The Trump administration is considering cutting back on sharing intelligence with countries that criminalize...

The Trump administration is considering cutting back on sharing intelligence with countries that criminalize homosexuality. It is an effort led by the acting director of national intelligence, Richard Grenell, to prod those nations to change their laws.


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Grenell is an actual faggot

Trumpcucks will still defend this



Literally GLOBOHOMO agenda...

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Why do discord like get posted here so much like people are gonna click them?

Discord trannies are resilient, like herpes

The Saudis are our main asset in the Middle East for intelligence. They cooperated much more with us on the ground than the Israelis do.
this is dumb.

This is genuinely some evil, jewish shit.

We shouldn’t share shit with anyone

Could this just be 5d chess against the saudis?

Yeah we should keep our jewish herpes to ourselves. Unfortunately we're a golem and have no say in the matter.

literally become the libs to own the libs

Any American want to dispute that their nation is not the great satan?

It's okay to be gay

Keep coping, Ameriniggers. (You) ARE the globohomo world order. The most liberal, pozzed, degeneracy spreading country in the entire fucking world. Just because you have the 1st amendment and can sit in little echochambers about JQ stuff to delude yourself how based and right-wing you are, doesn't mean it's true at all.

Grenell is also a Bolton and Haley tier giga Zionist brown noser. I mean, he IS used to licking ass.

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>with countries that criminalize homosexuality
Like what countries?

>sharing intelligence
They can't share what they don't have.

So, basically they don't trust arabs with intelligence?

Saudi Arabia and rest of the muzzies. Russians go along the lines of protecting children and traditional family values so I doubt it would be included.

Degeneracy = capitalism.

>Christians will still defend this

If you think butt fucking is more important than foreign relations you are a fag

>not an economy power anymore
>not leading technological innovation and advances anymore
>globally wounded and diminished reputation
>geopolitically challenged by chinks and ruskies
>Even camel herder desert Arabs destroying their oil industry

Imma just spread degeneracy and abomination to the world.

America was a fucking mistake

What countries?
This is a complete guess: It might be a convenient excuse to reduce intel to Saudi Arabia.

Conservative fans are unironically good for the economy. They adopt children, buy expensive cars/clothes/houses, redecorate often, get AIDS and are much more enjoyable bosses than useless, gossipy cunts.

Israel would be more than happy to fill that vacuum. It’s literally nothing to them as they share a common enemy (Iran and isis) while give them a huge diplomacy advantage as Saudis are the religious pillar of the Muslim world

its literally just a backdoor way to pressure saudi arabia to stop glutting the oil market with oil you dumb faggot

neither did the creator when he made mankind


Whatever helps you sleep at night trumpcuck

So the saudis, rest of middle-east and russia
how is this bad?
the fag thing is just a clever excuse.

Grenell is a homo, he is only doing this out of personal interest. CORRUPT!

Good. If we're gonna spread depopulation propaganda to our nation, the rest of the world has to go down with us.

Poland, Russia, muzzies and China

Attached: globo homo.png (1272x1226, 334.68K)

Hasn't Trump sucked off a tranny before and gotten his ass nailed by one?