Friendly reminder that gay conservatives are your allies, whether your appreciate it or not. Many of us want to have loving same sex married families with the aid of a surrogate. Try to get to know us before you judge us!
Friendly reminder that gay conservatives are your allies, whether your appreciate it or not...
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Gay conservatives don't side with tranny nonsense
More like, we want to diddle your kids at schools with sex education so they become sexual degenerates.
Who said we do?
Not this faggot again
There are NO gay conservatives.
Being gay is not a contagious disease. Telling kids that gay people exist, how to have safe sex, and that you shouldn't bully people for being gay does not literally TURN anyone gay. That isn't how sexual orientation works, honey.
you lost me at the surrogate part kys
I'm more conservative than liberal and vote sometimes against my own social benefit because society is in an infinitely better position when the other terrible social issues associated with me being a fag aren't propagating. I wasnt born this way, I was conditioned, I'd love a way not to be gay, but it's insanely hard to overcome once the meme is implanted.
My children will be raised home-schooled and with a strong in-group nuclear family identity. They will be aware that they are gentile Christians, who reject Jewish influence and culture, including these obscene subversive social movements which seek to deconstruct traditional Western gentile Christian values.
Seethe harder faggots.
I'll let you fags live if you stop trying to be parents. As long as you fucking fags keep going after kids, I'll keep making nooses.
Yas Forums usually complains gay people don't have families but surrogates allow gay people to remain in same sex relationships and to have kids related to us biologically.
Because gay people would be completely normalized if most of us got married and had kids like heterosexuals do and then you couldn't scapegoat us for political gain?
>that pic
>our allies
No they can fuck off. If they were our allies they wouldn't be out in public waving their stupid pride shit around OR include the 'T' in LGBT
t. actual conservative faggot who keeps it to himself irl
Drop the T and the rainbow, then we can talk.
user the t is for tory, not trans! Most of us are not pro-trans anyways my uncle tom retard fren.
b-but i like the rainbow....
I thought the sign read
“ L G B i g o T r y “
>married and have kids
bible say man and woman not 2 fags taking cock up the ass
Most homosexuals have a need to pervert normalcy.
The word gay for example.
gay shouldn't be normalized. it is abnormal by the very definition of the world.
then you want to raise kids and fuck them up in the head just like you are.
gays raising kids should be child abuse.
a child is better off in a crack house than a gay household.
You're getting gassed, degenerate fuck. You don't get to demand shit, and children need a MOM and a DAD, so no fucking adoptions you kiddie diddler sicko
If you keep your mental illness to yourself you get to participate in civilized society. If you want to, maybe there can be some programs to help you get rid of the gay
Now fuck off you disease ridden pest
and the kids end up a fucking mess
no mother to learn from and build a vision of a wife and absorb how their father manages one
instead they have two dads, get bullied at school and often come home to get bummed because fags are pedos
Furthermore, homosexual paraphilia being normalized as a sexuality willl push these degenerate in search of a social cause to push for even more destructive behavior.
We need to cull the fag hags.
>That isn't how sexual orientation works, honey.
We don't know how it works but sex education which introduces kids to degeneracy can be the first step.
nice scapegoat image
Reminder that all fags get the noose
>if i repeat these lies which suit my self interest maybe people will believe them
there's zero evidence that sex education turns kids gays or that anything turns people gay other than being born that way
>imagine considering a faggot's opinion about anything
>there's zero evidence
I don't care about evidence, thinking in terms of potential cause-effect is sufficient in life very often. Basically, why even take the risk and condemn just one child to dark room clubs because they were taught pornography or masturbation at school.