Timelines crossed over again

Umm guys...? Just a few months ago mandela effect thread showed me it was actually Chic-Fil-A all this time. Now I can't find that and it is all Chick-Fil-A. Have I crossed into your timeline or did we all cross over and that is why 2020 is so fucked?

Attached: Timeline crossover proof.gif (693x390, 28.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You're still in the timeline when Moonman was the McDonalds mascot up until the 2010s?

Attached: moonman.gif (360x270, 1.21M)

someone watch 1989 batman and tell me if its the same pls... ive watched it a thousand times and cant remember it as i rewatched two days ago

Easy mandela project while you are stuck at home doing nothing. Try binge watching anything with captions. Repeat a whole series again and again. Make it your daily life ritual until you remember every conversations in it. Make sure the captions hard coded. You will begin to notice that the captions keeps changing every time. First you will dismiss it, but then you got confused because this things keeps happening.

ok wtf. I always call bullshit on these threads. but I know for certain it's always been Chic-Fil-A. I've never been prescribed meds, can I have some now?

this one just fucked me up dawg

I grew up with it Chick, then got convinced I was wrong and told all my friends about it. Now it is back to Chick


There is no such thing as multiple timelines. There is different projection feeds.

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It has definitely been Chick for at least the last 10 years. I had this moment 10 years ago and it has been chick ever since. I also could have swore it was Chic but again that was 10 years ago.

i brought a photo from the other timeline

Attached: Chic+Fil+A+nuggets.jpg (810x455, 45.38K)

Lol wtf it was definitely CHIC, that’s why I pronounced it the fancy French way, like Tarjay instead of target

WTF? I always thought it was Chik-Fil-A

Were all going to live forever aren’t we :(


Type Chic fil a in google, when you searched for it it shows www.chic-fil-a.com, but then when you click on it it takes you to the website with the k

Attached: cuck-fil-a.jpg (1200x630, 145.65K)

>ALICE experiments
Anyone else notice that the Alice in Wonderland book is now called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but almost every adaption to film/stage/etc. is still called Alice in Wonderland? Has the book always has “Alice’s Adventures” in the title? I read it when I was younger but don’t remember that being the title.

In my timeline Donald Martinez is a mullato.

>Has the book always has “Alice’s Adventures” in the title?

NO WTF It was Chic-fil-a wtfffffff I honestly just screamed.

Wait.. it's not Chic-fillet anymore?

simply fucking EPIC my dude. as far as fast food goes, chick fila is the least cuck. they literally hate fags and only hire QT white girls. they instill manners and christian values, meanwhile you are obsessed with cuckoldry.

welp i just crossed again I guess. I member

Well good. I hope I’m just misremembering it.

You being retarded doesn't mean you broke quantum physics

ummm, guys......


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It was always Chick.

Seriously I am telling you right now, it has been Chick-fil-a at least for the past 10 years or so. It is your mind playing tricks on you.

Maybe it was Chic in the 80's or 90's but not in the 2010's

>now called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Because that was the original title of the book, as written by Carroll and sold by publisher Macmillan.


that was back in january, for january only.

You're just an idiot stoner

Attached: History_Dwarf-House.jpg (518x448, 166.93K)

literally neither
Has ALWAYS been Chik-fil-A

the spelling you fucking moron

I'm just always afraid of New Zealand, and whether it'll be northeast or southeast of Australia this time. I would have sworn on a stack of Bibles it was southeast of Australia. Then, there were mandela effect threads, and the fucker moved northeast. Now, it's back southeast again. I'm legit worried about where New Zealand is located right now

I think you got lost on the way to /x/. This has been happening a lot lately.

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I was listening to Let it Be by the Beatles and it didn’t sound right. The guitar solo sounded different.

What are you talking about? It was always Chik-fil-A

they literally cucked to twitter faggots and stopped donating to the salvation army because trannies got mad. stay uninformed, faggot

It does not matter if it is Chic-fil-a, Chik-fil-a or Chick-fil-a.

It is important to eat chicken and ignore symbols.

album version vs single version

Between the Anthologies there are several different takes bud

It absolutely isn’t c and k. I know it was a fucked up spelling with 100% certainly otherwise I’d have spelled it easily and it’s always been weird so I never learned it properly


I hate 100% of people over the age of 40.

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Hearty kek


The jew fears the retrocausality "anti-semite".

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Is it not shite now?

Shazam movie really got me with this. I was 100% sure that was where I knew of the comedian sinbad from. I was watching a always sunny episode and knew the actor in it was sinbad from the movie. Later find out there is no such movie. tried to figure out where else I could know sinbad from, turns out he was in nothing else I had seen. Very fucken strange. Another couple people mention have flipped back for me as well.

Attached: Chick Fil A.jpg (543x781, 116.5K)

oh wow, an article about free nuggets got fucked up somehow. this is surely the work of CERN

I’m from Turk-Fila timeline. We ate the same amount of turkey as you guys eat chicken, we only really had chicken for thanksgiving and lunch meat on sandwiches. I’ve been here since 2014.

newfag get OUT

The whole reason they made a new Shazam movie was because oldShazam was getting too much attention on the internet

pit turkey is kino, I'd be down for that timeline

It was for a FACT

I live next to one and I worked at one as a teenager, no fucking way

I've noticed Atlus Games switch between Atlus and Atlas four or five times now since i started paying attention to it.

I have a text with my mom where I spelled Chic fil a, from just a few days ago

Tend to agree with the exception of a few libertarians. Boomers are mostly brain damaged retards from their decades of drug use and frankly most gen Xers aren't much better.
What's left of the silent generation HATE the boomers.

Hass (short vowel) avocados. The fruit and the guy who first grafted the trees. Bullshit. It was always Haas for me. It might be editing history, timelines or gaslighting op or whatever but metaphysical or not, something's changed.