Comfy anti-fascist thread

Comfy anti-fascist thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy your hartman celler act.

You post a pic from Inglorious Bastards? That movie was shitty pop culture fantasy. Nothing to do with WWII. I'm a classical liberal and I was rooting for the nazis to kill every one of those bastards.

GTFO with your anti-fascist larping.

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This is now a myPillow commercial advertisement thread.

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That is such a shitty name for a product.

I couldn't tell if this was going to turn into satire later or not.

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>/cuck general/

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its a great name proof is he is a millionare and your a faggot on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>uses anarcho communist flag
>worships a movie by the richest exploitingest capitalist group of all time in Hollywood

Why are these communists the biggest consoomers? It's always Harry Potter or Star Wars with them. I guess fiction is all they have since their system always has to be said "WELL IT WASN'T REAL COMMUNISM THAT FAILED MY IMAGINARY VERSION OF IT IS BETTER!"

Name another brand of pillow, no googling.

Sage goes in all fields anons.

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Lo as if "death to america" is not based.
Down with the eternal golem

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Moldylocks wanted to get her some "nazi scalps" (same line as used in the OP pic)

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They want to abolish your country and nation as well you idiot.

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Thread theme:

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Attached: andthenonedayfornoreasonatallultimate.jpg (1024x749, 142.19K)

Attached: Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten.png (651x2397, 545.14K)


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Fascism is the only way forward. Big tech companies cannot be trusted and must be corralled under the governments control.


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Based and Redpilled.

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Give me some duct tape I'll make you real comfy

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Why do antifascists always end up behaving like fascists?

>when retarded nazis cant argue so they just imagedump their redpilled folder
Kek, fighting for führers cause

>Zackary Randalls was on his first ride-along Tuesday as a newly hired Pacific Gas & Electric Co. employee, riding in the passenger seat of a company truck.

>That assignment came to a sudden and violent end: Randalls, 34, who lived in Clovis, was struck by bullets when gunman Kori Ali Muhammad allegedly fired a gun into the utility truck from the passenger side on Van Ness Avenue. Randalls later died at Community Regional Medical Center.

Being an "anti racist/anti fascist" didn't save this guy from a murderous white hating black supremacist.

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women lmao

>it's not the Jews, it's the capitalists!

They're Jewish OP.

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You're useful idiots for the establishment.

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>when your Jewish revenge fantasy goes so overboard you make the Nazis you hate noble and virtuous

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faggot movie, faggot OP

>Posts a Jewish Hollywood fake fictional movie

Wow! Really showed all those nonexistent "Nazis." Lol, try harder, rabbi. You kikes are terrible at your job.