Why has Yas Forums all of a sudden turned almost completely blackpill doomer?
I notice a drastic change in the energy of this board, Gone are the days when you were all convinced that the future was bright and Trump was the solution to everything.
Gone are the days when you had endless hope in various right-wing community ideas.
Now don't get me wrong, I find Yas Forums more pragmatic now than it has been in a very long time, but I wonder what made all of you see the light.
No, not the light.
The darkness.
Why has Yas Forums all of a sudden turned almost completely blackpill doomer?
It is easier to hate than to love. Not only easier, but more effective too. We tried to become more socially acceptable and push things onto the mainstream, but it turns out that it was pointless. The only real change comes from small cells deployed all over the world, not bothering with optics or converting others.
Shills bro. They finally got us
Because not even Trump can save us
Nobody is getting out of this shit on one piece
All the positivity came from a straya who is no longer with us. in the flesh
This country is already dead. No one is coming to save you. The sooner people accept that, the better.
It’s just like what a certain man once said about revolution being a spectator sport
I feel the virus and uncertainty of the worlds economy and monetary system have brought hope back to many anons that the world can still change and that the system in place is more fragile than we thought.
I think people are starting to absorb the trauma of having the internet we know and love be destroyed platform by platform until there is just a few places with true freedom left
I knew embracing Trump was the end of Yas Forums. Sure he was the better choice between him and Hillary but unironic embrace of jewish neocohens, globalists, and AIDS-ridden fags like Milo.
Because Trump turned out to be just another kike loving neocon faggot. And the Charlottesville false flag shit killed any real right wing, grassroots nationalism.
Cthulu only swims left.
>turned out
Anyone who actually believed he would spark some kind of revolution is retarded or a boomer. He was/is controlled opposition - nothing more.
Influx of corporate bots and partisan shills. Something bad is afoot and (((they)))re pulling out all the stops to confuse, misdirect, demoralize, and obfuscate.
Its astroturfing by shills and doomer faggots who are upset their Coronavirus isn't a plague. Now we just have a shitty flu and Democrats going mental with power.
They all came here when r/incels was banned
Lockdown isolation made me take the waifupill
no waifu no laifu
A closer look at how shitty the world is overall will do that to the best Obama-hope-changer.
This is the end my friends.
Of course, but back in 2016 a lot of anons unironically thought he would be diet Hitler. Anyone who said otherwise got called a shill.
He's not perfect but thank fuck we didn't get Hillary
Its crazy how relatively quiet twitter and the bloggerists have been lately. Even their tiny reptile brains know a storm is coming.
Yes, I did notice how the internet is eerily quiet these days. it's very strange.
Especially if you compare that to the 2000s and how people were obsessed with this doomer theory and that doomer theory. There was so much intensity with that stuff.
But now, there is silence.
Thanks to the boomers. The same "if-you-disagree-with-me-you're-a-shill" nonsense continues to happen on this board
They arent even celebrating the end of capitalism or whatever it is they wish for constantly. I mean what better time to pull themselves up by the boostraps and save us all? Yet nothing.
We must contnue to post optimistic but pragmatic threads. A bong last night posted an excellent thread. We need more like his. We need to march towards an objective rather than allow the shills to get us down.
Never forget that this is a battle, a struggle, and we have a responsibility to ourselves as well as future generations to do something. Be the change you want to see on this board.
There was a good thread the other day with a screencapped post about how certain people and content just vanish from the internet. Either these days or stuff from the old internet that vanishes one by one.
I have no explanation for it. It is very strange that hordes and hordes of people who previously made a lot of noise all of a sudden almost completely shut the fuck up. Where do they go?
>leaf posting
>*tap*a *tap*a *tap*a
>Yas Forums is not the a black pill wormhole
>blackpill doesn't lead to fighting demons
Take the God/Salvation/Christ/HolyPill
Maybe the most subversive way of manipulating someone is to tell him how he feels.
Money dried up. They aren't getting paid to shill
halp i so demoralized halp
it's the pornos
massive "crisis" unfolding around us at all times. People are so scared they cant think. People who can think, find reasons to be scared. Repeat. Society is in a permanent state of semi-shock.
If Yas Forums wasnt blackpilled right now, it wouldnt be Yas Forums