What shall we do with these people?
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The cost of being trans:
>Has a gaping wound where his dick was and lives in constant pain
Ignore them. Never interact with them. Make them outcast lepers of society. This is what will work if used by enough people. Just. Ignore them.
Accept them.
this. i got a tranny at my work and i never even look at it i pretend it does not exist
Imagine giving a fuck about your credit. I haven’t given a shit about my credit in 10 years since it was so obvious this was all coming
>im afraid
Then die
also i say hi and smile at everyone EXCEPT the tranny
You tell me.
Is it implying that it cant check its mail because of PTSD?
POST PICs, maybe we can PIMP you....sorry Help you
>Im too scared of seeing my name to check the mail
Ah, so this is trans fragility
What a headcase
Can't anyone do a legal name change at any time then just show that to the companies who you have bills with?
un-fucking-believable that people get sympathy and get away with saying crap like that
>also i say hi and smile at everyone EXCEPT the tranny
I fucking love this guy
Covid them!
You know what to do.
>What shall we do with these people?
they should be hung to be completely frank
it aint much but it needs to be done
at the heart of it i just wish these people could be healthy
Pretty much this. Laugh at them for being the pathetic waste of DNA that they are. Tell anyone who tries to make you be a cheerleader for degenerate freaks to fuck off.
If you do have to interact with them, don’t play along with their mental illness. If it’s a dude, call it him.
If you are afraid of a name you are psycho and unstable. Stable people, even if they are trannies, can accept past and move forward.
What do you mean? This is what America is all about. This is what American schools produce.
Send them a package that contains a Penthouse magazine, a mirror and a rope.
its a fat dude with a huge ass and hips tits and facial hair with girls hair looks like a freak. i think its on hormons because its body is fucking weird and gross
you give these weak faggots too much credit. most are too pussy to actually have the surgery. they just get their name changed and start cross dressing
>Not saying 'Alright, fella?' when you see a man in a dress.
Imagine a woman being this pants-on-head retarded about getting mail with her dad's or ex husband's last name
We need to bring back institutions for these people. It's kinder than forcing them into the real world.
As someone with legit anxiety issues, seeing pussy shits like this kinda makes my social anxiety go away a bit. I want to beat its ass among a crowd of people for being a spoiled rotten bitch. Fucking Veruca Saltly cunt.
There are loads of people, not just trannies, who need to be institutionalized the rest of their lives. It's kind of ridiculous just how many psychos are out walking around with ultimate freedom.
it does not wear a dress it looks like this
>Liberals have made themselves so wrapped up in horseshit mental issues they can't function normally and do basic tasks.
>Don't believe in meritocracy because that's ableist
>Recruit people based on identity politics, >become absolutely incompetent
Wait, why should I care? If they WERE competent high-IQ, well organized AND also communists it'd be way, way worse.
My father died 8 years ago. I still get bills in his name. I guess I should kill myself and apply for welfare.
Just wait til they kill themselves.
reported to canadian mounted counter-bigotry task force.
I have a live-and-let-live attitude towards trans people and really don't think about them at all. I have libertarian leanings and think that people should be free to do what they wish for the most part, which includes gay marriage and dressing like a girl and prancing about if that makes you happy. But I do think there is an obvious agenda to push this shit on people (esp. youth) that goes beyond advocating tolerance.
There is a trans "girl" in my neighborhood. We moved here 6 months ago and he constantly tries to befriend me and my wife. I find him to be very weird, somewhat creepy and very awkward be around. Without fail he will appear when I am returning from walking my dog. His house has security cameras and I honestly believe he sees when we leave or are in the yard and comes out. His "husband" is a divorced guy who is about as normal as you could imagine. It's fucking bizarre and I have to stifle my laughter/grimace everything he refers to his "wife" as "my lady" or "my girl". This is my first real interaction with a trans person and it isn't going so well.
change your name to your dad's name and become trans-generational.
Because of that I have been sent to a labor camp.
The work will set me free.
imagine living inside this bubble of delusion where literally nothing in your life is your own fault
Boohoo tranny, find a proper job and actual things to worry about.
Re Education, via Pence Pulse
>oh no
>I seem to have purposely cut off my hands
>now I can't feed myself or wipe my own ass
>woe is me
>The cost of being mentally ill
Put them against the wall
cool dont care, heil hitler
cut their head instead of their cock
Do not humor these people. Do not fall into their mind games. Reject it completely, do not even acknowledge that it is real, because it's not.
>Not identifying as dead just to make your parents suffer
The true cost of being trans is an eternity burning in hell.
wow it's like moving.
you aren't trans, you're in progress to one of two other genders. trans is ephemeral, not a goal, stop identifying as it.