all over it. Trudeau is not putting out billions more "aid" for students and shit, which is obvious a cover up to clog the news and make the public forget about the big fuck off shooting three days ago.


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nice nose rabbi

this dude was driving his silver SUV the entire time and didnt have a clue what was going on and then he was ambushed and murdered at the gas station


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The last question in the interview was about this, and they ended it right on the spot. This is so fucking bad for the RCMP.

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these vegas poeple are worse than holocaust survivors.

If only he had a loicense, we could’ve prevented this!

even in the articles it says the cops didnt announce themselves and just shot up the building and then left.

they were probably gonna blame that on Wortman but got spotted


Another strange thing: in Ontario they sent a nuclear alert on your mobile phone that you can't turn off in the middle of the night for a missing child. It didn't matter where you were if you lived in the province you got these alerts, sometimes at 3am, sometimes multiple times. 99% of these were domestic disputes and they were extremely aggravating.
They use that so recklessly, yet in this case they only issue a warning on Twitter? Strange, no?